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Posts posted by SunnyinBangrak

  1. Another not widely reported snippet, which paints a grim picture of a likely stressful attempt at an urgent/emergency ascent before imploding, rather than the blissfully unaware happy one minute gone the next scenario most are assuming.


    "They probably had warning that their hull was starting to delaminate and starting to crack," he said.

    "It's our belief, we understand from inside the community, that they had dropped their ascent weights, and they were coming up, trying to manage an emergency," Cameron added."




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  2. 14 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    What innovation?


    Mini-subs already exist, the technology to build mini subs already exists.


    I very much doubt the passengers knew the risks, though we do know from court records that Stockton Rush was informed of the risk, chose to ignore the risks and fired the guy who was warning him of the risks.


    RIP his victims.


    I believe his "innovation" was shaping the pressure chamber like a toilet paper tube, others had previously been spherical. I suspect he did this so could fit more paying passengers onboard rather than as a tech improvement.


    The more info coming out about Rush's decisions the more it looks criminal. Shame he's not here to face the music.


    "A conversation he had with OceanGate CEO Stockton Rush the night before the expedition, however, still haunts him to this day.

    According to Weissmann, Rush had bought the carbon fiber used to make the Titan "at a big discount from Boeing," because "it was past its shelf life for use in airplanes."

    In other words, Rush knew that the carbon fiber — which is a very poor choice of material for a deepsea vessel, as many experts have pointed out — already potentially had flaws that could've played a role in the Titan's tragic demise."





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  3. 20 hours ago, Tug said:

    Was there ever any doubt Putin would try and kill him?wonder if he might try a Stalin move and kill all the Wagners oh wait he won’t do that that’s the group who rob poor countrys for him

    Right. How weird was it when news reports said his convoy turned around, and that Putin would not punish him or press charges against his soldiers. Interested to see how this episode plays out.

  4. 3 minutes ago, candide said:

    How Did Jared Kushner Get $2 Billion From the Saudis?

    Hint: It’s not because of his track record as an investor.



    Not saying it's corrupt  but it seems to me it's the right price at WH level. Not a few miserable millions.


    Of course, when a government official receives billions of $ from a foreign country, the House committee looks elsewhere. Better look at a private citizen with no record of any transaction with the government (Hunter).

    "House Oversight investigating $2B Saudi investment in Jared Kushner's firm

    Kushner formed an investment firm right after Trump left office, and six months later, the sovereign wealth fund of Saudi Arabia, controlled by the crown prince, invested $2 billion."



    there you go. it was an investment firm. nothing to do with the biden payments his fans moved heaven and earth to deny ever happened, and are now painted into a corner making ridiculous and off topic gambits to distract. 

    like I said, time to get ahead of this now. 

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  5. 6 hours ago, candide said:

    Millions of $ may look like an important sum to you, but It's peanuts for consulting and law firms.

    Moreover, it would be a ridiculously low price to corrupt someone at the WH level. As Trump and Kushner examples with Saudi Arabia and Qatar have shown, the price of corruption at the WH level is in billions of $, not millions.

    sorry can you explain how Kushner's legal business( isnt he a fund manager or banker?) where he openly and legally took Saudi investors money - investors who expected to turn a legal PROFIT ,is relevant to the biden payments which we were guaranteed here never happened at all, and now the left can no longer deny they happened are unable to account for them other than to try falsely and disingenuously equate them with Jared Kushner's(not the topic of this thread) legitimate business? 

    Probably time to get ahead of this story at this stage if this is the best argument you have.

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  6. 1 hour ago, ozimoron said:

    I agree that the l;ab leak has always been possible and a consideration so therefore not a conspiracy theory. However, it has been the subject of "bitter debate". The current theory outside a lab leak is that it came from raccoon dogs. Many scientists believe that. I'm neutral.

    Well I have been back to the start of the Covid threads and can not find any examples of posters outlining the arguments for the lab leak scenario, nor any debate on the matter. Maybe people were split on the issue elsewhere?

  7. 13 hours ago, Hummin said:

    If you have the right neighbour it is just the matter of time, before he let you know personally how fed up he is. 

    If I understand this correctly, you are condoning a violent response to stoners doing their thing? While it may solve the immediate problem the legal repercussions for the assaulter could far outweigh the inconvenience of smelling weed on occasion.

     We live in a condo and smell weed all through the day, nothing that can be done, although yes some neighbors complain about it like it's the biggest issue ever.

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