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Olav Seglem

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Everything posted by Olav Seglem

  1. See lot of negativity on this question, but dont understand why 🙂 when i met my wife 17 years ago i liked to send her money when i returned home. Didnt know how much and did hear "all kind og stories from all places". So where should be a better place asking for honest, serious answer than on this forum ?? 🙂
  2. Have you experienced sosialism ?? Look at scandinavia-topping all polls. Always changing, period sosialism, period conservative, period sosialism/center, period conservative center etc. And everybody gets happy 🙂
  3. Ask a "normal" thai what he think about cost of living 🙂 Easy for us who our normal pensions, here we are considered rich 🙂. And then you have ability to communicate, pollution, crime, corruption, alcohol and drug misuse etc. Sorry, still think have room for improvement 😉
  4. Nato have backed the us when they came crying for help, so smart help good neighbours insted of ungrateful cowarding "allie" 🙂 And, just as info, europe have GIVEN 50% more then us has providing as loan with interest that wiĺl be loan sharks wet dream 🙂
  5. Europe must stop talk and start acting. And as first issue (politely) ask US to get the <deleted> out and clise the door. Europe can take take out russia any day of the week with one hand on the back. Technology and morals much higher then in russian army. The important is provide ukraine with arms and money, so not being dictated. Europe supplied ukraine with 50% more than US, WITHOUT demanding triple up in return 🙂
  6. Buy them all and put in the trash where they rightky belong 🙂 (my symphaty to the teash bins)
  7. Also paid my thai income tax in buriram and share your experience (exept the lunch) 🙂 Also received "tax payment certificate" and " cerfificate of residence", document needed for deduction in norwegian tax. And no- we dont get "ripped off" with our rax, we pay our share to make our country as "good as possible" 🙂 Most find thats ok, but guess all of us sometimes find "government spendings hard to understand" 😉
  8. Number 1: Dont wear t shirt not knowing symbol. Number 2: Her, yes, i would walk ut to her and tell her what it mean and advice on what to do. Number 3: I would tell what (luckily) a owerwhelming majority in "western world" would think of her if they see her dressed like that 🙂
  9. Actually, been working in norwegian bank for 41 yrs. Yes, for cash deposit over certain amounts specially. And we ask the customer how he got the money. Been so for at least 10 years. It is all about "knowing your customer" and "cash tracing" specially for customers you dont positively know. And-on the bright side- good something being done to fight corruption 🙂
  10. Thailands international image more destroyed by this act than by 1000 news stories about thai bar gils 😞
  11. Off course, a thai would never dream of doing such despictable act??? 😉
  12. When i pay my income tax go thailand i automatic get "Certificate of residence" and "Tax payment certificate" both in english in return 🙂
  13. Almost in line with the US on the "most shameful and digusting foreign policy" award 😞
  14. But strange: They could walk up to him and ask if needed help 99% sure he has some kind of problem and needed help. Instead they prioritize video and posting..... Sick world ??? 🙂
  15. There is a tax agreement with my (and many other)country. Pay tax in thailand for money spend here, and deduct on my national pension tax. Carefully said: profitable 🙂
  16. Didnt like (the) tattoo at all ! However, if a christan had a tottoo of Jesus on her shoulder, would anybody lift an eyebrow ?? (Guess learning of buddha say be kind to each other, sometimes feel thais very busy "moral policing" instead)
  17. Good on them to boycott. May rest of the "civilized world" do the same 🙂 stay away from a immoral gangster and his gang !!!
  18. Ukraine admidst a war, thats why no elections. Zs approval rating higher and Diaperdonnies. Ussr had nonattact pact with japan until august 45-did nothing. And in Europe, "coward" has got a new synonyme, since a reliable friend turned out no friend at all. Which countries did help us in afganistan etc ???
  19. Supported 1 million jobs ??? 🙂
  20. But are the tourists mainly foreign or thais?
  21. Have filed tax report to thailand for 8-9 years. Think you start paying tax if transfer about thb 600.000 or more 🙂
  22. People go where get best service. If that at thais they will go to thais. If not......... 🙂
  23. They given the belive that they should rule and their "needs" alle be covered, and when this dont happen they start hating authoreties. Oh parents-where have you been ???????
  24. And every "quality tourist" walk around with 120.000 in cash ?? Wonder about the origin of the money ?? 😉
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