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allan michaud

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Posts posted by allan michaud

  1. This has been happening for months. thialand is an important fishing market for the EU. they don't want to KILL OFF Thailand the way some of us here want,; BUT they are steadfastly making a point. they will stop Imports if Thailand does not do something.

    Next is Subi airport and if they don't fix that there goes the tourist numbers

    thialand has major issues now.

    Cannot borrow money

    No one likes the Government


    Airport needs BIG money spen or planes wont come

    Rice and Crops down due to drought

    Mining closures loss of work

    Car plants decreasing

    Economy tanking due to world effects (GDP does not count much in the figures released. )

    Yep, its a rough sea ahead here

    And of course no other country has issues and Thailand never had any of the issues before May 2014.

    So obvious.

    And which political leader and his minions was in government, in various guises, for most of this century? And they did exactly what to address any of these issues?

    But hey, don't let facts or the details behind spoil your rhetoric.

    Try reading what he said. None of it is incorrect and the remark about this going on for months refers to the EU pressuring the govt, not the fact that Thai fishing has ALWAYS been like this, both before, during and after Thaksin. I didn't see anything that warrants your dumbassed 'rhetoric'.

  2. These people are idiots, like so many in the region they think everyone else is stupid and will not find out. Same goes for Thailand who have done this to numerous countries over the years (mixing old with new). Dumb beyond belief. The trouble is the people doing it are almost certainly well connected so they feel protected. I will laugh if they are stupid enough to do it again.

  3. A lesson to us all. It's not just the mafia types and lo-so's of this country that keep a loaded gun handy. Beware of making ANY Thai (man) lose face.

    AND....to the media for broadcasting this incident live and all the ghouls who got a kick out of watching this unfold on Thai TV.............a disgusting example of Thainess!!

    ... and were the millions that watched OJ driving his Bronco any different? Is that an example of American(ness)?

    You are correct about Thai's losing face though, absolutely deadly.

  4. AYJAYDEE, on 10 May 2016 - 06:27, said:

    Rats usually LEAVE a sinking ship! Fat boy's got it wrong again!!

    I wonder how would an eggs on your face will feel when trump will be the next president and Christie is VP?.....

    It's got to be Trump/Palin, although, with Christie as VP that would open the door for Palin to become Secretary of State. The dream team!


  5. blame it on the Girl who most likely isnt from a important family ...

    Who's blaming it on the girl? She's just one of several arrested none of whom are from "important" families.

    Not 'important'? Really, by what standard are you judging this? Some or all of the boys are sons of police officers. As far as I am aware we don't know the ranks so it's hard to judge but clearly there is some element of 'entitlement' from the boys to even consider doing this. If your judging their importance to national figures then clearly there is none, but in a local sense they could be fairly well connected and get preferential treatment to reduce sentences. We don't know.

  6. It is the press release that has promted this action by authorities, I hope they get it into their heads that it is not the news that is wrecking Thailands image it is the incident itself and the fact that it was reported in an open and transparent way, efforts to hide these incidents from the public is actually more damaging IMO than the incident itself, there is a lesson to be learned - I hope they got it

    Nah, no chance.

  7. While an extreme example, this kind of thing seems fairly common place here. These cowards are the lowest form of life imaginable. That is not to say this is uncommon elsewhere, before everyone starts having a go, but It's the level of brutality that I find hard to understand. They intended to kill him, there seems little argument about that.

    How's that rhyme go?

    Sticks and stones will break my bones

    but words will get me brutally murdered in LoS

    I hope none are connected and they all rot in prison for a many decades.

  8. All praise the RTP for protecting the countries bottom line.

    "tourist organisations and business leaders presented floral tributes to thank the police for their work on the case". On top of making a big noise about finding the culprits that released the video to the public, they really do seem to be going out of their way to take the piss on this one.

    And amazingly no one in Thailand understands how this all looks from the outside.

  9. If what he say is correct Cambodia has no need to worry or be concerned. Cambodia

    did have the benefit of increased prices while Thailand was hoarding rice. rolleyes.gif

    Except Cambodia has only recently been in a position to export any significant amount, so no they did not benefit from Thaksin's insane policy.

    By the way, to the haters on here, I had the pleasure of making an educational film with Cambodia's award winning farmer 18 months back, after she had won back to back titles for the best rice in the world. Thailand still has a lot of old rice that is no longer fit for consumption and the other huge exporter, Vietnam, is well known for using massive quantities of chemicals in their rice production. Cambodia's fledgling rice sector is struggling to compete, but personally I would go with Khmer rice any day of the week.

  10. I lived many years in Pattaya.
    Never, never have I seen Thais men beat a stranger for no reason.
    I believe that this information is incomplete.
    So the comments that follow will be pure fanciful speculations as usual.

    Anything he may have said or, more likely, was understood to have said, does not warrant what these cowards did. The only way he deserves that is if he threw the first punch, which given that he is clearly having trouble standing, seems unlikely.

    How is your asinine remark any less speculative? This kind of cowardly thuggery is far too common in Thailand.

  11. Sorry but as an american I don't know what they mean by "mum-of-one . Anyone can help here? Does it mean she had one child?

    Well that is the meaning to those of us who speak ENGLISH.

    Coming from NZ I have never heard it that way. Mother of one yes.

    Seriously? "Mum" and "mother" do not mean the same where you come from? At least the American guy has some excuse for not fully understanding, you definitely don't.

  12. Apart from being a "big girl" , in my opinion Thai girls dying their hair to that sort of colour is ? Well unflattering. It was the hair that caught my attention closely followed by the damage the smash caused . And as for the poor taxi driver, who was not at fault, how the hell do you think he felt being confronted with sight?. Drugs/alcohol involved ?

    I find this post completely offensive. The problem here is that she is disgustingly obese and you try to obviscate the issue with a diatribe about hair color?

    No one would care about the hair color if she was attractively slim.

    And yours is not remotely offensive? The pair of you are <deleted>.

  13. Not uncommon for people to have business dealings unmentioned outside the relationship.

    I know a guy that had to re-buy his house due to the wife signing over the property due to unknown gambling problem.

    Yep, my ex decided to gamble our car away, while I was abroad and there was nothing I could do about it. It was the final straw and why she is my ex. There is no reason to doubt the husband, however there is equally no reason to believe he had any idea what his wife was up to. Given the Thai penchant for guns and losing the plot over the smallest thing, this could be anything from loan sharking, a passing insult, to a pissed off relative that felt entitled to some of their money. Who knows.

  14. If this is true I hope the Authorities are taking urgent action to ensure the beach is safe.

    The report would tend to suggest there are potentially lethal cables lying at a very shallow depth in the sand.

    What do you mean, "if this is true"? And honestly, do you really expect the Thai authorities to do ANYTHING about such a problem. They only way this gets dealt with is if a member of the Royal family or a high-so gets zapped.

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