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Everything posted by Morch

  1. Be that as it may, I think it's quite obvious who are the trolls on this topic, and (generally) which 'side' they 'support'. In a sense, your comments regarding posters echo a popular sentiment on current events comments - that Israel should be better than that etc. But i do agree with most of what you posted. As for the 'revenge' angle - I would be surprised if it wasn't present on troops level. Many are sure to know people who were murdered on 7/10, friends of friends and so on. So for many it's personal, which makes it more emotional and maybe harder to control. On policy making level, though - I don't think it's quite that. If one considers this an issue, then a good thing that most Gazan civilians evacuated - that way such sentiments are more likely to be taken out on Hamas men - and with that, zero issues.
  2. All of your nonsense posting amounts to one thing - Israel Bad. You do not have anything on offer other than that. Nada.
  3. I'll give you that point scoring is maybe only comes third place for you. Right after flaming and deflecting. You are offered arguments against your position on plenty of posts. You do not address them, but deflect, twist and move goal posts. You do, however, seem to have a very good opinion of yourself. Sadly (or not) it is not share by many (or even most) participants.
  4. You do not speak for all of us. You do not seem to seem to have learned anything much either. Pretty much the same all along the topic. A whole lot of vitriol, faux emo, deflections and so on. Relatively little on topic. Almost nothing on offer as per events other than repeating the same few messages on loop.
  5. Most of what you do on these topics got nothing to do with 'learning', though. And by your own definition, you are small minded.
  6. Well, you cited Sand, who's not an 'expert'. The other poster cited someone from the other side of the political map.....and so on.
  7. Maybe it would be better is posters on both 'sides' could make their own arguments without resorting to words of others, or hyping them when it suits.
  8. Yeah, maybe that's one reason linking social media is frowned upon on news topics...?
  9. Deflect what? The poster didn't bother linking anything that could be debated. He made a claim bases on something he said he saw. Given his posting history on this topic, no need to take his words for granted. And, if the Israeli Ambassador behaved like an *ss (he often does), how's that news or central to the topic?
  10. Would have been more appropriate to provide a link to a full interview rather than an edited bit. If that lifted from AJ or something? Also, that's Marc 'river-to-the-sea' Lemont Hill there, so the drama and rudeness are to be expected. Not the most impartial of news hosts etc. To the point - it goes back to people's perceptions of what's allowed vs. what is allowed.
  11. Taking it slow might not be an option - not with a hostage situation that's going nowhere, nor with Hamas military/terrorist capabilities intact. Add that such a strategy would have been almost certainly been interpreted as weakness inviting other attacks from various players - thus potentially putting more Israeli lives in danger, and expanding the scope of the conflict. I don't think that there are good answers, or a fail proof policy. This isn't quite like America going into Iraq - in this here scenario there aren't too many doubts who's responsible, where they went and so on.
  12. There are plenty of posts on here detailing respective versions of sins and woes. A whole lot of that all over the internet too. Doubt there a whole lot of need to rehash this several times on each and every one of these parallel topics.
  13. The issue is less with the attack per se - but with what it involved. Fighting and violence in a context of an ongoing long term conflict is one thing, mostly 'acceptable' as a tit-for-tat feature. The atrocities and hostage taking made it into something else. It makes the background less relevant - as it doesn't justify the level of evil displayed.
  14. I accept that the Israeli Ambassador to the UN is a manner-less *ick. That said, not having seen (and not bothered enough to check - he's a has been nobody), no inclined to take @Neeranam's word for it either. Doesn't have much bearing about the OP (or about anything, really).
  15. The Hamas is not into that. The PA cannot deliver. Israel's right wingers are not into it. Israel center-left can't deliver either. Your promises that all will be well are not grounded in anything much, least of all reality.
  16. Detained terrorists admit Hamas using hospitals to shield themselves https://www.ynetnews.com/article/bkrxjhcf6#autoplay
  17. They always do this lumping together of casualties, highlighting children and women, much less details on men in fighting age, or Hamas members. So saying 8000 (or whatever) civilians....I think that includes non-civilians as well. Same goes for deaths not directly related to the fighting etc.
  18. Cellular, internet service gradually returning to Gaza — report https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/cellular-internet-service-gradually-returning-to-gaza-report/
  19. I'm not engaged in wholesale denial of casualty figures. I agree that the dead number in the thousands. What I disagree with is embracing these figures without addressing obvious questions regarding them. If, for example, these figures include all the Hamas men that died on (or shortly after) the 7/10 attack - that would represent 1500-3000 casualties. Quite a lot relative to the overall figures offered.
  20. Detained terrorists admit Hamas using hospitals to shield themselves https://www.ynetnews.com/article/bkrxjhcf6#autoplay Not that there was much doubt about this....
  21. Cellular, internet service gradually returning to Gaza — report https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/cellular-internet-service-gradually-returning-to-gaza-report/
  22. According to Hamas controlled sources. There is no indication if this includes Hamas men killed (during or after the 7/10 attack), there's no mention of male age groups. There's no accounting for naturally occurring deaths as well during the fighting. There's a great lose of life, for sure. Citing Hamas provided figures is a choice, though.
  23. Same source, the Hamas controlled Health Ministry at Gaza. Aid groups etc. Similarly, aid group and organization working in Gaza need to play ball or else. I do not doubt thousands die - but do question the total figures and the breakdown.
  24. A day after Palestinian militant group Hamas launched its brutal attack on Israel, a curious video emerged out of Tehran’s Azadi stadium. Hundreds of soccer fans, gathered to watch a match between Perspolis FC and Gol Gohar Sirjan FC, chanted in unison: “Shove the Palestinian flag up your a**.” The vulgar protest came in response to officials attempting to raise a Palestinian flag in the stadium to show support for the October 7 attack. But for the fans, it was another unwelcome mixing of politics and soccer, and a stark reminder of the Iranian government’s involvement in proxy battles in far-flung arenas. https://edition.cnn.com/2023/10/27/middleeast/iran-may-not-want-full-war-israel-mime-intl/index.html
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