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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. You all Trump supporters must be feeling pretty bruised by now, what with all the lying coming from his insiders. A witness in the criminal case against Donald Trump over the hoarding of classified documents retracted “prior false testimony” after switching lawyers last month and provided new information that implicated the former president, the Justice Department said Tuesday. The statements from the witness, a Trump staffer identified in court papers as the director of information technology at Mar-a-Lago, was presented to prosecutors weeks before special counsel Jack Smith secured an updated indictment accusing Trump and two others in a plot to delete surveillance video at the Florida property. https://apnews.com/article/trump-maralago-justice-department-classified-documents-f3f498ed952e50a33c7c68e2fb1936e9
  2. I wish I'd kept the 1972 Torana Bathurst GTR XU1 I bought in 1979 for $4,000.
  3. So, it seems that Mark Meadows has squealed. No doubt he'll corroborate his former sidekick's (Hutchinson) testimony as truthful. It's all falling apart for the big guy. https://www.rawstory.com/mark-meadows-jack-smith/
  4. Just turned 69 and hitting the gym three times a week with a personal trainer for 6 months now. I heard that one or two of the trainers are into muay thai. I did a few years of tang soo do in my twenties. I'd love to do some but the bruises from being kicked worry me. The pad thai is a weakness of mine as well. They make a good one at Dang Dum on Pattaya Klang. In that year I'm down 1 or 2 kilos at 72 Kg now for 173 height. I think I'm swapping about a kilo of body fat for muscle every month..
  5. Actually it will be better dem ad material. No suit and tie and no orange skunk on his balding pate. Think about it.
  6. Any excuse to be able to propagate lies without referencing them.
  7. I'm just wanting you to explain how AI has a left wing bias is a way that makes any sense. The fact is that there are as many right wing programmers (I'm being generous) as left wing programmers so why does AI have a left wing bias? The single plausible reason is that AI is limited to the truth.
  8. 'Useful American idiot' Trump facing furious backlash for boasting about Putin closeness "A perverse truth here. Helping Trump into the US presidency was Putin's supreme accomplishment as dictator. A Trump 2nd term would have wrecked NATO from within," Frum wrote Saturday. "With no one to help it, Ukraine would have been easy pickings for Putin." https://www.rawstory.com/trump-backlash-putin/
  9. Then again, what happened to all the right wing programmers? Didn't they program it opposite? Or did they only program AI to tell the truth? Did nobody ask the right wing AI programs? Where were they when the counting was going on?
  10. Then tell us where all the extra CO2 is coming from. Just saying "nature" doesn't work for critical thinkers. Scientists don't agree that it is natural.
  11. Those who are most compromised are those who believe the scientists are compromised.
  12. I hate to burst your bubble but humans are directly responsible for almost 100% of the carbon dioxide and therefore 100% of the warming. Global warming is ONLY occurring because of rising carbon dioxide levels. This has been shown here many, many times but it seems some can't grasp 19th century science.
  13. translation: If anybody actually uses any fossil fuels they should be fossil fuel lovers and buy the paid for misinformation of the various vested interests? I like horses. Should I... oh, never mind.
  14. Among Democrats, Saturday Night Live. Among Republicans, Tucker for sure. Chris who?
  15. This comment was utterly devoid of any cogent content. There is no way to glean meaning from that sentence.
  16. how old are you? 90? ???? They think he's a patriot because he's a racist, nationalist. The two usually go hand in hand. White supremacists are not good people despite what Trump says. They love him because he said they were.
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