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Everything posted by Karma80

  1. Unfortunately, my work requires access to some semblance of an international airport for frequent travel, which means either Phuket or Bangkok. Having lived in Bangkok, I could not go back to the daily pollution and traffic, which gets more crippling each year. Phuket has found itself in a strange situation where Russians have bought up much of the higher-end property stock on the island, and at the other end of the spectrum, you can stay here for little money on dodgy ED visas long term, and short-term low-end visitor calibre charge continues as Thailands perception of a hub of sex and now open drug sales continues. It's relative of course, and for some it's no doubt a paradise by comparison to the other options they have. I can't imagine why anyone would actually bring a family on holiday here if you had a choice. Nevertheless, Phuket has taken a different path back out of the pandemic, and not for the better. It's was already driven by stupidity, local corruption, money and lack of medium-term planning, never mind long-term. Now there are more people than ever coming to abuse that situation. There's no coming back from that over the next ten years.
  2. It's become one reason we are planning to leave Phuket. There isn't the infrastructure to support this sharp uplift in short term, or long term visitors. It's a pure money grab. https://asia.nikkei.com/Business/Markets/Property/China-and-Russia-buyers-flock-to-luxury-homes-in-Southeast-Asian-resorts
  3. Just sell Phuket to Russia and have done with it. Feels that way at the moment, anyway.
  4. We've come down to comparing week-on-week growth. Just when you don't think the TAT can be more desperate, they always surprise.
  5. There was me thinking he had nipped around to my Nan's and stolen the old deckchair in the shed.
  6. The only crisis is this government. Dump $15b of free money into the economy then look bemused when inflation spikes. Cash printer goes brrrrr - now where have we seen that.
  7. Just accept that platform to step down from the daft policy and get back to some real work on the country's economic future.
  8. The next coup leader needs more firepower?
  9. When you say "Laws" you mean suggestions, right? This is Thailand
  10. Attempted to overthrow the constitutional monarchy, hilariously with democracy! Seems you get less problems by moving tanks into the capital.
  11. Because the yen is at an all-time low, and few Japanese want to leave the country. Meanwhile, Thai's obsession with all things Japanese continues, and with the Thai Bhat going further than ever, a large influx into Japan. Was that so hard?
  12. I left Bangkok because of the pollution. Phuket's way better, but you trade PM2.5 for a whole other bucket of quality-of-life issues
  13. $52k for your corporate membership, $19k for your ticket and then get yourself to Davos. You get to rub shoulders with all the prominent corporate slime lobbyists, the tone-deaf politicians, and the self-important people of the world at an event that is regarded as evil. Bargain.
  14. This will hurt Thailand for years. They learned nothing from watching soaring inflation because of stimulus worldwide. And to borrow $15 billion to do it is incredible.
  15. Then, spring the "details" on taxpayers retrospectively. Amazing Thailand.
  16. Don't worry, just smoke weed and ride instead. Seems to work for some tourists in Phuket nowadays. What could go wrong? Sigh.
  17. My head spins between the tourism is dead, and tourism is record breaking TAT drivel. What I do know is that high season in Phuket is not as busy as it used to be and many of the local businesses are quite vocal about it.
  18. One small point. Vaping is not illegal anymore. The section banning it was removed in the 2019 update of the Consumer Protection Act. However, it remains illegal to import them. But that's a function of the Customs Act. https://coconuts.co/bangkok/news/no-vaping-and-vapes-are-not-illegal-in-thailand-heres-why/
  19. Just another day at the TAT Office of Hopes, Dreams and Fiction.
  20. Turning to a domestic tourism strategy will fail as well. Look at the sheer numbers of Thais going overseas to Japan. When covid was here, boom times because Thai's had nowhere to go. Now the flights are leaving. So are Thais.
  21. Any regular business traveller from an APEC economy, of which Japan is, already has an APEC business travel card, which gives them 90 days visa-free to Thailand and all the other economies.
  22. Except for the actual people who would vote us all out in a heartbeat.
  23. Frankly, I'm surprised he hasn't sold off his family for overseas money at this point. Total benefit seen by actual people in Thailand since his socks graced parliament - none.
  24. The Chinese side of my family has made it clear that Thailand is dangerous and Chinese shouldn't go. At least, that's what is being rolled out on Chinese "news" and chats. Once that gets traction, good luck with coming back from it. Ultimately, the CCP has a very good reason to try to keep tourism domestically focussed right now. The TAT machine stands no chance.
  25. I'm going to plunge the country into debt, just so people can spend 10k at 7-11. Transformative? The sad part is that this was offered up as a bribe to buy votes, but never actually got them the votes. The people didn't want you here.
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