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Everything posted by Orinoco

  1. So true. Walked out of Mega home yesterday, totally annoying staff, Went to Global home up the road, much better behaved staff. TIT.
  2. Enjoy your retirement boys and girls, Don't spoil it, by working for a Thai boss. LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Just for a minute i thought he was on about Thai soap operas. TIT.
  4. Wonder if they will just get sold on the internet. !!!!!!!!!! LOL TIT.
  5. ex biker, just a Honda wave in Thailand. Thai people are to crazy on the roads for me to have a big bike here. i liked to go fast and that just won't work here for long. TIT.
  6. it just slipped in after a few drinks at his condo. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL.
  7. I don't mind that to much But what gets my goat, is when the cheeky sods. lean round and stick there heads into my unit and try sell me a suit. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL.
  8. The correct rhyming slang, is merchant banker. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol.
  9. Op it's all about lack of length and girth of member coupled with size of void space in the cranium. This also includes some big bike riders in Thailand. but could also be an age thing for them as well.
  10. Totally agree. But they won't be destroying data. That will all be kept for a much latter date.
  11. I do feel a little sorry for him. should have just let it go.
  12. That would get on my tits, Slipping on all that gob, on the floor 24/7 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL.
  13. So nice to have pikey's in your community in the uk. Been there done that.
  14. Could just stop at ( I don't trust the Thai ) !!!!!!! LOL.
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