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allan michaud

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Posts posted by allan michaud

  1. Australian Universities are extremely good, and the quality of their graduates is very high. Australia always ranked very highly in comparison to the US, and much of the time was considered better - certainly several orders of magnitude safer than the US as well. I am surprised at these results, and a little skeptical.

    It always tends to turn into someone against the US.

    From my experience far too many US graduates have no idea what is going on in the real world. Many that turn up here in Phnom Penh working for NGO's are utterly useless, what they learned isn't worth anything in the real world. While the same can be said for other countries, in my experience most other nationalities adapt far better.

    I met a young American teaching English in Thailand recently on a bus. "Yeah, I'm like you know, teaching English to Thais' it's like, you know.... Every sentence was punctuated with "it's like" and "you know", I couldn't wait to get away from her. Others here in Cambodia come up with all sorts of ideas to help people but they are based on what they learned and not on reality and so are a complete waste of time. I am sorry but I do not see the US as having anything like the best Universities based on the many US graduates I have met over the past decade or so.

  2. The Thai Baht has weakened. It may be allowed to weaken further or it may not. There are significant arguments in Thailand for and against the strengthening of the Baht - if the exporters win the argument expect to see the baht weaken further helping push up the exchange rate. Of course the opposite could happen.

    I think you maybe overestimating the effect the govt can have on the exchange rate. Their policies of running up a huge debt will likely have far more impact. If they continue to ignore the mounting debt I can see the Baht weakening considerable before this govts term is up.

  3. Here's my guesswork:

    all things being equall the Pound should be around USD 1.50 (ish) and THB 45 (ish), so what we're seeing now is an aberation because of unusual circumstances. For my part I fully intend to transact any remaining GBP/THB transactions at the current levels because I don't expect to see the levels levels last for very long, OK, maybe there will be small amounts of movement upwards but the trend is unquestionably downwards, as far as I am concerned.

    I always think it is dangerous to use 'unquestionably' in a statement.

    Unquestionably, I agree, (as far as I'm concerned). giggle.gif

    But more seriously, I can see nothing on any front in the UK economy that suggests things are getting better, if anything things are getting worse hence there is no reason, independant of the EUR risk issues, that suggests GBP should be strengthening. All Asian currencies have fallen because of Europe so there is nothing particular about the Thai economy to suggest it is weaker than any other, on the contrary, future GDP growth estimates put Thailand in a very positive light, especially when compared to the UK.

    I would have to agree regarding the unwarranted strengthening of sterling, but in the long term this govts policies will quite likely wreck the Thai economy. Swings and roundabouts.

  4. Flabberghasted!

    There was I thinking that it was all a natural phenomenon, that it never rains on the plain and that the FROC were the new saviours of the universe.

    I think most of us agree that it was all a perfect storm. Dams not at the right level, excessive rain in key areas, poor management, poor implementation of infrastructure over the years, no strategic planning of construction, deforestation, Yingluck's Burberry boots, a blue whale, several green mambas, escaped crocodiles, slum dwellers in the klongs, and that bloddy idiot plodprasop.

    Anything makes you think things will change???

    Ordering my sandbags now

  5. The suspects can't be real bright .... wouldn't you realise the police would be looking for the rental car at every road checkpoint ?

    Sounds like gangsters watched to much of keystone cops ... cheesy.gif

    Anyway , there still one suspect ' still at large '

    I think there's more to this episode regarding the car parked at the supercentre and having the jewelry sitting in the back ... we haven't been told the full story here in my opinion. neus.gif

    Have to agree, no one in their right mind would leave almost a million dollars unguarded, especially sitting in a car.

  6. He said, the government would expand from five days to two months the low-cost consumer products shops project.

    What are they really talking here. It this the govt Blue Flag project talked about so much where the govt would arrange for shops to sell basic consumer goods at lower prices? If so, they had only planned to run the program for "5" days and that 5 days of selling goods at a lower price would have help tame inflation? Even running the program for 2 months won't do much. So much talk; so little action.

    It will help a great deal if those 5 days are when you conduct your survey.

    I think that you have hit the nail right on the head!! They will engineer the survey to give them the results that they want!

    ...and an awful lot of people will probably believe it

  7. A classic Thai junket. Works out at 83000 THB per official. At that price, assuming Thais pay 30THB and farang 200THB each to enter a National Park, over 2700 Thais or over 400 farang would need to clear the gates to raise enough funds for each park official to go to Kenya. Next time you go to a National Park just remember what your entrance fee is paying for!

    Despite being a wildlife photographer and ardent conservationist (working in Cambodia) I do not go to Thai national parks as I object to paying 10 times what a Thai does to enter. I have no problem paying more, double would be maybe even triple, but 10 times? I find it very insulting. It is a shame because I would be taking my Thai wife and son all the time if it was remotely reasonable.

    This particular junket is a total waste of time and money.

  8. One of the most idiotic Country's on the Earth, Thailand is blessed with abundance of fertile soil and water but sadly the donkeys in Charge have no idea.

    Next the farmers will be charging 3 times the price for fruit and veg because of water shortage...Limes are already going for 9 baht each that should be 1 baht..Laughable

    Massive amounts of water are disgustingly wasted right at the hight of the Dry season ...The Country deserves all that it gets

    Planning is obviously not in the Thai Dictionary

    Maybe you could let Yingluck know about the shocking rise in the price of limes, although they do seem a little preoccupied with eggs at this time. thumbsup.gif

  9. I live down south, so well away from Bangkok, but even here, where the average wage would be say 12K per month many children in school (the lucky ones anyway) attend English, Maths, Mandarin and Art is also seen as being top priority. The extra education for these kids is at least 5000 per month and that does not include the 'extra tuition' after school that takes place in the school and costs 3000 per term. Why does a school that should be teaching children everything during the school day then extend its day until 5pm and almost force, via peer pressure the kids into attending. I point blank refused to have a 4 year old in school from 7.50am until 5pm, it is utter madness. I am told it is done to pay teachers salaries!

    I totally agree, my

    Why are the parents complaining about admission costs/'tea money'? The highly esteemed education minister Suchart Tadathamrongvej (PT) recently claimed that the public should accept this form of donation. It will only benefit the students, cause all these bribes are being used to better the education standards! And isn't that what the parents want? Also, the price of text books will be a lot lower this year, with all the kids getting tablet pc's!

    The problem as I see it, is that it's only improving education of those wealthy enough to pay. The poorer their scores, the more money they pay - of course every parent wants their kids in one of these prestigious schools - smart or or slow they get to network with kids from other wealthy families. I've yet to see a school here that accepts students based purely on merit. The government should be ashamed of itself to allow government schools to accept donations, thus widening the gap between the rich and the poor. I'm not against donations, but it should be done anonymously, with no tie to getting their kids into such schools.

    I also remember a teacher from one of the big uni's saying a few years back how he was told to give an automatic pass to anyone that was a monk. education here is a joke and the Thai parents never cease to amaze me the way they try to force the kids to spend all day at school in the expectation of improved results, yet they pamper their spoiled brats and do nothing to instil any discipline.

    And how many good students simply give up because they see the richer kids buying their passes? I have heard a number of students complaining, whats the point in working when others can just buy their qualifications. Employers only end up with useless staff who have all the right qualifications but have little or no idea what they are doing... which would seem to be the case with many Thai lawmakers who are required to have a degree. Stop the corruption in schools (pass marks) and the country will benefit dramatically.

  10. Ironic isn't it, "a vender wearing a red shirt said eggs had not increased in price" Ha Ha.

    The P.M. said people had not the spending power because of shortage of pocket money-due to new school term ??? and .........wait for it .............Holiday trips Ha Ha in my village area a host of people had never ever been to the city of Udon, young and old. I spoke to an old lady 78years of age-living 65 kilometers from Udon and she had never been there. Trips ??? from village people GET REAL Yingluck You live in Disney world.

    I quite agree, they so obviously do not live on planet Thailand. This is just laughable propaganda and so full of contradictory remarks. No price rises, yet somethings have gone up, prices not gone up but we accept that fuel prices have caused a rise in prices. If its all in our imaginations why do they need a short term policy like Blue flag? (probably to try and get rid of all that rice they have stockpiled.)

    These muppets seem to be doing their utmost to wreck the economy.

  11. And from that post the quote is

    Dr Virabongsa Ramangkura, chairperson of the Strategic Committee for Reconstruction and Future Development (SCRF), said on Wednesday he was confident Thailand will not face a repetition of last year's flood crisis, as the government has been on the right track on water management and flood prevention.

    Which as I have stated is NOT the same as saying there will be no flooding this year as claimed by you and lovetotravel.

    You conveniently missed this bit from the article

    "Dr Virabongsa said the government has invested more than Bt350 billion to improve flood prevention infrastructure. More flood embankments, canals and flood-related structures have been built, which he said would prevent future floods and the public could rest assured of the matter.

    He also added if major floods do happen, neither this government nor himself in his position could last long."

    We can all cherry pick but it is pretty clear to me he says "rest assured no more floods"

  12. The Commerce Ministry said that the cost of many materials had barely increased. But consumers feel the value of money in their wallets is decreasing because the cost of a product has increased sharply from its original source to the end of the supply chain, partly because of ineffective energy consumption.

    So they are suggesting that energy consumption in Thailand has suddenly become even more inefficient? They seem to be clutching at straws

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