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allan michaud

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Posts posted by allan michaud

  1. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    And last week the same guy wanted to raise airline ticket prices. Comical.

    "BANGKOK – Thailand’s military government is asking domestic “low-cost” airlines to raise their ticket prices to prevent stealing market share from inter-provincial bus companies.

    Thailand's Minister of Transport, Air Chief Marshal Prajin Janthong, said the cheap fares for domestic flights offered by low-cost airlines are hampering the business of public bus companies in Thailand.
    "We cannot set the fares of low-cost airlines, but we will seek cooperation from these airlines to refrain from setting fares that are too low, because they may affect other types of public transportation," said ACM Prajin, who also sits in the ruling military junta."


    My thought too, although I had not realised it was the exact same person. These people are muppets.

  2. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    "They have been charged with possession of explosives without permits. "

    That'll teach them that the next time they bomb a bus, better remember to get those permits. Kids these days! They always want to skip the formalities.

    Seems a bit of a "nothing" charge, don't they have reckless endangerment, attempted murder/manslaughter or something similar?

    Or are they simply treating this as harmless fun that's got a little out of hand? Cos if so, they're dead wrong ... these kids are trying to kill each other, and anyone else that gets caught in the crossfire.

    Just endless examples of Thainess today. Pretty much anywhere else on earth and they are in juve/jail for a very long time. Astounding Thailand.

  3. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Interesting that, Uncle Too has not uttered one syllable about this racketeering.

    Afraid to face facts, un-elected PM?

    Or would that be losing face? wai2.gif.pagespeed.ce.goigDuXn4XwDTX7uci alt=wai2.gif width=20 height=20> wai.gif.pagespeed.ce.ptXUXgG4cAx1lGI2wn7 alt=wai.gif width=20 height=20>

    Sorry, are you suggesting he is in someway to blame for the rampant prostitution in LOS? Anyhting done to tackle this wonderful example of Thainess is fine with me.

  4. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Perhaps the bullet should have gone straight up and then straight down... alt=facepalm.gif>

    Perhaps it depended on the angle the gun was pointed when the trigger was pulled. Vertically it probably would come more or less straight back down. Pointed at an angle less than vertical, then it won't.

    You don't say.coffee1.gif

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  5. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    I'm waiting for "The shoe's on the other foot now" comments!!! alt=whistling.gif>

    As someone with a soon to be ex-thai wife who quite litterally gave away over 1million baht, due to being a moron, I have no sympathy what so ever. It makes me feel a bit better that this woman appears to be dumber than my wife, although she didn't lose quite so much.

    • Like 1
  6. Sadly the Thai interent nazis won't let me access the link to the original story but UK chef (and complete tosser) Jamie Olover has just helped get Macdonalds to change their practices regarding nuggets and other foods. In the US they were using meat not allowed for human consumption after treating it with amonia, apparent;y this was only happening in the US as food regulations elsewhere meant they could not do it in places like the UK, South America countries and Australia.

    You might try googling macdonalds pink slime

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  7. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    My support is for the elephant.

    Aren't elephants supposed to have a special significance for the Thais.


    I forgot., it is only when the elephants are made to walk the streets in appalling conditions so as to solicit ''donations'' for the handler and thus the handlers can pay the rental to the elephant owner that the elephants then assume any significant importance.


    Yet more Thai bashing ...

    How many wild animals are allowed to wander into a town in your country without the end result being the animal is 'removed' ( read 'shot') under the pretence of safety.

    The very fact that this animal lives in relative freedom makes your post sound as bigoted as it really is.

    In my country, the UK, we don't have elephants out on the streets collecting money for their owners, we don't have boxing orangutans, we don't have various types of monkeys being kept as money making pets. If you want to start talking 'facts' maybe you should consider that in Thailand wild animals (rather former wild animals) are often seen as entertainment and means of making money.

    • Like 2
  8. Still well under the daily average for 2014 - these dangerous days are the safest days to travel according to statistics

    The average is well above normal for the provinces. Obviously Bangkok will be less due to it being so quiet.

    The injuries are way above the norm.

    The national average has been between 55 and 60 deaths per day for several years now. The big holidays like this and Songkran have much lower numbers in general so I don't understand all the fuss, it seems relatively safe to travel now, despite the appalling numbers.

    • Like 1
  9. I wonder if that strong 2000 group ever considered getting a job or not buying what they can not afford ?

    Are they even capable of understanding that no one owes them anything?

    Yup. I think the answers there are no, no and no. Sadly many of these people are so dumb it hurts. I know from personal experience just how stupid many of these people are and I have little sympathy for most. The reality is if you borrow money from a local thug at 10% or more per month knowing full well you can't arrord the interest payements, YOU ARE AN IDIOT. Maybe it's time to sell that expensive smartphone or stop dinking cheap whiskey 24/7.

    My wife's village is full of drunken morons with smartphones and IQ's seemingly in single digits. Most sit around all day doing nothing and when the farang turns up the hands come out looking for a few baht to by alcohol. I NEVER pay and I have zero sympathy with these people. From my experience the average Thai villager is incredibly lazy and dumb beyond belief.

    If any govt actually wants do do something about this, a good start would be to outlaw loan sharks, but, as most are related to powerful local figures or are lining the pockets of police etc, these scumbags will never be tackled.

  10. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Barbarians and should be charged with assault and child abuse. This in the same country that says the U.S should lift Thailands status on Human Rights. What bloody century has the dear leader dragged the country back to? You can understand this in Nth Korea and I guess this is the direction the P.M wants to take the country.

    &lt;deleted&gt;, how do you manage to get politics into this story? Many Thai's are violent, end of. This has nothing whatsoever to do with leaders of any hue. Hopefully the current bunch of numpties (they are ALL numpties, red, yellow or the current green mob) in charge will publicly castigate the school for this but they are hardly to blame.

  11. The economies of SE Asia are going to suffer badly over rubber. Thailand possibly less so than their neighbors as rubber is not a big here as in Cambodia and Vietnam. The problem is that the US and Europe are developing new ways to become more self sufficient that will probably start to impact rubber prices towards the end of the decade. It’s a way off yet but this new method of taking latex from dandelions is said to be half the cost of producing rubber from trees and has a much shorter start up time. Time to change crops.

    As for subsidies, they seem the only real short term solution. What gets me with subsidies here is that governments seem to ignore the problem of others taking advantage, as with rice, where fertilizer and pesticide prices jumped as did land rental prices. Thai governments of all hues are quick to jump in and tell food vendors to keep prices low, yet they do nothing to stop this gouging by large agro traders and landowners.

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  12. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    The Vinaya Rule specifies that if a bhikkhu touches or is touched by a woman, it is an offence — a very serious offence — only if the bhikkhu is overcome by lust, with altered mind. However, the practising bhikkhu knows that as his mind changes so quickly, he has to be extremely cautious about involving himself in doubtful situations. It is better to be safe than sorry, even if this may seem over-scrupulous. In emergency situations the bhikkhu will have to decide for himself and be sure to take care of his thoughts. In Thailand it is a tradition (not strictly a rule) that the monk uses a 'receiving cloth' to emphasize that there is no touching.

    There doesn't appear to be anything lustful in his actions ; he looks uncomfortable, if anything. His real sin was generosity, allowing them a souvenir photo. One brief lapse in judgement, allowing a photo to be taken, has possibly wrecked his life. Is there evidence of something more sinister, or is it simply because the photo went viral? It would be a shame if the power of social media is starting to affect judgements in something as apparently untainted as the Sangha in Thailand.

    You were going well there until the last sentence. "...untainted as the Sangha in Thailand". With the number of monks being caught shagging young girls, stealing or embezzling and committing various other offences I think Buddhism in Thailand is far from untainted.

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