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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. No, it means that some people can read dictionaries and everybody else is just a bigot.
  2. They said that when Ken Starr investigated Clinton for 7 years. It's all about the investigation, not the outcome. That was the same playbook for Benghazi. Pointless, fruitless investigations that were never intended to produce any result, let alone a timely result.
  3. Nobody knows. We only have the church's word for it and that's not panning out too well for them these last few decades.
  4. All criminals do need to be prosecuted. How is that relevant to this case?
  5. A U.S. civil rights agency sued Tesla Inc (TSLA.O) on Thursday, claiming the electric carmaker has tolerated severe harassment of Black employees at its flagship Fremont, California, assembly plant, in charges similar to cases brought by the state and by Tesla employees. The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) said in the lawsuit filed in federal court in California that from 2015 to the present, Black workers at the Tesla plant have routinely been subjected to racist slurs and graffiti, including swastikas and nooses. Tesla has failed to investigate complaints of racist conduct and has fired or otherwise retaliated against workers who reported harassment, the EEOC said in the lawsuit. https://www.reuters.com/legal/tesla-sued-by-us-agency-over-alleged-harassment-black-factory-workers-2023-09-28/
  6. I'm not sure quite what' s behind the sleepy joe rhetoric. It's almost as if Republicans don't believe that if Biden doesn't run,. Trump definitely loses.
  7. Pardon the clip. I agree, this is NOTHING to do with children's health and everything to do with gay hate.
  8. Not union members. He even faked union members with placards. Don't you find that dishonest? I guess all the dishonesty is like water off a republican's back?
  9. Billionaires have gotten $2.2 Trillion richer since Trump-GOP tax cuts Richest 748 Americans’ Wealth Up 77% Since Cuts Passed, Tops $5 Trillion; Debt Caused by Trump Tax Cuts Now Used By GOP As Excuse to Cut Services https://americansfortaxfairness.org/issue/billionaires-2-2-trillion-richer-since-2017-trump-gop-tax-law/
  10. Here is the US dollar index since mid July. You can easily see here how the Thai baht is being manipulated.
  11. A retired four-star Army General said Wednesday night that what's happening in the U.S. with Trump-supporting Republicans "is a parallel to the 1930s in Nazi Germany." https://www.rawstory.com/barry-mccaffrey/
  12. Do you want to teach them that it's not OK? Meanwhile, on Real Earth, nobody is teaching elementary school children anything.
  13. The mental disorder is to believe that there's a problem. Anywhere. Let doctors do their jobs without cretins trying to make political hay by stirring up hatred.
  14. Me too.solid state drives fail, that's it. No recovery possible. That's not the case with HDD's. Just need a quality drive in a good case. I use WD Ultrastor as an internal backup.
  15. Let me guess this right. Trump got elected in 2016 on a protest vote? What happened in 2020?
  16. It's all about the US dollar and US yields, nothing to do with the baht.
  17. Starts with G for GOP and ends with S for Stupid.
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