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Everything posted by Karma80

  1. Yes, performing the work while physically in Thailand makes it Thai sourced income for tax purposes, even though you are doing the the work for an overseas entity and being paid there. Do people do it anyway? Yes.
  2. Japan is the "exotic" revenge travel vacation that people were looking forward to post covid. I don't think it really works in reverse. Thailand is quite boring by comparison, from a tourist perspective.
  3. In fairness, your first drivers licence is usually a 2 year temporary one, and then the second is a full 5 year licence. Of course TiT, so some people's mileage may vary according to location, money, phase of the moon.
  4. Aww did you best friend loose a democratic election - the single thing you fear the most?
  5. Well, my local Home Pro mall in Chalong, Phuket has a weed stall (not shop) just near the entry to Villa. All the weed out on a table and edibles in a cabinet. Not that it matters, there's about 20 weed shops all within walking distance of that. Must be catering to all those high end wealthy tourists they target.
  6. I'm happy for anything to reduce the number of idiots on bikes with clearly not a clue in Phuket. And every day the cops in Chalong pull them over, and every day...rinse repeat.
  7. Speaking about this over dinner with a Thai friend, they commented the army is just for poor people that can't afford 20-30 Bhat not to go. Inequality in action.
  8. To clear, the basis for this is a joke. But once more, the airlines will say - we can't tell if someone is a permanent resident and can't comply—exactly the same situation as trying to levy an inbound tax only for the tourist. Either you have a single tax, or you don't. Other countries already levy significant departures tax that are stuffed into everyone's ticket price (eg $70 Australia), This leaves the only workable solution as an application to everyone or a physical collection of money at the border or airport. And all because some brianiac thinks how dare Thai people go overseas - you should spend your money in "world class" Pattaya,
  9. All ASEAN achieves is to highlight the dysfunctional governments of most of the members and how useless it is. A group of like-minded dictatorships, authoritarian one-party rulers, and patronage psuedo democracies.
  10. As a comparison, and perspective, Australia just increased theirs today from A$60 to A$70. 1,600 THB.
  11. Spot on. That said, at least there is solid investment. Unlike Thai property which just goes sideways.
  12. LOL he died of "stress"? Welcome to Thailand 2023, where the BiB know they don't even have to bother with a good story.
  13. Make ED visas a max of 6 months unless you're enrolling in an accredited university. Suddenly nobody will be very interested in pretending to learn Thai and the Russian population suddenly declines.
  14. Prices are going up because someone sees the opportunity to make money. And most people will nod and say - oh yeah, the war, inflation and stuff. A reality check - corporate profits are the leading cause of inflation globally, including the profitability of quasi-state operations.
  15. I'm just glad there's no prostitution. Can you imagine the harm to the image that draws all the targeted high-end wealthy tourists?
  16. Stay classy, Thailand. The uncontrolled weed shops outnumbering 7-11 is a great look...
  17. This is how Phuket tourism looks with the top five arrival nations.
  18. Safe? Ha. I was in Chalong Villa Market a couple of days ago when a Russian swaggering around ended up in a bloody fistfight with an Eastern European. Trashed the shelves and sent the staff screaming before the blood started flying. Took over 30 minutes for the cops and ambulance to turn up. The hospital is literally over the road from the supermarket and Chalong police box 5 mins slow walk. Welcome to Phuket.
  19. I'm not entirely certain why the Chinese are making all the headlines. Come to Phuket and have a go at the Russians working without a work permit. Share the love.
  20. I live in Phuket, and seen a noticeable drop in people and traffic. I think the surge post covid is done and now you see the reality of high travel costs and economic wariness start to bite. That at the air Is crap, weather is hot and Phuket is boring compared to the other possible destinations for Chinese, like Japan.
  21. Wonderful. Now we should expect prohibition type raids on entertainment venues with visas and drug tests. Meanwhile, you can buy the drugs next door or at any of the weed stores that outnumber 7-11's. Or perhaps one of the girls who you have been buying drinks for all night, who are definately "not" prostitutes, could vouch for you. I'm also sure it's just coincidence that only East Asians were targeted. Ah Amazing Thailand. Fun fact thought. Koreans who smoke cannabis or use drugs illegal in Korea, but legal in the country they actually partake, can be sentenced for up to 5 years in prison on their return to Korea.
  22. SE Asia. Where human rights and democracy go to die.
  23. I'm probably down for wearing a mask again. Not for this, but just the cancer giving joys of the PM2.5 cloud.
  24. In my job, when I offer up estimates and forecasts I'm asked to demonstrate how I got to that. I don't think my CEO would be too impressed if I whipped out a strawberry fanta bottle and spun it with some numbered amulets. TAT - the best job in the world where you are paid to be ridiculous.
  25. High flight costs are here to stay for the next couple of years. It costs a lot to bring planes out of hibernation, rehire staff in a competitive labour environment, amongst the many other post covid issues. Perhaps more importantly - roar back with those best ever corporate profits year after year! .
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