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Everything posted by Morch

  1. Anyone can buy arms on the black market, plenty of America, Russian, North Korean, Iranian arms about. That doesn't imply support. If a country actually supplies arms to another country/organization that would be counted as support. Not too complicated.
  2. They were attack by Iranian backed/supplied forces. They attacked back. Not sure what you're confused about.
  3. I think I'm done bothering with clips you link. You've already wasted enough of my time with stuff that wasn't there. But as I'm somewhat familiar with Levy's work and point of view, I doubt it's much more than the usual waffle. Even if one wished to adopt his point of view, it could certainly be argued as one interpretation of many, rather than being a written in stone thing. He says what you want to hear, so you assert it's a 'very good' explanation. That's not much of a recommendation.
  4. US forces were attacked first. Try to keep up.
  5. Maybe the brave Hamas warriors could switch places with them Palestinian kids....? Nah, silly.
  6. Interesting. Hamas leaders called on their own people to remain in their homes and face the full wrath of the Israeli assault. They did this while they themselves were protected and safe - in fortified bunkers under Gaza, and at luxury hotels in the Gulf. What do you think they stand for?
  7. https://aseannow.com/topic/1310238-un’s-antónio-guterres-calls-for-immediate-ceasefire-to-end-‘epic-suffering’-in-gaza/page/2/#comment-18453904
  8. Thank you. Not too surprising (and even mentioned in the link provided). The two instances of hostages released intensified public debate about priorities etc. (as in dismantling Hamas vs. releasing the hostages). The realization that the two options are going to be hard to reconcile is sipping through. Someone would need to take tough choices. It doesn't, however, indicate people are against a ground attack per se. Support for the government and Netanyahu has been relatively low even before the war, now its plummeting.
  9. Deflect away. And still a lie it was 'the UN', regardless.
  10. Ask yourself. You're doing it all over the topic vs. other posters.
  11. I did not call for Gaza to be turned into a parking lot. I did not assert this was Israeli policy - quite the opposite. You're simply lie and twist words. It's all you've got.
  12. It would be nice if you could stop moving the goalposts. Not holding my breath.
  13. You seem fine with vile insinuations toward other members. Kinda like your thing. Disgusting. Don't see you having that many issues with the Palestinians' own leadership not giving a hoot.
  14. Israel managed it's harshest war (1948) while under a US arms embargo. The US was not always as supportive of Israel as you try to paint. And the flip side would be that Arab armies, even while heavily supported by the USSR, did not manage to defeat Israel. Never mind the Palestinians. Funny you mention that basket - do tell where the Palestinians place theirs? Who's stable support did they manage to secure?
  15. With the more serious media outlets taking care to point out and/or qualify the source. You do not do that, naturally.
  16. He's not going into anywhere near a combat zone, though. It's more for morale , PR and maybe some HQ command stuff (he served on the same elite unite as Netanyahu did). Notice the guy in blue shirt on the left? That's a security guard, state provided for former PMs.
  17. That's not 'the UN' though, but a committee of. If you'd bother reading your own link, you'll note country members (UK, Australia) objecting to its very existence, and calling it one sided and unhelpful. The usual dishonest, misleading fare from you.
  18. Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip. And the Sinai Peninsula. Southern Lebanon too. Them facts...
  19. Twist away - you're perfectly aware that had nothing to to with what I said.
  20. 75 years, and Israel is still there. You even complain it's growing... And, of course, the Hamas wasn't around back then. The PLO,, on the other hand, was kicked from Jordan and Lebanon by military action. That's not such a far-fetched goal.
  21. That would be a casualty figure supplied by the Ministry Health in Gaza? The one controlled by Hamas? Let's do this bit again, the one in which you claim not to spread Hamas propaganda?
  22. Ok, you don't see it that way. But you are a private observer. Its more relevant how involved parties, or those waiting on the sidelines, see things. As said more than once, it's a different neighborhood, not allowing for that when analyzing and assessing situations is a choice. Yeah, I see 'carpet bombing' being tossed about in the media. People should get a clue. What you're seeing is not it. If Israel was 'carpet bombing' the Gaza Strip, it would have been a parking lot by now, and there would be way more dead Gazans. What you see is a fraction of the mayhem an actual 'carpet bombing' would entail. I think it's bad enough without going into hyperbole mode or using loaded, misleading terms. Allow me to guess that you're not an expert in aerial warfare, a trained combat pilot or something of the sort? Then how would you know? Bombing in urban areas is like that. War is ugly. If you compare similar campaigns by the USA, Russia or whomever, it's all pretty much the same. If you ink that poll, I will address your comment. Out of context, it's meaningless.
  23. Complains about games and deflections. Goes on to make a bogus simplistic analogy.
  24. Daniel Levy bangs about the same stuff on and on. He does not actually offer viable means as to how goals are to be achieved - usually concentrating on rather 'theoretical' concepts. Oh, and of course, Israel Bad, USA Bad, the West Bad. Nothing particularly new, original or realistic. What he talks about is more on the level of tectonic changes in USA and Israel party that may lead to something. This is largely irrelevant from a political point of view, does not address current issues, and basically removes accountability from other regional players (mostly Iran and the Palestinians).
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