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Everything posted by Sparktrader

  1. Common sense. Cleaners are poor. Maybe 99% are honest but why gold and 100k cash? Any travel agent will tell you not to do it.
  2. Ive never had stuff stolen. Never been bashed. Never been murdered. Been abused once by a Thai. Get abused daily in Oz on the roads by bad drivers in the wrong.
  3. Kood or Kut has over 2800 people living there https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ko_Kut_district Over 50 resorts It isnt privately owned
  4. Still no idea. Havent found a good vlogger yet. Doyle has the best camera work but heck he is annoying to listen to. Maybe ok with sound off.
  5. Dont leave cash or gold in room. Dont take gold overseas. That way they cant steal it!
  6. Hate Xmas. Excuse to charge more for bad puddings and turkey which tastes like leather.
  7. So 20k plus 12k be ok. Good to know.
  8. Sugar based products high prices. Thais love it though. Coffee Club super expensive food.
  9. https://www.powerbankexpert.com/are-20000mah-power-banks-allowed-on-flights/
  10. IMBWSAT I might be wrong sorry about that
  11. Thais tell me rich people dont stay long at all. The media forgets so 50 years is not happening.a few years only if they have money
  12. https://www.smh.com.au/world/australian-pedophile-gets-thai-royal-pardon-20060701-gdnvc1.html Wrong
  13. I feel sorry for you. Get some help. Go ask a dr to explain the science to you.
  14. Your tin foil hat theories are laughable yes. Took me 5 seconds to prove how little you know.
  15. All the people out to get you. The boogie man etc
  16. I see you dont have a clue. No science just wacky conspiracy theories.
  17. https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-covid-rna-idUSL1N2LS27P Educate yourself. Your posts are sad.
  18. https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-covid-rna-idUSL1N2LS27P More science proving you wrong bro
  19. False. Proving you wrong was easy bro. Took 5 secs https://fullfact.org/health/Covid-isolated-virus/
  20. What medical degrees do you have?
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