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    San Sai

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  1. The police should be rounding up all off leash dogs and euthanising them all. The dogs are disease carrying blight on village life.
  2. Are you saying pallies are human?
  3. Who on earth wants to save them? Let natural selection take care of the situation.
  4. The WHO called Australia racist for closing our borders to China at the star of covid.
  5. He had an AlQaeda training manual, and had been flagged 3 times to an online terrorist hotline.
  6. During the Hamas invasion of Israel by Islamic savages it is confirmed that they raped the dead bodies of the dead white girls they had murdered. When they took the bodies back to Gaza they were hailed as heroes. This guy will be a hero in prison to his fellow muslims.
  7. 106 here in San Sai and it's only January. Dry here, no rain for more than a month. Forests will go up soon.
  8. That conviction will be overturned on appeal. That'll really get you snowflakes wailing. Just take a moment to consider the future. 4 years of Trump followed by 8 years of Vance🥳🥳🥳Oh joy!
  9. Bull<deleted> exscuses. The four top leaders of the LA Fire Dept are lesbians with Harvard Degrees in DEI. They failed.
  10. Lot of Democrat losers on here, who are still in the anger stage of the grief cycle🤣
  11. Great news. Has the ICC indicted the Ayatollah,Assad the, leaders of the Pla, Hamas Hezbollah , the leaders of Qatar who help Iran finance the terrorists, the list goes on. No , just the leaders of the only democracy in the ME which was brutally invaded on Oct7. Well done USA!
  12. And we know that the majority of the civilians in Gaza support Hamas. Israel should deport them all to Jordan' where they originated, and annex Gaza. Racist slur removed by admin

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