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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. So you believe that the events before October 7th had no bearing on the events of that day? Is that your position? It came out of the sun like a zero?
  2. If you say it another 10,000 times somebody might believe you but I doubt it.
  3. Over the years I have seen countless accounts of IDF soldiers shooting kids for throwing stones and fireworks. Can I comprehend why a father of one of those kids would want to carry out a terrorist attack in retaliation? Of course. It would be disingenuous in the extreme to claim to not understand that.
  4. I reported that you doubled down on accusing me of condoning terrorism after I warned you about it.
  5. I agree but not along with tens of thousands of civilians, many of which advocated a political settlement for decades. The Israeli leadership needs to be charged in the ICC and dealt with for genocide. The ICJ ordered that several named individuals in Israel be brought to justice for making incisive and racist comments. Israel ignored them. Disgusting.
  6. non sequitur. The ICJ have found credible cause to try Israel for genocide.
  7. That sentiment is delusional. Palestinians in all likelihood agree with me. They have often said so. You need to at least acknowledge that events prior to October 7th led to the events of October 7th if you are being intellectually honest.
  8. You unequivocaly accused me of condoning the terrorist attacks.
  9. Are you accusing me of condoning the October 7th terror attacks? Are you that craven? You are not going to force me to restate my previously stated position over and over again.,
  10. identical things. If you want to be pedantic a war can only occur between two nation states. This nas been proved to you but nothing shifts your talking points.
  11. weasel words. The conflict has been variously described as both for the past 70 years.
  12. If anyone ignores what started this conflict it is you.
  13. I don't think that the notion that "other people" hate Jews is controversial. There was an allegation that some people here were such.
  14. Let me be quite clear here. Natanyahu is an animal.
  15. Sue. I can understand why people people might hate Jews. In particular I believe most Palestinians now hate Jews. It's been pointed out to you that understanding motivation does not mean that motivation is shared by the person who expresses that understanding. If you can't understand at all why someone might hate Jews then I think you are just being disingenuous. We don't have to agree with the sentiment to know that many have that sentiment and to comprehend the reasons why they may have that sentiment. The point previously made was that the number of people who do hate Jews has risen markedly in the past 5 months. Genocide focuses the mind.
  16. How is it not a revenge attack? 30,000 dead Palerstinians was never going to be justifiable in any sane person's mind. I note that no person here has ever been willing to put up their hand and say that the bombings of Gaza were appropiate or that continued or even greater numbers of deaths in Rafah caused by an incursion there are justifiable. The pro Israel lobby here just wants to cry outrage and attack anyone who would hate on a country that openly commits genocide and flaunts ICJ court rulings.
  17. Nobody here has ever professed to hating Jews. The legitimate hate is against Netanyahu and his war cabinet for both expressing islamophobic sentiment and conducting genocidal revenge attacks.
  18. The US to propose a cease fire at the UN.
  19. Right opposite the entrance to soi LK Metro on soi Buakhaow.
  20. Of course I watched it. How else could I quote from it? Sheesh.
  21. Where was I required to state who said it? It's in the link. I didn't care who said it. I cared only about the sentiment expressed. You're running away from the sentiment and doing whatever you can to discredit me for quoting it. Pretty telling.
  22. Watch the video and enlighten yourself. Why comment on a link you didn't watch?
  23. The comment stands on it's own merits even if Mickey Mouse said it. The comment was accurately quoted form the video. Deal with it.
  24. How about you answer the same question. Is revenge an appropriate response? That's what my comment was all about.
  25. Nope, it strongly suggest I quoted form the video I posted., I didn't not reference Blinken in any way in my comment.
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