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Posts posted by klikster

  1. On 1/31/2021 at 4:55 PM, jingjai9 said:

    I turn to this forum as a viable resource for general information. I feel it is here that I can communicate with many expats from various walks of life at different income levels with diversity of philosophy who know Thailand. What I would like to know follows:


    What is the cheapest place in Thailand one could rent a room or condominium that is within one kilometer of a beach. A beach that has white sand and is "swimmable"?


    Also a place that is within a 10-15 minute drive from a market or supermarket and also close to restaurants (does not have to serve farang food) and entertainment venues. The entertainment does NOT have to include "bargirl" type of nightlife.


    I ask about the cheapest place in Thailand. It does not matter how much I have to spend as I only seek what the readership here thinks is the cheapest. Quality of life is subjective, but rent and costs of food and entertainment, I would say is objective.

    Ban Kruat

  2. 5 hours ago, Artisi said:

    There is a wealth of information on the net regarding sound proofing a room. Well worth the read. 

    "Sound Proofing" a room is virtually impossible. Sound reduction is possible .. but how much ...m at what cost.

  3. 6 hours ago, Neeranam said:

    I'm starting to plan extra rooms for my house. One problem I have is that I have audio conferences and need a room where I can not hear anything from oitside. At the moment, I hear dogs barking and off course motorbikes. 


    Does the noise come through the walls of the windows? 

    Should I plan to have some sort of sound proofing bricks or stuff in the wall, dies double glazing keep the noise out? 




     "Noise", unwanted sound, comes through, around, and from a frustrating variety of sources in a myriad of ways. Windows, doors, ceilings, appiances. Problem is you might spend a ton on windows  and walls and still have a major problem from another source.


    One thing that you need to determine is your attenuation target. If you don't know that, you can spend a lot of money and still be disappointed.


    Recommend an experienced acoustical engineer with REFERENCES that match your needs.

    • Like 1
  4. On 10/28/2020 at 5:14 AM, RichardColeman said:

    I am a believer that when it comes to the statute of limitations, there should be a limit of say 10 years to prosecute someone - re-instated on re-arrival to a country to stop you coming back after it runs out.


    I am also a believer that the same statute of limitations should say that you cannot make allegations against somebody more than 5 years after the incident or 5 years after the age of 21 - unless in extreme cases of intimidation. We are ending up with people with dementia in court now accused of stuff 40 years ago in some cases.





    Are you also a believer of the Tooth Fairy, Santa, Superman ... ?

  5. 3 hours ago, Damual Travesty said:

    This is not a game. A candidate here faces some serious accusations and the truth is going to come out. The links were in response to someone saying no accusations against Biden surfaced before. That is not true. And this is for the same type of stuff that the accusations alleged before. I am not playing at anything. Not trying to win anything. I want all questions answered and soon. Most importantly I want to know what the FBI is doing with the laptop. I want Wray to testify before congress directly to that. I don't care if its in closed session I want it done. I want the DOJ to issue some sort of opinion on the current status of this. I also want to hear from Joe and Hunter Biden and before the election.  Again not a game.

    Heavy duty demands there, Dude .. ????

  6. 4 hours ago, digger70 said:

    If they can't prove that DT is Wrong /Spreading False/Damaging  information they should just Shut Up. He's Either Right Or Wrong!  

    What you are saying is ; that there's enough reason to call DT's words False,

     Doesn't mean Anything if one Can't prove that DT is Wrong

    I remember a math prof saying that proving a negative is only possible using imaginary numbers.

  7. 22 hours ago, ThreeEyedRaven said:

    Freedom versus fear? More like stupidity versus common sense. 

    It is stupidity that makes people cling to their "freedoms" even when doing so flies in the face of reason. Giving something up on a short term basis that saves lives should be obvious unless you absolutely don't care that you could be killing others, just to keep your petty non mask wearing freedom. Your argument has no merit whatsoever.

    You can decide for yourself, when it is only you your decision is risking. Once your decisions become dangerous to others, it is absolutely right that the decision be taken away from you. It is the reason we take knives and lighters away from small children, who also don't know any better.

    Well said! Thank you!????

  8. On 8/23/2020 at 7:18 PM, OneMoreFarang said:

    I am having a good day. I am still relative young and I have a good health insurance.


    How about you? How is your day? Do you wish you were young and wish you had a health insurance? 

    I could understand that such a situation won't make you happy. But don't blame Thailand for that.

    Well, your post to which I responded seemed to indicate that you were a bit unhappy. Almost read like a bit of a rant.


    How do you know I'm not young?  How do you know about my health insurance situation? Your assumptions & presumptions sound more than a bit immature.


    BTW, I don't blame Thailand for anytyhing, especially posts like yours.

    • Like 1
  9. On 8/13/2020 at 1:05 PM, OneMoreFarang said:

    Most of us can get medical service in our home countries. Often free when we are old.

    Is that not fair and good enough?


    Do we all have a right to live wherever we want in this world and get medical cover for cheap or free? What next? 

    Having a bad day, are we?

    • Confused 1
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