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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. So much for the sheeple accusing climate change alarmists of paying for sahdy research. They are swallowing the propaganda hook, line and sinker. Texas fracking billionaires Farris and Dan Wilks have donated millions of dollars to conservative operations that are skeptical about climate change and promote anti-LGBTQ ideology, https://www.rawstory.com/dan-wilks/
  2. Presumably the victims had an expectation of equity or repayment. In other words, regular financial fraud. Not just a romance scam.
  3. I said rich and white. Try this statistic instead if you want to focus on reality. https://www.vox.com/science-and-health/2018/1/9/16860994/life-expectancy-us-income-inequality
  4. No it's not and as usual you never post links to fake claims. The current US ave life expectancy is 77 years, https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/hsph-in-the-news/whats-behind-shocking-u-s-life-expectancy-decline-and-what-to-do-about-it/
  5. Those who got caught doing that got charged. Same for the antifa riots despite the right wing talking points that they weren't. It's really lame that the right wing are trying to gain the high moral ground on law abiding here.
  6. Protesting after an unjust verdict is hardly threatening democracy. Those pictures don't show rioting. Some broken windows is pearl clutching.
  7. I thought the decision was wrong but I accepted it. Can you spot the difference?
  8. Because of his age? He's not even 80. How long do you think people live these days? Are you 12?
  9. You could buy a house for about 3 years salary back in the 80's. Try that now.
  10. Can't you fathom the difference between a claim of fact and an opinion? I'll give you a clue. If you say the sky is blue, that's not an opinion.
  11. There are mechanisms in place to ensure the integrity of the voting system. Trump is finding that out now. That people are suspicious is their problem. If they have evidence they can present it anytime.
  12. Because of the personality cultism of personality politics. Dems have no such emotional obsequious attachment to Biden. Republicans have nobody else.
  13. The toxic tale of Musk's acquisition of Twitter continues. Days after boosting an antisemitic campaign to ban the Anti-Defamation League from X, owner and self-described “free-speech absolutist” Elon Musk proposed polling the social media platform’s users on booting the civil rights advocacy group from the site formerly known as Twitter. “Perhaps we should run a poll on this?” Musk tweeted on Saturday afternoon, responding to a hard-right pundit boasting that #BanTheADL was trending. https://www.thedailybeast.com/elon-musk-ponders-twitter-poll-on-banning-adl-from-free-speech-site-after-bantheadl-trends?ref=home
  14. Very much so. Locking up the leaders has apparently done little to cow the cult.
  15. He's not proving to be the businessman he touted himself as and which the rubes believed him to be. Apart from historical failures like wines, steak, universities, airlines, casinos, we now have Truth Social about o collapse and Trump will have to repay investors many millions. Then there is the prospect that his campaign fees won't be allowable as legal fees. That would bankrupt him. He's headed for that now and knows it which is why he unloaded the tower onto one of his sons.
  16. Obama did it? I think that's stretching a long bow. Did he plan to build it from coast to coast? The problem with the whole wall dog whistle is that most illegal immigrants arrive by air.
  17. When even Fox itself admitted it has lied and paid a king's ransom in penalties this beggars belief. Carlson himself put his hand on the bible and said only an idiot would believe him.
  18. Did the wall qualify as "doing something" in your book?
  19. Of course Harris would be on call. One reason she got the gig is because of her fund raising ability at the time. That's a precondition for every single VP nominee since the dawn of time. Despite the taling points, one doesn't get to be AG of CA by being lazy. Period. At this time in the presidency, her poll numbers are not worse than Trump or Pence. She was not a turn off for voters in 2020 so why should she be now. You can save the "failed border policy" furphies, they ain't true. Border immigration has increased because job prospects for illegal immigrants have increased. Simple as that.
  20. The great far right talking point. You're implying that Harris chose Biden to run as president so she could ultimately become president? The prospect of a VP taking over from a president has been the game plan since forever for all presidents. I'm not sure that a person who was AG of California would be a disaster for the presidency. As I always say, sane presidents takes advice from experts anyway.
  21. No matter how unhealthy he is there is always someone competent to take over. Not a worry. What is worrying is having a nut case in charge. At this point Trump is looking a lot like he belong in a straight jacket. Or at least in jail.
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