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Everything posted by Karma80

  1. I sympathise with what you have experienced during covid both in a real and mental health sense. We are all in that same boat and I doubt there are many people that have not had varying moments of darkness throughout this time - myself included. These are the worst of times that a generation will hopefully see, and I have no doubt the lasting impacts socially, politically and economically will be felt for many years to come. People had to migrate, expats return to their countries for a variety of reasons. Some even could not, finding themselves in bleak and dire circumstances. But, I disagree that your or indeed anyone's personal perspective and values should be put upon me for a sense of comfort or normality. In the same way that I would absolutely refute anyone who insists I should wear one on that point of principal. If there is no legal requirement, it's my choice and yours. I hope that you found a better sense of peace wherever you are now.
  2. Some people here are really triggered by masks. I wear one when I think it's prudent and for my own reasoning that's not for you to debate. It doesn't impact you. Please carry on with living your own life as you see fit.
  3. Not sure why people get triggered by other people wearing a mask. Don't wear one. It's your choice. However, I do continue to wear one in crowded spaces and on public transport. Likewise this is my choice. This is Asia, not the west.
  4. Don't worry. The global financial disaster and the biggest international conflict since WWII is ramping up now. That will keep people nicely occupied ????
  5. Remember that to qualify for the retirement version, you must show $80k USD per year from pensions or similar, not employment. Now that becomes more of a select group of people. I have some decades up my sleeve, so am still gainfully employed. I would need to look at the other options, of which even fewer would qualify or care to park investments. The government has set a lofty goal of the number of visa applicants. I think they will be pulling up very short given the current terms.
  6. This isn't true and should get push back. The world is trying to move on and effective vaccines are a part of the roadmap that gets everyone globally to a better place, rich or poor nation. Covid is now with us for years to come. You know, like flu which we annually vaccinate for...
  7. https://ltr.boi.go.th - download the forms and the requirement document checklist there.
  8. You might be right. But one thing I did notice on the application document checklist for the wealthy pensioner (and all the documents) is it certainly does appear you can apply for a work permit. But since the required document is a WP.46 (Employment Certification), which is for Thai companies, it will be interesting to see how the procedure settles.
  9. Sorry to hear that. That's very shortsighted and lacks understanding of the corporate structures of many listed companies. 1 million people they reckon? Seems like they want a whole bunch of retirees and not much else.
  10. Congrats! I somehow thought they would be doing this at Chamchuri at the BOI One Stop Service center, which is a pretty good experience. Be interesting to see if you can get an open digital WP. As I approach 50 I am curious to know if the "wealthy pensioner" bracket income must be from a pension or just straight out stable overseas income.
  11. That's good news. I would rather take something if I get ill rather than get never ending booster shots. I stopped at 3 and am not interested in getting more until vaccines catch up with evolution.
  12. China tourists returning is pure click bait. There is still mandatory quarantine in China and HK for any returning passengers and outbound travel is still restricted to essential only. And guess what - you don't get to to decide what is essential and risk your passport being removed if you try from the mainland. There's some physical barriers for you. But more than that, China isn't vaccinated against covid broadly at this point and saw what happened in Hong Kong. Nobody is about to walk back zero covid policy. Economically, there is a lot of money that wants to leave China and this situation is very convenient for preventing that. There isn't anything in it for China to drop it's current play book on travel and they could care less about tourists headed to Thailand.
  13. Not 80%, but pretty much the same here in Phuket. 99k Indians vs next group down 41k Aussies arrivals reports by the island immigration.
  14. I have an SCB Prepaid Visa credit card which works very well and meets all my needs for international purchases and so on. It also dodged the hassles of having to apply for a credit card locally, when I don't actually want any credit line, just secure access to my bank funds with card protection etc. https://www.scb.co.th/en/personal-banking/cards/prepaid-cards.html
  15. The Thaiger has descended into a pure multi channel marketing garbage machine and I don't follow it much anymore. I agree, Jett is the only person I can abide watching. I'm happy to subscribe to Tim's new channel, which is I find more personal and honest as someone else living in Phuket.
  16. The shift in working from home as the pandemic bit never rolled back to normal. More people work remotely than ever before and can do so from pretty much anywhere in many cases. Why not reduce your cost of living and not sit in an expensive shoe box in a western country? Add in the economies starting to tip into recession and corporate earnings being hit, and those overhead costs of more offices are not looking too attractive. A distributed workforce is suddenly the smart move when wanting to keep and find staff in a tight labour market. That's one big driver to longer-term stay.
  17. I don't think he meets the minimum qualification to remain in office - some Generals stars.
  18. My eyes hurt reading the number formatting. Perhaps the TAT is on the way to recreating their own arcane numerical system to avoid the criticism that they are always wrong, every time.
  19. Thailand's draconian immigration laws pertaining to tourists will always hold their own passport back. The visa programs or conditions afforded to a particular nations passport are general recipricol in nature.
  20. Recession, real war, China cold war, economic meltdowns, covid not nearly over, major tourism markets barred from easy travel, sky rocketing air fares, miles of queues at airports. Should have made it 40 million ????
  21. In Central Festival Phuket yesterday, the only people not wearing masks were a handful of (western) foreigners who were getting some dirty looks. I've had covid twice, once very badly, and the other (post-vaccination) a <deleted>ty flu. My partner is the same. I don't care to go through a repeat performance, and if I can spare myself or someone else from that, happy to wear a mask where it's sensible. I have more Asian friends than western, and they are all adamant about masks. I'm ok to meet the general expectation. I'm as sick of this as the next person, but my feelings don't seem to be having much impact on covid. I am a little concerned about am upcoming business trip to the US, but that's life for a good while yet.
  22. I think the police got thrown under the bus on this. The government failed to legislate it properly before Anutin decided to shoot his fat gob off to prove he's next PM material. Weed is a massive recreational drug industry and there will be, and likely are, many hustlers and entrepreneurs looking for action in this space. Boundaries will be tested and that's not going to end well. TIT, not California.
  23. My job before covid kept me flying weekly. I was frequently sick after travel. A couple of my frequent flyer friends in similar roles swore by wearing a mask and spending a minute wiping down touch surfaces. I gave it a go and I was rarely sick again. Yes, it's acecdotal, but planes are flying petri dishes covid or not. I couldn't personally care less if anyone else wears a mask or doesn't, But, I'm happy to make sure I get on my way quickly, try not to inconvenience people around me and do what I'm asked of by an airline. Even if I personally think it's stupid.
  24. If you have money and means in Thailand, your life can be very comfortable and luxurious indeed. Moreso than many other countries. It also has a fantastic tax structure opportunities for the internationally minded, but is not considered a tax haven. You are quite right. Many ordinary people come here to stretch pensions or their modest income streams. But, it would be wrong to think that Thailand isn't appealling to those doing well for themselves.
  25. in my late teens and early twenties, I smoked pot. I have to say that overall it had a negative impact on my life. albeit fun at the time. Take a cold hard look at what has happened in Vancouver or California. Can anyone genuinely say that a free for all with weed is a positive contribution to society? And that's with countries that at least had a plan, other than - here's your weed plants everyone.
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