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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. When it comes to Israel you are blind to both sides of any argument. And you will not weakly accuse me of being an anti-semite to another poster.
  2. A classic case of victim blaming and supporting nazism in a single short sentence. Why are those kids motivated to throw rocks at soldiers? I wasn't but soldiers weren't shooting my friends and destroying my house.
  3. Make all the excuses for crimes against humanity you like. In most of those cases, the soldiers absolutely knew they were dealing with kids. They read the news and see it on TV every day. Moreover, their seniors would have told them they were kids. Do you deny that it was reasonable that they knew they were kids?
  4. I stand by those words now. If Covid was smallpox or polio would you still be saying that mandatory vaccines and restriction of movement were off the plate? The early versions of covid were highly contagious and deadly. Millions died. Millions more would have died without the vaccinations and lockdowns. https://www.latimes.com/business/story/2023-08-29/no-gov-desantis-covid-lockdowns-saved-lives-and-your-policies-did-the-opposite https://www.the-scientist.com/features/counting-the-lives-saved-by-lockdownsand-lost-to-slow-action-67689
  5. You might think soldiers killing kids for throwing stones is justified. I never will.
  6. Stones aren't grenades. Again, you want to twist in the wind.
  7. Obviously you are unable to elucidate your position in respect to the issues mentioned. 'nuff said.
  8. To suggest that any kids are the enemy of any soldiers is beyond the pale.
  9. Did he not say the kids were the enemy of the soldiers who shot them? Let's keep the semantics precise here.
  10. I've changed nothing, you're trying to deflect. I have never said all Israelis are nazis and obviously don't believe that. I have never mentioned their religion. I will say that Israel is a nazi state as it stands. Many Israelis agree with me.
  11. While acknowledging there are nazis in Israel (on an ongoing basis) you can't make yourself explicitly admit it. Let's go to the next step. Are illegal Israeli settlements genocidal? Is shooting kids for throwing stones under any circumstances a war crime?
  12. I said Israel has been credibly accused of genocide. Many, many times. That makes them a nazi state until they rectify the situation as Germany did. You don't have what it takes to debate with me until you can answer my question honestly. I won't respond further until you do.
  13. The US just discovered the world's largest lithium deposit worth trillions. Batteries won't use lithium for very long anyway.
  14. Yes, I made it clear what I think. I think what I wrote. It's quite clear you aren't willing to commit to any kind of good faith debate here.
  15. I am truthful. My comments are as I said them. If you want to deny those words are my real opinion that's up to you. Now, man up and answer the question truthfully. Are there nazi organizations in Israel.
  16. Common sense would dictate that I don't believe all Israelis are nazis and I clarified my comments. Now, it's your turn. Are there no nazis in Israel? Any nation state that is credibly accused of genocide is a nazi state.
  17. Lots of people are nazis. Lots of Americans and Australians are Nazis. They walk around the streets with nazi flags. I am not being anti-semitic by calling some Israelis nazis. To suggest that every country has nazis except Israel is ridiculous. To be crystal clear, I am opposed to Israeli government policy towards Palestinians. I will make no apology for calling anyone a nazi. I will not tolerate holocaust deniers either. The accusation that anyone is a anti-semitic by suggesting there are nazis in Israel is weak as dish water.
  18. It was a disgraceful comment but the Israelis should realise they are the nazis in the Israeli Palestinian conflict and do something about it. The war crimes and human rights abuses suffered by the Palestinians at the hands of the Israelis are appalling. Comparisons of genocide in both conflicts are justified.
  19. 'Proud to be misogynistic and racist': Grammy-winner blames 'Trump years' for her country music exit Rather, she says she's leaving because of what she views as the country music industry’s unwillingness to honestly reckon with its history of racism and misogyny and to open its gates to more women and queer people and people of color. She added, "After the Trump years, people’s biases were on full display. It just revealed who people really were and that they were proud to be misogynistic and racist and homophobic and transphobic." https://www.rawstory.com/proud-to-be-misogynistic-and-racist-grammy-winner-blames-trump-years-for-country-music-exit/
  20. His acolytes build a river barrier. Many people were drowning because of it but they didn't care, they are Republicans. A court had to order them to remove it because it was killing so many people.
  21. Trump's presidency was an existential threat to humans as a species. Folks only support him because of the foul, racist sewage that comes out of his mouth, not because of anything he actually did..
  22. Which is complete and utter bull<deleted>.
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