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allan michaud

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Posts posted by allan michaud

  1. 9 hours ago, impulse said:


    So, had they shot ordinary Joe's, all would be okay?


    I'm not condoning what these two did, but perhaps the phu yai ban's children shouldn't have beaten the crap out of the the grandson when he asked them to tone down the music.  


    Seems like more than one side of this tragedy thought they were above the law.  And we'll never hear about any buildup to this incident that may have been years in the making.

    Spot on. I doubt too many locals will be mourning their deaths. Thailand has way too many scumbags with kids that not only feel above the law, they are.

  2. Shame it didn't take his arm off.


    I am still confused by the Kao Yai story, where did that happen? I am one of only a handful of wildlife photographers to have ever photographed these animals in the wild and am the first to have filmed them, so I am assuming this was some sort of tourist attraction, not a wild croc near a waterfall as reported. In the wild these animals will avoid us like the plague and we are not on their menu, they are incredibly shy creatures.

  3. 9 hours ago, cnjoew said:

    sorry for my ignorance but as far as I know crocodiles aren't native to Thailand, so what are they doing in Khao Yai?

    The freshwater Siamese Crocodile, up to 4 meters. However they are incredibly rare so I am very suspicious of this story. I can only assume the Thai's released some into lakes in the area, as have the Vietnamese in efforts to get them back in the wild. Thailand also has Saltwater crocs by the way, they are found from the Indian ocean to Australia.

  4. Good to see something working the way it is supposed to. I wonder what happened with the microchip? I just filmed the transfer of 3 elephants in Thailand and the paperwork etc is incredible, but they also have a chip behind the ear. The officials had a lot of trouble finding the chips on all 3 of the elephants we moved, but they did eventually. So does this mean the chip matched (been swapped with paperwork?) or it didn't have a chip?

  5. 23 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

    Beyond belief.

    We all have a bad day from time to time, but why take it out on a young kid doing his job, and trying to abide by the rules of health and safety ?

    Because he is a coward that feels he can freely abuse someone that is obviously no physical match for him. I have been on the receiving end in the UK when I was a skinny 18 year old, 3 guys were just looking to hurt someone, any easy target. These people are utter thugs and just want to hurt other people, most are too scared to get into an even fight. I have to say though, the Thai's really do seem to like to blindside people, you see it a hell of a lot in videos here. I hope they lock this guy up for a significant period.

  6. This is the same guy who introduced the 300 meter no alcohol zone near to schools / universities law, he also commented at the time that he would rather the no alcohol zone be 500 meters instead of 300.

    They then backtracked and said 'near schools' instead of some arbitrary number of meters and since then pretty much nothing has been heard about the whole business at all.

    In my neighbourhood it affected a mom and pops shop right next to a school, but about 5 doors down it's business as usual.

    That is if you have the right figures. The affected shop might not have as much problem as you think. Why would people drink in front of schools?

    It´s irresponsible and clerly showing that you are not a grown up. That is something that the shopowner should have in mind sooner or later will happen.

    When opening a shop is planning that is everything. After that comes location.

    I am sura that the mom and pop will have most of the children and their parents as customers and make their money that way. The other shops have a location right for alcohol, and they make their living that way.

    It´s all quite ok and clear to me, and probably to you too when the clouds clear and you see the blue horizon again.

    Blimey, those rose tinted glasses are doing a great job, where can I get a pair?

  7. "Reporters tracked down the officer in question who was not named. He said: "The woman I ticketed said she had to rush to work and said please could I help her as she had no cash on her. She asked to transfer the money to me. I said it could cause problems later but she begged me to help her out so I decided to let her pay me to my private account."

    Worst excuse ever.

    Still plenty good enough to keep his job me thinks. These guys are teflon coated.

  8. " more than 500 officers, wildlife officials, vets and police "

    that's how thing are happening in this country,

    either nobody gives a damn, or, when the shit hit the fan, you have every dick tom and Somchai

    from all government branches on the scenes and all doing the same thing and clueless as what

    to do next..... anyway, no need for Menza club to figure out what to do with the tigers, release any

    animal that was captured back to the wild, and those who were born in captivity, initiate a program

    to slowly introduce them to living in the wild again under the government supervision and care......

    You can't release any of them, they will all die of starvation or attack people (only easy prey) and be killed. None are wild, they have been breeding them for many years. It's bloody expensive to feed them btw, they need upwards of 5kg of meat per day. The rescue center here in Cambodia fell out with an NGO that was supporting the tigers and elephants and were so desperate they were feeding them rats, so the govt people had to apologise and ask the NGO to come back.

    What is so sad about this is it has all been done in plain sight and this place should have been shut a decade or more ago.

  9. ..so sad, so pathetic. and right in plain view.

    why did it take so long?

    Especially sad for sucker tourists...who believed this was a sacred, religious thing....a special place for animals and humans to coexist.

    Instead....drugged tigers and a highly profitable trade of protected species on international markets.

    With China being the main consumer.

    What in the ell is the matter with Asian people. They still believe in goofy traditions about bear paws, tiger penis and such. Witchcraft?

    Evil? or just Dumb?

    Lack of education, but from my experience, the Thai's are 'special' when it comes to silly superstitious stuff. The story that really amazed me was the guy who had an epileptic attack while traveling home from work with colleagues, they chucked him out of the car and drove off and left him to die because they thought he was possessed. Amazing Thailand.

  10. "So don't think that all monks or all temples display good conduct. Conduct can be rotten to the core. Open your hearts and use your intellect to discover the truth."

    Is this guy muslim?

    "...use your intellect to discover the truth." doesn't sound like any muslim that I've heard of.

    You people are serious <deleted>, I take it you have never actually traveled Muslim countries or even met Muslims.

  11. I have seen the same prohibitions regarding sea shells and the like in other countries notably Saudi and it doesn't affect their tourist industry. Hold on they don't have a tourist industry, silly me.

    If Thailand is genuinely concerned about the environment then they need to educate people not to drop litter everywhere, stop the dumping of rubbish (all varieties) into the sea and generally keep the country clean but we all know that is not going to happen.

    Based on what has been said it a Thai drops litter will they be arrested or will it be ignored as is usually the case? Most tourists tend to look for places to put their litter, locals from what I have seen just drop it. Yes take strong action, it is commendable but take the action for everyone not just tourists.

    White coral is dead and no amount of CPR will revive it. In the sea look but don't touch is the rule but coral that is found on the beach cannot be included as it is already dead.

    There is no way to prove it was found on the beach or taken from the reef. You either ban it's sale and transportation or not. Never going to happen in Thailand, most Thai's I have met neither understand nor care about the environment in general. From my experience the higher you go (in society) the worse the ignorance, so little hope of any sensible decision making being done.

  12. It is Thai's selling it, so if that is illegal put a stop to it. Tourists have to buy it for the most part. Most divers I know are reasonably responsible so I doubt that is a major cause.

    If it's illegal put up signs at the airport and confiscate any found, but unless you stop the people selling it it's not going to stop.

    Typical Thai response to everything, blame some foreigners.

  13. Why would a Vietnamese want to bomb Heathrow? They had absolutely nothing to do with the war in Vietnam.They stayed home

    As has been said, anyone can be radicalized. However your comment about Brit's staying home during the Vietnam war is not completely accurate, while small by comparison it's been estimated that roughly 3,500 Brit's volunteered, and I'm sure I heard that anyone from the British Army that wanted to join in were released from their commitment, and allowed to cross the pond. Plus of course there were those who had work visas etc, and had been in the US for 6 months or more that were drafted, I imagine at least a few served rather than go to Canada or hightail it back to Blighty. I know it's not large numbers, but all the same worth knowing.

    A significant number of SAS worked under the guise of the NZ and Australian military. They also resigned their commissions in the UK to transfer over, all with the govts blessing. The UK govt denied this at the time but they also gave out something like 40 medals to combatants in the Vietnam war, although their names and details have never been disclosed.

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