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Everything posted by Orinoco

  1. Reckon the time away from the cells , is good for them. Even if the job is not so nice. Good job.
  2. Shame it wasn't Ebola. That would have been a fantastic day.
  3. Some days just get better and better, Ps or is it a Ruse. For sympathy. Look at me me, we are all in the same boat !!!!!!!!!!
  4. Typical Thai man Baby, now someone is dead. no-one will care tomorrow. What a sad bunch of !!!!!!!!!!
  5. Or a Rainbow party !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. He's not much different. Same class of idiot on the same Gravy Train, TIT.
  7. Yes very true of many people around the world. It goes to prove you don't need religion to be a good person. But the nut jobs, won't have that. you are a bad person if you don't believe.
  8. What, you mean the ones who carry the stacks of brown envelopes to there friends and family members.
  9. They all think they are important. Delusional idiots.
  10. How unimportant Thai people are. But got to have there 3 minutes of fame on the internet. Look at me, Look at me. how sad they are.
  11. Is that just the long way round to say we need more time at the Trough.
  12. Got to get up early to catch this lot out. Monday morning special. TIT.
  13. Or Patel.
  14. But, he was a pedophile. This is over looked by his followers, worldwide. ( what a disgusting creature )
  15. Don't know but his mum was a slapper.
  16. I look forward to the day when all Religions and cults and religions that pretend they are not a religion. All become extinct. They are all just dinosaurs. The sooner the better. Then mankind can move forward, at a timely pace. instead of the two steps forward and three back, like at present. 12:56, beer o'clock. Good day .
  17. +1, there's some dodgy geezers around that area. Ps Even the ladies are getting the hump with that lot.
  18. Oops. Just noticed who the op is. It's that special desk at mission control. I'm out of here. Bye.
  19. Do you remember this happy couple. Bonnie Nettles and Marshall Applewhite. Maybe you missed your calling.
  20. You can be the first passenger on the B-Ark.
  21. What a sad question. just because some think it's the end of the world or we have f the planet up so much we should just die !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a sad mindset !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hold on how about getting rid of the sad gits of this world fist. Maybe we should make a B-Ark and invite all the sad gits to leave fist, to find a new better would for us all, and we will all follow in the A-Ark a little bit latter.
  22. Dances with Wolves. Watched it about 5 years ago for first time. brilliant movie.
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