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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Nah, it's like watching a train wreck. Very entertaining. Nothing to do with obsessions.
  2. Complete rubbish. Thais frequently still wear masks. Those who willfully put others at risk are the mouth breathers.
  3. Don't worry, blacks can identify with Trump now. Former President Donald Trump's arrest and prosecution for the Georgia election racketeering case, complete with a publicly released mugshot, has led Fox News pundits to converge on a new talking point: this will actually help Trump with Black voters, because now he's been arrested, he'll look more credible and relatable to them. https://www.rawstory.com/joy-reid-racism-fox-news/
  4. You can rest assured that whatever links are, no links are not facts.
  5. The evidence was shown to a grand jury selected from the public. They voted to indict.
  6. Yeah, let's go back to polio and smallpox epidemics. Are you Amish?
  7. My understanding is that there were more documents but the FBI didn't indict for them for that very reason. The assumption is that they are prepared to disclose the 31 documents for which he was charged.
  8. Yeah, right. The other leg plays jingle bells. Unless you can point to credible research to support your claim then it's misinformation.
  9. It is exactly that, an opinion. What's notable is that he didn't address the elephant in the room. Keeping classified documents isn't such as serious offense. Disseminating the information from them to people without security clearances is the actual offense of espionage rather than just retaining the documents. And when those are nuclear secrets all the more egregious and easy to prove..
  10. We don't give a rat's whether you get covid or not because you are inviting it. Luckily you seem young and healthy. What rational people object to is people like you subjecting vulnerable people to covid by refusing to make miniscule sacrifices to prevent the spread.
  11. You mean trading foreign policy for a few condos? Or do you mean arming Ukraine against Russia? Or do you mean preventing China and Russia getting access to advanced US chips? What does "selling out" mean to you besides innuendo?
  12. I disagree about the bias. Which agency is without bias? Fox? Newsmax? The important issue for me is truth. If they report in good faith and admit their errors when they make them I judge them as fair and balanced. Remember that Fox motto? Some news agencies do better than others but all have editorial bias. Mind you it's not hard to make the rational choice of which side to support these days. Conspiracy theories, charges at all levels after a record run of legal entanglement by his inner circle, convicted of sexual assault, openly racist, supporter of insurrection riots, Putin supporter. Few rational editors are going to back that behaviour. Only the true believers.
  13. Should they not report the news? I'm confused about how they're actually trying to stop Trump running. I know your response, if any, is going to be incredulously vague but have a stab anyway.
  14. The far right wing are messenger obsessed. It's part of their personality worship cult.
  15. They already have. The grand jury has seen the evidence. They voted to indict based ion that evidence. Lets cut the false equivalences.
  16. Riot at the capitol? Fake electors? Biden has committed more egregious acts than that? Really? Let's not kid ourselves,
  17. He is going. He just picked up a monopoly card with the word GO on it.
  18. Bank activity reports aren't necessarily "suspicious". I'm sure I've had plenty filed for transactions I've made over $10,000. Shell companies are a dime a dozen and in no way proof of a crime. You'll need to do better.
  19. Evidence? I must have missed that. I saw accusations, plenty of them. Perhaps you could help and bro out and point to some of that evidence beyond accusations?
  20. Might work if there was no social security or health benefits. Who pays for them when the percentage of elderly rises?
  21. He's in a big position to do a lot of damage., You just don't characterize fomenting racism and hatred as "damage". He commands a following of millions and yet you claim he's not in a position to damage America?
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