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Everything posted by Sparktrader

  1. Ubon Example Cm much the same hey?
  2. https://www.dotproperty.co.th/en/properties-for-rent/ubon-ratchathani Not bad for 8 to 10k
  3. Inflation 13 yrs All countries Basic economics
  4. The west sucks Thailand is way better Believe me!
  5. $30 a night place in Thailand is $100 elsewhere
  6. Why would u buy in thailand?
  7. Rents in west are crazy high. 10000 baht a month vs 100,000 baht same thing.
  8. So nong khai is good for Laos girls
  9. Maybe rent first. Condos can go down in value.
  10. So people who bought Apple shares early on did well on the ponzi
  11. Need to jump fences better
  12. Look near Ibis hotel over river. Gym, dentist, shopping mall, good local food.
  13. Household could be 2 people 100,000 baht a month is heaps. Even in oz heaps outside of syd, melb.
  14. I give myself 5 months to decide.
  15. Blackmores top brand. Oz highly regulated. Nanny state. I buy swisse.
  16. Fly in 30 days extend 30 days Fly to kl back in Fly back
  17. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK218749/#:~:text=Vitamins A%2C D%2C E%2C,similar to that of fats.
  18. They try lots of things. Risky though. Fat soluble vits stay in body for months. Take it easy.
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