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Olav Seglem

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Everything posted by Olav Seglem

  1. But they are afraid to let protesting students for democracy and modern monarchy out of prison.....
  2. Do the daughter want to follow her mother, or do she like to stay with you ?? :-) There come a time they can deside for themself, if they are "strongwilled" enough.
  3. Have done--of course :-) Santa come, even to thailand
  4. Since she take the risk of accusing "one of their own", quite sure it is true.
  5. By doing what??? Can see this story tell anything above the headline..
  6. Have saltwater pool buriram 6×4 meter. Pump run 3+4 hours daily. Maintain myself. 2 bags salt monthly ca thb 1000 And a little hydrocloric acid. Goverment water "no price" thb 8 pr cubic.
  7. And the suicide letter was written in which language ????
  8. Was absolutely NOT impressive for a "businessman" to need a month to raise thb 120.000. AND need to turn to family and danish friends....
  9. Guess will never be able to understand how americans (who i belived to be fairly intelligent) was able to elect donald d in the first place. And now quite many can think og "topping it off" for a second period..... That "thing" have done more harm to the respect for usa that anything they have done before..
  10. Guess also relative"small" economy. But agree-its strange..
  11. So-having 25.000 each month you are considered "rich". When foreigners apply for 90 days visa, you need to prove you have 65.000 or more to get visa granted. So another proof, they only want the "super rich" as tourists :-) And yes, the 10.000 should only been given as forced downpayment on credit card loans (and with card limits reduced accordingly for least 3 years).
  12. Have you double checked if the money REALLY have left your account ?? Because 2 ting to be aware of : when use atm money is redused from "amount to use" at once. It dont REALLY leave your accont before nxt day-or monday if done in weekends. This deduction can last (in norway) up to 3 days before disappear in system. it can happen due to some technical difficulty or offline situation. check account if "balance" and "amount to use" is the same. Also, if not ok, visit the bank who owns the atm monday morning. if atm done wrong it will have 8000 to much in its safe.. i know, been working with stuff like this "for a lifetime" :-) (for bank its worse having "to much money" than to little. Bad publicity :-) )
  13. Remenber first time using my smartphone doing the application, i coulnt get the "payment page" to start. In a bright moment turned the phone so screen got wider, and voila..... :-)
  14. Only smart thing to do. How can they expect getting F 35s, having joint exercises with China and inviting Putin. Thailand has chosen its "best friends" !!
  15. If you 70+ there are priority lane to the right. If go with thai pasdport holding wife, you and son can join her. Was there this tuesday 10.30 and took 5 mins. Dont worry :-)
  16. And still they cant get their hands on Red Bull junior???? :-)
  17. Tell me your friend etc... And they dont understand why they didnt get F35 ...:-)
  18. Stop the "dubbing on tv and movies.. Then thais will hear how to speak other languages. Use subtitles in thai instead. That will also improve thais reading skills...
  19. RTP not happy because he didnt admit the accusations and the embassy got involved.. Really ????? :-)
  20. I have house in norway Never temperature inside below 15. Close water main crane. (Get insurance problem if not and go away 30 days plus. Have cameras/house security to copany. Not free, but "upside" is bigger :-)
  21. Have you been into the bank so they can scan photo of you? Thailand did some months ago make changes. Have had same problems with ebay etc plus air tickets for klm. No problem dealing woth thai companies on interned, but foreign ..... :-)
  22. First question : is she motivated herself and REALLY want to learn ?? If not-waste of time (and money) I know... :-)
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