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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Those judges are in Biden's pocket but Cannon isn't. Odd that no judge has ever laid a complaint hat they were being interfered with by the president. Some might think that debunked a conspiracy theory. Same old, same old. Conspiracy theory is widely publicised over a long period of time and is characterised by thousands of people who need to shut up to make it work.
  2. Giuliani just lost his defamation suit against the two black election workers and now has to pay their legal fees. I think they must be getting sick of winning by now.
  3. People who suggest that's true without links to evidence are way beneath those desperate wretches.
  4. If Biden can control judges then why isn't he controlling Judge Cannon?
  5. That's because, dishonest or not, the lies were within the scope of his duties as a president. Trying to overthrow a state election was not.
  6. Even just losing the election and the subsequent failure of the red tide was a result of his poor choices.
  7. It's funny how people are opposed to having a large stakeholder form a committee to give advice to politicians who mostly know very little about relevant issues concerning that stakeholder body. Particularly when that demographic group is indigenous Australian and has been subject to some of the worst human rights abuses world wide and endemic official and general discrimination with extremely low levels of private sector employment and continues to have some of the worst (actually, the worst) education and health outcomes in any country.
  8. Because only listening to the echo chamber keeps them in their comfort zone. But most importantly they don't want to sign on to anything that might cost them money or require them to do anything. More importantly, it looks like a problem that requires global cooperation and that runs against the grain. Climate change deniers are typically anti-globalists and anything which smells like an international agreement, especially a binding one, is kryptonite. The weapon of choice is to point at some other country and claim they aren't doing anything so we shouldn't either. Paradoxically, that's where the binding mandate would be most effective but they can't connect the dots. Easier to simply claim the problem is false or blame it anything except humans because that gets back to the need to do something. Solar activity is great. Among the really intellectually challenged, those on the left side of the IQ bell curve, solar activity sounds like a kinda, sorta plausible argument they can cling to.
  9. I've had 4 or 5 shots, including one bivalent shot for free in Thailand. I haven't had covid for 18 months that I've noticed. Must be just lucky I guess.
  10. Want to Win the War on Drugs? Portugal Might Have the Answer https://time.com/longform/portugal-drug-use-decriminalization/
  11. Why? Because gullibility and lack of critical thinking are epidemic in modern society. Oil companies are paying popular influencers to pump their gas on social media, sparking a backlash from some climate-conscious fans for promoting planet-warming fossil fuels among young people. Young online celebrities best known for posting about video games, their dogs or their holidays to millions of followers are also dropping in unexpected plugs for gasoline stations, fuel rewards and club cards. https://nordot.app/1069458951108297066?c=592622757532812385
  12. Non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) were “unequivocally” effective when rolled out in tandem during the covid pandemic and led to “powerful, effective and prolonged reductions in viral transmission,” says a report by a team of experts brought together by the Royal Society. https://www.bmj.com/content/382/bmj.p1959
  13. Top review says COVID lockdowns and masks worked, period They might not be popular, but a major report shows combining these interventions can keep case numbers low. https://www.politico.eu/article/masks-lockdowns-social-distancing-evidence-reduce-coronavirus-spread/
  14. Are you saying the last election was not a fair contest? Was the election stolen?
  15. Take your anti-science to church. Lockdowns and face masks ‘unequivocally’ cut spread of Covid, report finds https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/aug/24/lockdowns-face-masks-unequivocally-cut-spread-covid-study-finds
  16. They don't care if the whole country goes down the toilet. Trump supporters are racist to the core. That's his only message. They worship his cult politics and love him for it. Pandering to their racism goes beyond any concern for the common good or good governance.
  17. COVID Is on the Rise Again—What You Need to Know https://www.bu.edu/articles/2023/covid-is-on-the-rise-again-what-you-need-to-know/
  18. Why don't you dredge up some truth for a change? The rest of the world sees covid rising again and some countries are considering more lock downs.
  19. It isn't flawed. Wearing a mask is a conscious decision, therefore willful. Stop suggesting that people shouldn't wear m,asks for covid. That's mouth breather stuff and utterly misinformed..
  20. So what? I'm sick of people accusing others of being mouth breathers for wearing masks. Nothing could be less intelligent.
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