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Everything posted by Morch

  1. What that poster does not understand is how do you know that the bombing is random. I think you have no clue as to that, and fail to apply basic logic to your posts. There are not many bomb shelters to shelter in, on the Gaza Strip. Guess who didn't build them? The same people who do deny the general populace the safety of their own bunkers and tunnels. The same people who call on the citizens of Gaza to remain at homes and face the bombs. As per your last bit - do you actually believe this was not taken into account? Does your military expertise and tactical insight favor taking armored vehicles into narrow streets? You know, the sort of places where maneuvering is limited and ambushing foes got more opportunities?
  2. Hamas said to tell Moscow it’s looking for 8 Russians among hostages, will free them https://www.timesofisrael.com/hamas-said-to-tell-moscow-its-looking-for-8-russians-among-hostages-will-free-them/ Tell me who your friends are....
  3. Israeli troops clear Gaza areas 'slice by slice', but is this an invasion? https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-67248454 Again, same thing as said before - not quite an invasion, but.
  4. Here's a report about an interview with a former Israeli general (currently advising the Minister of Defense) - looks like the interpretation of whether or not is permissible has also to do with how the situation is defined. According to this, Israel does have a 'right' to attack, but. Ex-general: Allow a brief ceasefire and aid to enter Gaza, but only if Red Cross visits hostages and Shifa is evacuated https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/ex-general-allow-a-brief-ceasefire-and-aid-to-enter-gaza-but-only-if-red-cross-visits-hostages-and-shifa-is-evacuated/ Shifa is the hospital under which Hamas HQ is located. As for the ceasefire - what he suggests seems reasonable enough, but doubt Hamas will go for it. On other reports (sorry - bits from Arabic and Hebrew media, will post English link when one comes up, usually a day or two) - word is that Hamas was playing for time at negotiations, apparently feeling time on their side. The current Israeli troop incursion and communications cutoff of the Gaza Strip aimed at pressuring Hamas on hostage deal, and keeping option for quick action if these fail.
  5. What would Iran gain from getting involved in war right now? The economy would collapse. The populace even more restive. Their pet toy in Lebanon would be crushed. Both bad for a regime focused first and foremost on survival and maintaining power. On the gains front there's little of real value - other than prestige and posturing. If they can spin it somehow as to be able to claim some 'win' etc. it should be enough. Doubt they will directly interfere on behalf of Hamas. Harassing Israel and USA forces by supported outfits, yes.
  6. Valid? If you say so. There was actually more on that included in my post. I would also add that their Israel and Palestine Director is hardly an unbiased, objective person.
  7. Well, you noticed that the incident referred to was analyzed and researched by several Western intel services (and let's not forget the might NYT!). So maybe in this sense, the world is watching.
  8. I should think not. And at any rate, a very bad PR move, even if they 'don't care' about civilian casualties.
  9. I suggest you write your government and demand they severe relations. While on it, file another complaint about.... Australia lists all of Hamas as a terrorist group https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/australia-lists-all-hamas-terrorist-group-2022-03-04/
  10. That's not not close to true even if using Hamas supplied casualty figures.
  11. Would you like some extra fries with that?
  12. This is a bit off topic, but I do wish there was an option to attach something like a ringtone to posts. I keep getting this stuck in my head when you comment.
  13. Hmm...de facto, looks like the ground offensive is on. Sort of. They are not calling it quite that. No full mobilization of troops to the Gaza Strip. But ground forces in significant (not super large) numbers are still there (unlike the previous two days). In interviews, they refrained from committing, but talked about 'modular raids' conducted according to intel and operational needs. Maybe a preliminary move, maybe applying pressure on Hamas to push hostage negotiations. Maybe by avoiding calling it an 'invasion', 'ground move', 'offensive' or whatever they leave enough wiggle room for Hezbollah and Iran not to interfere without losing too much face.
  14. As I understand it, Israel would not have the right to attack the hospital if you're talking about a 'regular' rocket. That's where 'proportional' goes in. If it was a Hollywood movie, and a nuclear missile - a different story. But then you'd have Super-Biden (look for the image) come and pluck it at the last second.
  15. NYT: Arab, Western officials back Israel’s assertion that Hamas stockpiled food, fuel as Gaza residents go without https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/nyt-arab-western-officials-back-israels-assertion-that-hamas-stockpiled-food-fuel-as-gaza-residents-go-without/ The usual suspects will be coming along soon with the expected deflection, denials and spins....
  16. Probably correct. I think the release was more to demonstrate what Hamas is doing.
  17. Have you been in contact with Hamas? What say they?
  18. How about stopping the rocket fire, releasing the hostages and waving a white flag?
  19. Probably much more practical and useful than either the sub, or the frigate.
  20. Ok, so ask them to send the supplies back.
  21. I think we were laughing at you, rather than the NYT....but maybe it was just me. Notice that I didn't post any link to the NYT.....you made that up as well. Unlike you, I don't need to check who Sand is, what are his irrelevant credentials or how highly (pffft) he's regarded. I'm also quite aware of his political background. Could you possibly limit your nonsense to the topic at hand? As in the OP?
  22. As said before, on these here topics addressing the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, drawing the Sand card is usually an act of desperation. Even if one took him semi-seriously, disregard his political views or scientific BS - it still wouldn't have much bearing on the topic at hand. It's just an off-topic deflection, derailing the topic thing.
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