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Posts posted by Orac

  1. What's all this fuss about ?

    Gay or not, for a 55 year old wealthy guy it is obviously a stupidly dangerous thing to do to let three young males live under the same roof with him he became acquainted with in the bar scene. This is like asking for troubles.

    Btw, I also don't know that many straight farang guys living together with three Thai female prostitutes under the same roof ...

    Careful there - you have just given Marky45 an excuse to tell us about the 10 bar girls he used to live with again :(

  2. It would be interesting if there were figures for how many tourists in these figures are due to Cambodia. Two groups of friends of mine visited Cambodia/Vietnam last year but travelling from the UK via Suvarnabumi - they both spent one night in airport hotel on the way back because of flight times. This I assume means that, although they spent the vast bulk of their time in Cambodia/Vietnam they would have been measured twice in Thailands tourism numbers.

  3. And how much of this nonsense has really got anything to do with a cabbage patch between Thailand and Cambodia? I am certain - but I have no evidence - that there are greater forces behind all this nonsense than at first appears to be the case. The issue is only a suitable peg on which to mount yet another anti-government campaign. Now let's speculate: Hun Sen is still in bed with Khun Thaksin. On the face of it they have parted company, but no, they have adopted a new strategy. How about dividing Abhisit's supporters into two camps thus weakening the opposition to Puea Thai and thus making it easier for Thaksin to come back and grab the country, once again, as his personal fiefdom? What emotive issue could be concocted to make this division? Why? Let's fight over the cabbage patch, says Thaksin to Hun Sen. So here is a piece of land that no one was very much interested in before and has now become a major political attraction. Very clever so far. Now go and ask the rank and file demonstrators where this piece of land is exactly. I have no evidence but I have a gut feeling that not many could not pinpoint the exact location. So why are they demonstrating and how did Thaksin, that arch manipulator, manage to get the yellows to do his dirty work for him? Very easy because, as I have said before, complete control of a population is not dependent on good argumentation of policies and opportunities .... just like Hitler and other leaders before and since .. mass psychology relies on the exploitation of emotion and emotive issues. Now what could be more emotive than giving land away, for no reason, to an 'enemy' and then very rapidly building a case against the PM to blame him for the great give away of soveriegn land. Emotional stuff, eh? Except anyone with a half a brain can see through this shambles and there lies Thaksin's strength. He has always relied on the emotion of the missing brain .............

    I understand now so your understanding is Thaksin has infiltrated the yellow shirts and is now sending spies to Cambodia and having them go to jail for 8 years great idea and not only that he has people demonstarting in Bangkok, dressed in yellow. Yes quite a clever guy huh.

    He should send more friends. LOL :cheesy:

    Actually I doubt he has any friends. The people around him all have there hand in his wallet.

    I would love to be a fly on the wall when they break it to Veera that, just as he is settling in for his 8 year holiday, he finds out he has been working for Thaksin all this time.

  4. As usual there will be the demands for " JUSTICE " .! The reasons are many , the crime is terrible , the penalties are terrible . This " TEACHER " should never have been allowed to remain or to " TEACH "in a country with so many issues regarding sex and sexual predators from other countries . Perhaps in his own country his actions and his way of life are accepted ? That is up to them . In another country it is different . The culture is different , the laws are different , the reults are different . It is up to them . They all practised and participated in their particular way of life , it seems to be fraught with danger and terrible consequences in many parts of the world to try to mix cultural acceptances of many things . He or she who chooses to cross busy highways with their eyes closed or does not take a great deal of care in regards to their own personal safety by thinking about what the results of their actions might be " Whatever the actions " will often be the victim of an equally irresponsible or careless action .

    Perhaps we should all think a little more carefully about what we do ? where we go ? how we act ? how we treat others ? and what can happen when things go wrong ? If you are a problem child , there will be a bigger problem than you . If you are a deviate , there will be a worse one than you . If you are a bully there will be a bigger bully than you , What is the result of your actions is not always within your control . Accept the responsibility and the result of your actions . What you sow , you shall also reap if the crows dont take it first .

    I beleive Scotland has moved out of the dark ages and being gay there now is quite acceptable - even for a teacher. Are you a member of the Taliban by any chance???

  5. . and be sure to ask them nicely to lower their rates during Songkran smack in the middle of April

    I take it then that you've never been in Bangkok during Songkhran.

    It's virtually empty in comparison to the rest of the year. It's a great time to haggle for a deal in hotels.

    Are there any riots planned for Songkran in BKK this year???

  6. Speaking of a find, carefully compare the amount of feta cheese in the menu picture (which shows whole cubes of the cheese) vs. the actual Greek salad as served (which shows some sprinkled up cheese). Yes, I know, feta cheese is very expensive in Thiland, but just saying, the menu picture doesn't deliver.

    Menu pictures not matching the actual meals served is hardly something new - bottom line is somebody (Jimmy) has tried it and says it is worth a visit and with so many different choices and options in Pattaya a good recommendation is worth having.

  7. "Stockholm is currently in jail on a $500,000 bond."

    I am not familiar with US law/legal terms but does this mean that if he comes up with $500,000 he would be released on bail???

    Yep, a bail bondsman would have to put up 500K in collateral (doubtful this guy has 500k of his own to put up), it would be returned to the bondsman if/when the defendant shows up for trial. The bondsman charges 10-15% for this service. If he doesn't show up for trial, the bail bondsman will send the bounty hunters looking for him.


    Possibly that he or his family put up a cash-bond of 50k via putting a house as collateral against a lender etc.

    I assumed so much but didn't want to put my foot in it. It just strikes me as very odd that someone who the police say is 'very dangerous' and has been arrested on terrorism charges has an option of bail???

  8. If the figures suggested in wikipedia under sex tourism are correct then this is just the tip of the iceberg:

    "In Thailand, though the exact numbers are not known, it has been estimated that children make up 40% of prostitutes in the country.[21] In Cambodia, it has been estimated that about a third of all prostitutes are under 18"


    Personally I find these figures evry hard to believe as, although I have seen one or two girls of questionable age in bars, It is certainly nowhere near the ratio suggested here which, if the figures were even remotely right, would point towards there being a massive underground child sex industry that certainly I and probably most farang here are unaware of.

  9. At least it digresses from the hatred towards the Burmese for the time being! Historically it has always been Thailand against its border countries. Does not seem to happen in Europe too much but here - face and all that - who knows?

    You must be kidding - we Europeans are experts at killing each other. Over the last 100 years we have had 2 world wars, a cold war and a little scuffle in the Balkans just to mention the noteworthy ones. One of the aims of the EU was to stop us killing each other. Sadly I do not think the problem is just a Thai one but one that affects most recognisable groups be they on nationalistic, religious or ethhic grounds.

  10. Suwattana Gardens is much better located in between Soi Siam and Soi Nern Plub Wann.

    4 lane road through the middle of the village, tennis courts, club house with 2 pools, heaps of grassed covered parks throughout, childrens play area and more.

    kids play ground and tennis courts the pics look fine i know where this village is i have pasted it often never went inside yet

    is many kids live there ..

    How many houses thee aproximately /

    Certainly worth a look round - I have been renting here for 8 months now. I would guess (wildly!) at 150 houses of all sizes in total however the estate is now split in 2 with a security gate in the middle due to issues over maintenance payments. Zone 1 (NPW side where I am) has about 100-120 houses and includes the club house which was sold 3 years ago however the owner is not here and allows residents to use it and the residents comittee pay all the costs. There is no guarantee of continuing use if he should return. There are a few children here and quite a few young families - I have a 2 yr old daughter and my wife has many friends here now with kids of similar ages. The residents comittee have plans to invest money into improving play and exercise facilities and, in my opinion, are working hard to maintain standards.

    The other side of the estate - zone 2 which can be accessed from the SSCC side - has a lot of houses for sale or rent and there were a lot of ppl not paying maintenance fees hence the reason for the 2 zones.



    A moobaan divided against itself cannot stand...or maybe good fences do make good neighbors...even in Thailand.

    Thats what I thought when it was proposed but happily I have been proved wrong and it seems to work fine except we can now only use one entrance/exit after 8pm. When we first looked to rent in pattaya we looked at 2 properties on SP5 and 2 on Suwattana, all for the same price. On SP5 the houses are much newer but those on Suwattana are much bigger and seem very well built. For the same cost for a 3bed, no pool and smallish plot on SP5 we have got a large 4bed, big pool with garden on Suwattana - very happy with the choice we made!

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