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allan michaud

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Posts posted by allan michaud

  1. I always find I have to hand back half the drugs the doctors issue here. Last time we took our son to a doc (he just had flu or cold but mum insisted) the doc (and this was Khon Kaens biggest and best hospital) gave us 5 different sets of pills. I was furious and refused just taking one set that was actually appropriate. Why do Thais feel they need to take so many pills? the doctors are only doing this to make money its ridiculous.

    • Like 1
  2. Good, many of the companies are coming to Rayong. Let's face it the government cannot guarantee anything.

    No government (of any color shirt) in Thailand can guarantee anything. Priorities first: 1- Image, 2-Save face, 3-Give face, 4-Rituals, 5-Magical thinking, 6-Denial of the obvious. That is what Thainess is all about.

    Thailand has yet to realize that it did not reach this status of a country in (seems like perennial) development without foreign investment.

    The only thing that any government in Thailand can guarantee is: same same... with new slogans: Miracle Thailand !jap.gif

    This hits the proverbial nail on directly on the head.

  3. I love the way Thai's continue to blame anyone and everything for their problems.

    It's like their attitudes to car accidents. If I as a foreigner am involved in a car accident, it's automatically my fault because (by their logic) if I wasn't here, the accident wouldn't have happened lol

    Got to love Thailand <grins>

    True, its the ThaiWay of life...BUT please, dont blame it on the Thais...they just dont know it better, the people in Power and Religion

    educated them beeing like this.... ....has someone mentioned Thaksin yet? giggle.gif ....things will change when HE is finally back and

    then the educating will start..jap.gif

    Really, I didn't see much change in education in his first 6 years in charge. I do seem to remember endless reshuffles of ministers so they could all get their snouts in the trough.

    • Like 1
  4. According to the BBC web site there were 3 bombers in a house, there was an explosion at the house (a friend took a photo from his balcony and you can see a large hole in the roof) and a bomber threw a bomb at a taxi that wouldn't stop for him. Now to me that sounds like they were being raided and trying to get away or maybe they were about to leave to go to their target when police swooped. Can't see any other reason to hurl a bomb at a taxi.

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  5. While part of this disaster is due to human error, the climate is actually getting warmer, and it's easily measurable by looking at sea temperatures. Even very small increases have large consequences like melting polar ice and increased rainfall. This year's rainfall in Thailand is nothing unique, but part of a general trend. Anyone who can read a chart will realise that very quickly, but let me remind you also that the central province of Thailand have been seriously flooded for 5-6 years now. Unfortunately, it took a situation where Bangkok was threatened for it to make newspaper headlines.

    As for the reasons for the warming, that's another discussion...

    Actually, according to the very recent BEST (Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature) study, temperatures have not risen in over a decade. (note - of course the spin from these studies was the usual appocalyptic hyperbole but you can't deny the statistics which are laid bare)

    Also, last year Prof Jones of the infamous 'Climategate' scandal admitted that there had been no warming since 1998.

    These are not skeptics, these are full blooded warmists using fudged warmist data and they still can't find warming.

    Oh yeah! that highly reputable BEST report. Try this link for a good laugh!http://wottsupwiththat.com/2011/10/21/the-berkeley-earth-surface-temperature-project-puts-pr-before-peer-review/ Seriously, anyone left denying climate change is in a tiny minority of fools. Even the most rabid of scientist deniers now accept it is happening, the discussion today is all about by how much? and what is the cause? WAKE UP!

  6. "The bureaucracy in this country is run by largely ineffectual powerbrokers who continue to stifle good, honest, hard working smart people to the point that their voice is never heard. Plenty of people must have known what was coming, but their voice didn't get up the line."

    Absolutely spot on and covers just about everything that is wrong in Thailand and similarly run countries, where nepotism or good old fashioned cash gets you the job, not competence or experience.

  7. "Normally if people would forcibly try to do major damage to a major city like Bangkok they'd be branded terrorists...."

    Not in Thailand, judging from the recent past. No one stopped the red shirts setting up barricades when they first invaded the city last year, no one stopped the reds invading the asean summit, no one stopped the yellows invading the airport.

    All these actions were illegal in any country and highly damaging to Thailands image, yet authorities failed to take any action.


  8. And information about what is still to come in terms of flood, infested water, diseases? Nothing heard about that.

    You needed to be a survival expert or had to become one, over the internet, to get any help...basically, help yourself with almost everything.

    And THAT makes Thailand a 3rd world country, it's media a joke and it's class- divison a desaster.

    Well said

  9. true

    Though i'm certainly not thin skinned, cyber or real life... i've shrugged of a few immature trolling attempts here without lowering myself to getting into a slagging match, it doesn't get a rise out of me no matter how hard some will try

    it's not about not being able for it, or finding it a rough ride in the slightest... or that i feel any bit of intimidation from some of the 'wannabe keyboard bully's', who feel a sense of worth by tag-teaming against people with different views

    random anon posters on an internet forum don't intimidate me, trust me... :)

    and i usually do find it funny, it's just this thread in particular show's there is literally no reasoning with them... no open-mindedness and blatant bias.

    it's just so tediously boring reading the same recycled nonsense at this stage.

    the comments are a little too 'groundhog day' for me.

    i still plan to post here, but i'll save it for the very small few, who at least seem partially open to some objective debate.

    That's because you seem to have a tendency to keep on beating the same dead horse over and over and over again.

    my baiting friend, i'm not even going to get into the petty argument with you that you're hoping for... sorry to disappoint

    i have to laugh tho, so thanks for revitalizing my sense of humour about some of the things written here....

    if ever there was a pot calling a kettle black, the very meaning of the phrase can be defined by your very comment... in fact, it should be the example in the oxford dictionary, as there wouldn't be a person in the world that would be confused by it's meaning

    even that dumb yingluck woman, who you're obviously miles more intelligent than, as your comments and contributions to this forum clearly shows.

    so keep up you're little pot shots, i'm afraid it doesn't affect me

    this is exactly what keeps me amused here.

    Sorry but I have to jump in here and say that despite numerous denials Neuro fiend seems to be getting a tad thin skinned here with all the stick.

    Just an amused observation from afar.

  10. Why are people leaving. Most of Bangkok is dry and most of the predicted floods simply haven't happened.

    YET !!!

    wonder if you'll be saying the same after the weekend....I have seen the devastation the floods have caused to Nakhon Sawan, up here we have had problems since the beginning of July....there is still a lot of water which ever direction you look . We are 200 kilometers away from bangkok and this water has to come bangkoks way to get to the sea....this is not going to end in 1 week, 1 month...this is going to take months and I'm not talking about bangkok, I',m talking about the Nakhon Sawan area. Once the water does swamp bangkok, which it will, it's going to be there for a very long time.....good luck to everyone in the bangkok area...

    I am in Bangkok. I can understand why w11guy posted as he did, as we are getting so many conflicting stories as to when and how much water we are going to get. It is almost like now ok lets have it and get it over with. For a lot of us it is similar to that of a Pantomime horse, the arse end doesn't know what the front end is doing.


    "For a lot of us it is similar to that of a Pantomime horse, the arse end doesn't know what the front end is doing."

    Spot on!

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