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Everything posted by Orinoco

  1. Star Wars and The Empire strikes back. watched in 1983,ish as a double bill on a Saturday afternoon on the big screen in central London. Also popped an LSD trip ( pink panther one) an hour before Wow what a day, amazing.
  2. Yes, But US cops don't get the plastic bag training skillset like this lot.
  3. A Turban, Beard or Mustache is required now. and similar attire for the ladies plus black lipstick. Welcome to Little Britain.
  4. Yes I paid for sex in the uk. it was just called something else !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Well if the lights go green look left look right and ahead then go at normal pace if the coast is clear, not snails pace. Served me well for 22 + years. But usually the bikes get off the line first, so we have some cannon fodder. to safe guard us when in a car. On a bike very different, supper high alert at all times and hang back at lights, I don't go to the front unless by chance at the lights. But hey, yes your right, don't jump the lights at the first nano second.
  6. USA = Bossy. Uk = Crowded. Thailand. = Insignificant. France = Pompous. Norway = Quirky. Scotland = Angry.
  7. That's well cool of you. I did not say just them, but area and can start with, not end with. But good game good game, Nothing like stoking a fire that was not lit, nice one.
  8. No But can start around the LBTQWXYZ-195B, area or what ever they want to call themselves today. Is that what you wanted ?
  9. 7.7 Billion people on the planet. and all the problems of the world to go with it. But the minorities want the stage. Time to dim the lights on them a little. More pressing things in the world.
  10. Think its ok for adults to chose what they want to be , but you should pay attention to detail, as the result can be a bit off putting.
  11. Oh, so you don't want to play anymore.
  12. Funny how you can't stop talking about some other county. Do you Look for VB in Bangkok as well.
  13. Sydney. I thought maybe Maralinga.
  14. Best post 2022. Outstanding.
  15. I remember Nina. Had a love affair with Nina In the back of my Cortina A seasoned-up hyena Could not have been more obscener She took me to the cleaners And other misdemeanours But I got right up between her Rum and her Ribena. Billericay Dickie And I'm doing very well.
  16. Then forget to move forward when the lights are green. ( playing with phone, drinking, eating, chatting) And when they do move it's at a snails pace !!!!!!!!!!!!! What a laugh driving and riding in Thailand is. But it's just all part of the deep rooted selfishness of Thai culture. Me ,Me, Me and more Me. Ps Ah feel better now, must be beer o'clock.
  17. The football / Soccer clubs of the world showing how out of control it all is. Nice job, Man-u and Liverfool. great way to treat your world wide fans.
  18. Yes, lack of information and time before application was submitted, was not expectable to me. So will just have small holiday next time, or if in the uk will renew there in one day, even if 5 years is left on passport. ( if service is up and running again ) Agents no thank you. i will enjoy the holidays.
  19. Won't be using any agent for this service ever again. Will just do it myself, don't care how much time and effort or money it takes. I will treat the experience as two short holidays, in and around the Bangkok area. Agents.
  20. There will be several experiments to further man kinds reach for the stars. 1) To monitor the rate of decay of Som-Tam in a weightless environment. 2) To mix / Ferment the perfect Pla -Rah in space. 3) To clam the first Sticky rice and mango in orbit. Ps How can this be the first satellite for Thailand. Thought they had Thaicom 1 a communications one. Anyone ?
  21. I hope the space station goes on full alert at the time of launch. We all know the state of there driving on earth, why would it be any different in space.
  22. Or Quick Fit Somchai at the side of the road. Look for the flashing police car style lights, that will be somchai' !!!!!!!!!!
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