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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. So, nobody should be telling Israelis what to do? What about the Israelis who think Netanyahu and his hardliners are nazis? Can I agree with them? https://www.timesofisrael.com/liberman-netanyahu-employs-exact-methods-of-nazi-propagandist-goebbels/ https://www.timesofisrael.com/likud-accuses-dan-halutz-of-incitement-for-claiming-netanyahu-is-no-longer-a-patriot/
  2. Complete rubbish. I suppose you think no country should stick it;'s nose into the affairs of any other country and the UN or NATO shouldn't exist? Meanwhile, you purport to be Israeli and yet can't answer whether the illegal settlements are genocide. Unless you can make a connection between shooting children and Judaism you can't accuse me of being antisemitic.
  3. OMG. What was the definition of antisemitic again? You are going around in circles. Let me get this right. You have now admitted that you believe any comparison of Israel with nazis is antisemtic. If I call Putin a nazi, is that anti Russian orthodox? Are you suggesting that Israel can never be fairly accused of nazism? Can other countries? Is nazism buried in history?
  4. You have not shown how a single statement of mine is even remotely antisemitic. Instead, you have used the pejorative to flame me and without any explained basis. Disgusting. Are you so bloody minded that you believe that any and all criticism of Israel is antisemitism? At least have the cohones to answer that question. Are illegal Israeli settlements genocide? And don't misquote me, it's childish.
  5. what's funny about genocide? Come back when you've got the courage of your convictions.
  6. It's been the topic for several pages now. Are illegal Israeli settlements genocide?
  7. What has that got to do with their soldiers shooting kids and the illegal settlements? You're off topic.
  8. You reply was intended to cast aspersions against my insistence that my criticism of Israeli policies was not about religion. Did I misunderstand that?
  9. This is the problem with criticising Israel. Israelis weaponise accusations of antisemitism in order to intimidate anyone who dares to offer criticism. Put the antisemitism card away and grow up.
  10. This is a thread about Israel. Yes, it is absolutely a coincidence that Israel is a Jewish nation. I already told you, it's irrelevant to any point I've made. Give it up. You're not going to pin me with a baseless accusation of racism.
  11. Utterly irrelevant to any point I have made. Stop deflecting. I criticise Israel and you want to turn it back to antisemitism again. We've been through this. Stop trolling.
  12. No to all questions. I'm not pointing fingers at Jews. I never mentioned Jews.
  13. Who did I flame. You can't do it can you? Are the illegal settlements genocide? You won't answer that question and yet have the temerity to criticize others on the topic.
  14. So, by that logic, no country should be singled out for criticism? All countries same? None worse than others? Luxembourg has the same issues as Israel?
  15. If we need confirmation that Trump Jr is not very bright, this is it. The X (formerly known as Twitter) account of former US President Donald Trump Jr was hacked for some time and a series of false posts went out from it. https://www.businesstoday.in/technology/news/story/donald-trump-is-dead-claims-hacked-x-account-of-former-us-presidents-son-399116-2023-09-20
  16. They're running a double page spread in "Incels Monthly".
  17. I disagree. You give him too much credit. He's willing to say whatever it takes to get more votes. He doesn't care where they come from. The lowest common denominator is a niche vote no candidate has previously wanted to embrace. The southern strategy put a toe in the water but Trump had a bath.
  18. So Israel needs to give them their own state if they don't want to give them a separate state. The status quo is apartheid and racist. Are the settlements genocide? Not one person, least of all yourself, has wanted to go anywhere near this question. They defend Israel as not nazi but won't declare their hand either way when it comes to the whether the settlements are genocide or not, the single biggest bone of contention.
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