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About ignis

  • Birthday 12/28/1950

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    Sai Noi

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  1. Ear nose and throat Hospital Pinklao almost everyone speaks good English > went for years for eyes, but go to Red Cross since 2016 [lot cheaper] As for ear wax both ears cleaned 800 baht last year [full of hard wax and hair] had to go every 2 or so for past 10 years when I can no longer hear have tried this over the counter drops - bobbles a lot but appears not to clean, others that use this appear to have to do it every week for best results
  2. Question as have no idea If I met with an accident and a ambulance was called > do they not check who you are and if you have any Medical card ? I have 2 medical cards 1 x local Government Village Hospital + Red Cross Rama 4. BKK, therefore both Hospitals have my medical records ++ on my phone I have the Medical icon EMS ambulance Service, been registered for years if called will [hope] take me to Red Cross.
  3. I'm 74, been taking Blood Pressure Med's for over 30 years, for years mine were like yours a bit low, 2 years ago Dr took me off BP med's for 2 weeks went up to high 200/100+ so was put back on them again but a lower mg per day, now always around the same every day between 145 - 160 over 68 to 90. appears Dr thinks this is good... My 90 day Hospital Visit was last Friday = at the Hospital + 2 different machines 158/67 + 160/74 maybe will try different mg per day so take the 1/2 dosage Prescribed 1 day and full tablet the other ?? is what I have done for years with my Insulin - use dosage according to Blood Sugar reading.
  4. Be sure it says AIR MAIL on the Envelope Registered mail is a lot cheaper than EMS..... Air mail is just that it goes by plane, I find it has arrived within 6 days
  5. No idea how normal mail comes/goes to Australia From UK to Thailand normal mail > re Royalmail.co.uk website states they aim delivery in 59 days. I did asked Royal Mail a few years ago > the answer was normal post > truck to sorting office > truck to Southampton > ship to Singapore > truck to sorting office > over land to Malaysia sorting office > overland to Thailand sorting office > truck to local office > out for delivery Now a day the only mail sent, as they still insist to send so say is my Pension letters, out of 5 said 100% sent letter, only 1 arrived and took 18 months to arrive.. = every 2 year have to go to the great expense on phoning them [phone answered then on hold then to all the options then wait for someone to answer, then a pile of security questions = normal take 45 mins on a mobile phone = then then ask if I still have the same email = then send the forms via email within a hour > No they cannot email me without sending a letter which never arrives first !! that is progress in the modern day ? in the old days here the postman came 1 x a day to the Village if anyone had post, these days there are 3 post delivery men per day.
  6. Guess so from Thailand, but better + far more option is from Singapore places like Singapore Cargo Ship Travel
  7. Lived here 21 years, but only 74 is that a problem ?
  8. Don't build a 2 story house, was fine 21 years ago but getting older stairs get more of a problem some days
  9. can only say they work but to well.. in Portugal 30 years ago a friend bought one and hung on there porch/outside eating area, while they ate lots were zapped, they forgot to turn it off over night next morning the walls were alive with Mossies as well as 1000's dead ones on the table and floor
  10. Daily routine Been the same for years come downstairs, if daylight open door to let the dogs out, bathroom, sit take BS test + BP test + take med's and Insulin, go to kitchen put the coffee on, back to front room, dog have done and back inside go to Pond and feed the fish, close door Switch on PC back to kitchen make 2 slices of toast . have fruit and yogurt drink 3 mugs black coffee regardless of time wake anytime between 5 - 8:30 routine is the same.
  11. USB dvd external drive for Windows and Mac from around 340 baht, even high end Named players cost as little as 630 baht > https://www.advice.co.th/product/optical-disk-drive-odd-/ext-dvd-rw
  12. You may want to think about the tax per year, it changed 2 or 4 door under2 lt is a lot cheaper per year, Road Tax now is on engine size.. Toyota Hilux Revo ROCCO is 2.4 or 2.8 lt so over double the road tax every year !! Re Ford. our 2019 Ranger XLT was trouble free, sold last year with 388,000 km, the New Gen Ranger XLT is even better, taxed last week = 1 year old + 98.000km trouble free comfortable motoring Test drive and see what you like best
  13. Looks like it was owned by a Sunday driver ? Plenty of trucks out there 4 - 5 years old with 400,000 + km on, so a 22 year old one is just about run-in @ 260,000
  14. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/24-2-341616cm-tool-box-i4534329332.html?spm=a2o4m.searchlist.list.76.bd303cd6iidItW Lots in Bangkok https://www.lazada.co.th/shop-tools-and-garage-storage/no-brand/?spm=a2o4m.pdp_revamp.0.0.4a122b73TwXDxF
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