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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Not in the wider Israeli Palestinian territories, they don't. We are discussing a solution, not deflecting with semantics. The solution you expound is profoundly apartheid and could never gain acceptance among Palestinians. Apartheid is racist.
  2. An Israeli not wanting Palestinians to have an equal vote is racist. Period.
  3. It's not a valid example because there is no racial division to speak of in HK.
  4. There was no racial division in Hong Kong. False equivalence, There wasn't any kind of significant division among HK population.
  5. Ah, the ugly head of racism arises. The evidence is more that the Israelis won't accept the Palestinians as equals. Otherwise there'd be an equal vote. I
  6. Why would the Palestinians think unequal voting would be acceptable? Would the Israelis?
  7. If the 2 state solution is over then one man one vote is the alternative. Everything else is apartheid and doomed to never ending disadvantage and war..
  8. Exactly as I said, Israel doesn't want a solution because the only two possible outcomes which could lead to peace are unacceptable to the Israeli right wing who currently run the country. There's plenty of opposition among Israelis who want a resolution. They remember the last one who got shot. That Palestinians committed atrocities is not an excuse for not seeking a resolution.
  9. Not when the Israelis hold all the aces and don't want either solution. Admit it, there's no realistic alternative to one nation, one vote or two nations, is there?
  10. The solution is dead simple. Either one nation and an equal vote or two nations and separate votes.
  11. Again you fail to provide a link to this obviously false and racist claim. Make no mistake, this post is as racist as they come.
  12. That explanation is obviously on the money in this case but it didn't occur to me. It's certainly not a reason I take an interest in middle east affairs. I'm singularly uninterested in religion until it's used as an excuse for social aberrations..
  13. Maybe because it's been a huge issue of international prominence since the second world war? Because they can? If you wouldn't get responses in a new thread why raise it here? Nobody took your bait so far.
  14. I can walk, talk and chew gum at the same time. Because I can. Should I be disinterested in the middle east because I've never been there? Isn't that the American way?
  15. You cited them as evidence in some spurious claim in a way which made no rational argument. Carry on.trolling.
  16. Why did you take an interest in Australian Aborigines? What does Australia personally have to do with you?
  17. No equivalence and you know it very well. Stop trolling. Make good faith arguments and support them properly. For example, your last post you make effort to support your claim. Nada, in words you might understand.
  18. Is there any evidence that Israel doesn't want the land all to itself?
  19. They're justified if the kids throw molotovs AND they are in reasonable fear of their lives,. They are not justified if the kids throw rocks and fireworks. If they shoot kids for throwing rocks they are nazis.
  20. Obviously you don't understand my question. If you would not send your kids out to get shot for publicity but insist that Palestinians would, that's a racist as it gets.;
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