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Everything posted by Sparktrader

  1. Stocks are 20% overvalued compared to avg pe ratios
  2. Bhp yields 11% atm. Stock going down is good. Can buy more. Good stocks you hold for 20 years. No need to sell unless crazy price.
  3. If the stock is at or below 7 year average you look at buying. For entry you might use a 4 day ma combined with a 20 day ma. The 7 year ma is the long term trend. Tells you if stock is cheap or not. Always best to start with monthly chart.
  4. Another method Take the 5 or 10 year roe average. Say its 16%. You buy when pe ratio is 8x. 16/2 = 8. If it was 40% you buy when pe is 20x.
  5. Pretty easy 1 chart 7 year moving average 2 look at average pe ratios 3 look at div yields These methods have worked for 100 years.
  6. The economic cycle drives metal prices including stocks. Not the other way around. There has been a 13 year boom (apart from quick covid sell off). 14 year high to high cycle.
  7. Car hire means car rental. Other option is bus tour.
  8. Hire a car, drive yourself.
  9. Looks nice but you would want to stay in mhs for 2 nights or more. A 7 night cm mhs loop by car be the go. Most caves and waterfalls are outside town. The small towns are nothing much.
  10. Santichon village Pony rides & a rustic Ferris wheel at a Chinese village, plus shops for artisanal souvenirs. Sounds like a tourist trap! Pai is a small town. The best thing is a cave system 1 hour north. Tham Lot at Soppong. hire a car in cm. Get a map stop where you want.
  11. Bamboo bridge? Never heard of it. Not so famous. Hire a car in Chiang Mai.
  12. Elite visa 500k. No other hassles Cambodia $us300 no other hassles fly into thailand. In and out. 250k us in bonds is a lot of dead money.
  13. What is ocd?
  14. Cod liver oil A and D Cheap too
  15. That makes no sense. You need mining companies to produce precious metals. You need mining companies to produce nickel, copper, iron ore etc to build things!
  16. Other option Fly phuket 3 n Ferry krabi 3n Bus to Surat train station then go pkk,hh bangkok
  17. Can you buy a ticket to Bangkok and get off several times along the way at no extra cost? What stops would you recommend?
  18. Sell shares dec 2028, wait on Isaan porch for 11 months drinking beer. Nov 2029 buy in again!
  19. New solar system!
  20. 1929 crash 1979 correction 2029 crash? 2029 you got 50 and 7 year cycles coming together. Mother of all crashes.
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