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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Very curious comment from reverso land. It's the dems pushing for wage and conditions reform for low paid workers and supporting the unions in doing so. It's the republicons (did I spell that wrongly?) who have consistently voted against minimum wages and busted unions. Moreover, it's the employers who are resisting paying those conditions and hiring illegal workers because they can exploit them. The Republican south has been dependent on abusive labor practices for hundreds of years.
  2. Did I mention cancelling work permits? I said illegal immigrants. You just don't wanna address that little inconvenient fact that it's all down to the employers in the final analysis.
  3. They're coming for work so what's the obvious solution? Charge companies and people who employ illegal workers. Job done, cost free. Until then, no reason to complain.
  4. I have an expensive Omicron monitor in oz but stupidly didn't bring it Thailand. I had the same results as you. Even if the Yuwell was slightly less accurate it would not make a significant difference. BP is up and down all day like a yoyo anyway and a couple of % one way or the other probably doesn't matter, especially if you use the same machine always.
  5. Terrorists or just fighting back witht he only weapons they have. If a soldier shot your young child would you be angry?
  6. Thanks. I believe that's the key too but at my age long term isn't the solution anymore. I'm more of a swing trader now.
  7. Yeah I got a bit burned trying to short stocks. Especially TSLA, lol. I'd rather long than short. Somehow the red ink doesn't look so bad for longs. I shelled out for some gold miners the other day and even some bitcoin. I guess we'll see another $100 wiped off the gold price now, lol.
  8. I believe you're wrong. The second largest after the climate change conspiracy. The climate change alarmist industry is bigger than the virus hoax industry.
  9. You did well because you followed the liquidity into the stock market. Try that right now since the liquidity is being withdrawn.
  10. The single biggest and least productive overspend in decades was Trump's gift to the rich, over 2 trillion gone to the stock market and the virgin islands.
  11. The genie needs to be forced back into the bottle with hate speech laws.
  12. Biden isn't being investigated for war crimes. Does that make any difference? https://www.timesofisrael.com/netanyahu-an-icc-investigation-of-israel-would-be-pure-anti-semitism/
  13. Agree. It needs preferential voting or ranked voting as Americans call it. It does exist in some states. Without that, they'll never get a decent democracy.
  14. Fact Check: Did Pelosi Reject Trump’s Request for National Guard Troops on January 6? A claim from Donald Trump Jr. is false. https://thedispatch.com/article/fact-check-did-pelosi-reject-trumps-request-for-national-guard-troops-on-january-6/
  15. Apart from having an exemplary record of providing links you again failt to provide one, only confirming you are following the white rabbit. You statement is a contradiction in logic. How is it logically possible to propose a 2 state solution AND want Israel to be eradicated?
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