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Polar Bear

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Everything posted by Polar Bear

  1. I haven't been able to find a UK policy that would cover everything that's needed. On the Thai Pass site, they are now directly advertising a broker with 3 companies that supposedly cover symptomatic, asymptomatic and close contact quarantine. I doubt they are competitive, and who knows if they will actually pay out, but if the ones they are pimping don't meet their requirements, it's hard to imagine that any of them will. https://tqm-app.com/static/thailandpass/index.html This is in no way a recommendation. I know nothing about the broker or the companies involved, beyond getting multiple adverts for it during the Thai Pass application process.
  2. How new? The current Test&Go was announced a couple of weeks back, but you could only apply from 1st Feb. Fully vaxed, PCR before flight, mandatory insurance (that no longer covers most situations). Quarantine in a hotel first night and have another PCR. Then free to do as you please for a few days, before going back to a hotel for quarantine on night 5 and another PCR test. If everything is negative, you're fine. If you test positive (even if you are asymptomatic) or if you sit next to someone on the plane who tests positive, then off to quarantine you go in a hospital/tel. Everything has to be booked and paid in advance, and then you can apply for the Thai Pass to actually be allowed in. Allow at least 7 working days for that.
  3. Take a screenshot of the QR code. Most QR readers will read from a photo.
  4. As long as everything is booked and paid for, you can apply up to 60 days in advance of your trip. It doesn't matter where you are when you apply, but they may well ignore your application until it gets to 1-2 weeks out. With regard to insurance, there is nowhere in the process to upload another flight ticket. You don't give your visa details during the application either. My husband will be returning to Thailand next week, and his insurance is only valid until June, but his visa is valid until 2023. They have issued his Thai Pass, and I'll let you know if there is any problem with the insurance once he's back.
  5. I applied on the 1st, got the registration code, was under review, and then it disappeared from the system and never came back. I reapplied on the 2nd and got the QR code for that one this morning.
  6. The application I made on the 1st never reappeared. I reapplied on the 2nd, and the QR code for that one came through early this morning.
  7. I know of someone else who was given the exact same advice when they called, and then got stung with the overstay fee at the airport.
  8. It very specifically says address outside Thailand. I put my Mum's address in the UK. They don't do seem to do anything with it.
  9. I've made 3 different Thai Pass applications at different times. 4 if you count me having to reapply this time because the first application went AWOL from their system. Every time I've sent emails to support@ for different reasons, and I've never had a reply. I've never got through to anyone on any of the phone lines. A friend who also applied did eventually get through on one of the phone lines, they told her to send an email and hung up on her. Embassies are very hit and miss. Some are helpful and seem to be able to move things along, others just say it's nothing to do with them. It's a mess.
  10. If you share a room and one of you tests positive, you will both be quarantined, and insurance usually won't pay for the one who tests negative.
  11. Did you book through Agoda, Booking etc? They often just book you the hotel room and not the Test & Go package. The hotel room alone isn't enough. It has to be the official package with transport and PCR test included, the confirmation they send has to be specifically say that, and the booking reference number you use on your application has to tie the two systems together.
  12. This is BS. I had mine at various places and they have all been added to the same ID number. It's fine if you are somewhere where you can show paper certificates, but it's becoming increasingly common to need a QR code instead, and you aren't going to show as fully vaccinated under either account. I doubt it would ever be disastrous, but why should you have to deal with the hassle just because they can't get their admin in order?

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