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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Provide a link to a credible opinion that supports your contention.
  2. Asking me to justify my opinion with links while failing to do the same? pathetic.
  3. Again, illiterate much? https://guide-humanitarian-law.org/content/article/3/civilians/
  4. while not reading the provided link, can't make this stuff up.
  5. waiting for what links, pray tell?
  6. I said already that wearing a uniform is not a marker of terrorism or not
  7. Unaware of the numbers of world leaders echoing the same sentiment?
  8. illiterate much? The number is likely double \https://reliefweb.int/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/factsheet-november-2023-impact-explosive-weapons-gaza-people-behind-numbers
  9. Huge lie. Dropping bombs on a refugee camp is knowingly, wilingly and deliberately killing civilians. The fact that hundreds of civilians were killed and that the outcome was entirely predictable makes it deliberate.
  10. Wanting Israel to stop bombing civilians is hateful now? Get a grip and try answering the question. Seems you don't have what it takes.
  11. Then yes, the US and every state that provides assistance to Israel to commit war criomes while failing to condemn them or take action to stop them is complicit.
  12. 5,000 deliberately murdered isn't pathetic? Do you think 5,000 is acceptable but 6 million not?
  13. Even the premise of the title is incorrect. When was a terrorist attack a war? Was 9/11 a war? I'd agree is Palestine was a nation state.
  14. It'll never be proven until both Israel and the US recognise the ICC
  15. I said I condemned Hamas for it's attacks. Wanting Israel to stop war crimes is not supporting terrorism. Why are you so irrational today?
  16. 5.000 civilians dead in a matter of weeks due to indisciminant bombing is a war crime. He is not not a war criminal because the number are fewer.
  17. No. Standing with is not committing. It's deplorable I'm not going to get dragged into a conflation game.
  18. Bombing vs gassing civilians en masse? I'm hard pressed to spot the difference. It's not just me calling Netanyahiu a war criminal. Tell me right now, do you not agree that he is? https://www.newsweek.com/spanish-official-wants-benjamin-netanyahu-investigated-war-crimes-ione-belarra-1835038
  19. Even if they did it would still be a war crime to bomb them. There aren't circumstances in which it's justifiable to bomb a hospital. None.
  20. What? How is accusing war criminals of war crimes antisemitic?
  21. Glad to. Hate speech is unacceptable anywhere, anytime.
  22. A load of tripe from The Hill as usual. https://ballotpedia.org/Ballotpedia's_Polling_Index:_Comparison_of_opinion_polling_during_the_Trump_and_Biden_administrations
  23. Nope. Never, under any circumstances. "We warned you so now we can justifiably kill all your kids" doesn't cut it.
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