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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. I'm shocked that it has come to this. I never imagined that it might. The best part? Matt Gaetz is about to become House speaker.
  2. No worries. If Trump doesn't get re-elected the Russians will give them what they want.
  3. Rather boring than violent. To put it bluntly, any person who negatively factors race into their daily social interactions with people is pathologically insane.
  4. There's obvious physical difference but anything which people consider an aspect of social difference (I use the term is the broadest sense) is a psychological concept. Some might even say a pathological concept.
  5. Exactly what the republicans want, an orderly worker immigration scheme and more border agents. I guess all the moaning and carping about border protection failure will go away now.. No?
  6. It's imperative that the Dems win the next election or Russia will succeed in it's invasion of Ukraine and get away with it's crimes against humanity.
  7. The very concept of ethnicity as a separate identity is artificially created.
  8. Answer the question. Are illegal Israeli settlements genocide? Your reluctance to answer that question says a lot about your prejudices.
  9. What happened to mentioning that is was off topic 10 pages ago? Forgive me for thinking this is just your excuse du minute. While we're still discussing whether Israel is a nazi state or not, are the illegal settlements genocide or not? You've wasted pages of posts dodging this question with feeble irrelevant excuses like Aborigines which really are off topic. Now you want to claim the moral high ground and complain that I'm off topic.
  10. The discussion is not off topic and since you have both engaged in strong attacks on me for several pages over this very topic it's disingenuous trying to come here now and claim it's off topic just because you don't want to answer the hard questions. Nor have you complained previously that it was off topic or, report it presumably. Nor have several pages of refusals to answer a direct question been removed as off topic.
  11. That graph would be a lot steeper if the dead kids were still around. So, finally, you stick your head up and are trying to establish that the illegal settlements are not genocide. What are they? The links I gave provided evidence that at least one Israeli cabinet member was calling for the extermination of Palestinians in one of the settlements. There's your definition of a nazi state right there.
  12. The illegal settlements are germane to the Palestinian Israeli conflict and indeed is the single most contentious issue, possibly after shooting kids. In case it escaped you the topic was about whether Israel could be fairly described as a nazi state or not. I made the case that it is a nazi state because of the settlements. This was made clear in the OP. Several people put their hand up to defend Israel but not one would address the central question as to whether the illegal settlements were genocide.
  13. "Avila, who had completed five combat tours, had lost a leg in an IED attack in Afghanistan, and had suffered two heart attacks, two strokes, and brain damage as a result of his injuries," wrote editor-in-chief Jeffrey Goldberg. "To Milley, and to four-star generals across the Army, Avila and his wife, Claudia, represented the heroism, sacrifice, and dignity of wounded soldiers." "After Avila’s performance, Trump walked over to congratulate him, but then said to Milley, within earshot of several witnesses, 'Why do you bring people like that here? "Never let Avila appear in public again, Trump told Milley." https://www.rawstory.com/trump-wounded-veteran/
  14. The baboon is so dumb he doesn't even know that Guam is a US territory. https://www.rawstory.com/trump-guam/
  15. The Genocide of the Palestinian People: An International Law and Human Rights Perspective While there has been recent criticism of those taking the position that Israel is committing genocide against Palestinians, there is a long history of human rights scholarship and legal analysis that supports the assertion. Prominent scholars of the international law crime of genocide and human rights authorities take the position that Israel’s policies toward the Palestinian people could constitute a form of genocide. Those policies range from the 1948 mass killing and displacement of Palestinians to a half-century of military occupation and, correspondingly, the discriminatory legal regime governing Palestinians, repeated military assaults on Gaza, and official Israeli statements expressly favoring the elimination of Palestinians. https://ccrjustice.org/sites/default/files/attach/2016/10/Background on the term genocide in Israel Palestine Context.pdf
  16. “For Israel, the settlements serve two related purposes. One is to guarantee that the occupied territory will remain under Israeli control in perpetuity. The second purpose is to ensure that there will never be a genuine Palestinian state,” Lynk told the Human Rights Council in Geneva. “These are exactly the reasons why the international community agreed to prohibit the practice of settler implantation when it created the Fourth Geneva Convention in 1949 and the Rome Statute in 1998.” https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2021/07/occupied-palestinian-territory-israeli-settlements-should-be-classified-war
  17. At a conference hosted by Haaretz on Wednesday, Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich said that “the village of Hawara needs to be wiped out. I think that the State of Israel needs to do that—not, God forbid, private individuals.” https://politicalviolenceataglance.org/2023/03/06/is-israel-on-the-precipice-of-genocide/
  18. weak as dishwater to offer a laughing emoji as a reply while not having the guts to say whether Israel's illegal settlements are genocide or not.
  19. Is the man on the moon a nazi? Do you think your question was clever? On topic, are Israel's illegal settlements genocide?
  20. You didn't have to say it. You went on about how I shouldn't criticise Israel because I wasn't Israeli. Then you criticise Australia. What a hypocrite you are.
  21. How the hell can you have the temerity to suggest that I can't criticise Israel because I'm not Israeli when you aren't Israeli either. Moreover, you have no basis for accusing me of being antisemitic. I did consider that I must be debating with someone who had some knowledge of the subject but it appears to not be the case. You are simply trolling.
  22. This topic isn't about Australia. It's pathetic that you are so thin skinned that you can neither stand criticism of your countries policies even though my criticism aligns with the opinions expressed by many in your country, for no other reason than you don't agree with them. What really makes your response pathetic is that you try this deflection because you can't bring yourself to explain the conenction between soldiers shooting kids and Judaism or whether illegal settlements are genocide.
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