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Everything posted by Sparktrader

  1. I could do a mad train trip. Nst to nong khai! Something to remember Nst Bang saphan Prachuap Bangkok Khorat Khon kaen Udon Nong khai Fly back
  2. Coal prices drive coal stocks Gold prices drive gold stocks Iron ore and copper down, might be cheap soon. Coal price looks maybe 10 to 20% higher
  3. Nickel has high use. Down lately.
  4. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/05/12/tesla-ceo-elon-musk-dismisses-hydrogen-as-tool-for-energy-storage.html
  5. I posted the facts. Made zero personal comments. Hydrogen is expensive. You just cant admit to being wrong.
  6. Any thoughts on nakhon si thammarat?
  7. Quit while you are behind.
  8. Electrify all you can; hydrogen is a last resort An emissions-free vehicle harnesses renewable electricity to rotate wheels, but how the energy makes the journey makes all the difference. For battery electric vehicles, five per cent of the energy is lost getting power to the charger. Another 10 per cent disappears in charging and discharging the battery, and five per cent goes to the inefficiency of powering the vehicle. Eighty per cent of the energy generated by wind or solar is left to move the car. Hydrogen is a different story. Making hydrogen uses 25 per cent of the original energy, 10 per cent is lost in compressing and transporting it, another 25 per cent is used in the hydrogen fuel cell, and some more in powering the car. Less than 40 per cent of the original renewable energy moves the vehicle. So a hydrogen vehicle consumes twice the green electricity of a battery one. That means more solar panels, more wind turbines, more expense.
  9. https://www.boilingcold.com.au/ten-hurdles-to-twiggys-green-vision-for-fmg/
  10. Anyway enough clutching at straws. Topic about mkts
  11. Hydrogen, the simplest known element in the universe, may very well be an essential source of clean energy in the years ahead. But hydrogen isn’t necessarily ‘green’ – in fact, most hydrogen is produced from fossil fuels, in particular, natural gas – and hydrogen still needs the support of both the public and private sectors to realise its potential as a clean energy source.
  12. https://carsalesbase.com/hydrogen-fuel-cells-not-future/
  13. Motherhood statements. No numbers.
  14. Except that article doesnt show anything about low costs.
  15. Despite the rapid growth of non-fossil energy sources, the composition of the energy basket will largely remain the same, and fossil fuels – oil, natural gas, and coal – will remain the main suppliers of energy, accounting for over 78% of the energy supply in 2030. https://www.brookings.edu › 2014/05 Energy 2030 - Brookings
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