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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. More consequential might be the forum rules.
  2. Are you implying that it was the only time he said it and took no actions to effect her indictment?
  3. He said so. Are we not to believe him? https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/jun/09/trump-once-led-chants-of-lock-her-up-now-hes-been-indicted-on-seven-counts
  4. I think that's a pretty shallow interpretation of the facts of this case. For example, we've all heard the perfect phone call. Several times.
  5. This was what I asked you to explain and which you have still yet to do. All this back and forth could have been avoided if you could just sum up a modicum of respect for forum rules.
  6. It's exceptionally clear from the article that Biden had made the decision to stop placing his hand on his heart and place them behind his back instead and in the process he glanced at his watch since his hands were still in front of him. In case people hadn't noticed, glancing at one's watch is a subconscious action and would have been exceptionally likely to occur during a change of arm position after an extended period in the previous position. Can you see where I'm going with this?.
  7. What part of asking you to explain what irregularities occurred during the Fulton county election was making stuff up?
  8. How many white supremacist hate groups have arisen since Obama and during Trump's time? How is it that every member to a man love Trump? Did Trump not call them good people when they chanted "Jews will not replace us" at a rally where one of their ilk killed a woman protesting? Were Trump's people not in close contact with these filth before the Jan insurrection? Did many of them go to jail for decades for trying to keep Trump in power? On what planet is Trump not racist?
  9. Now you're being deliberately obtuse. You know very well I alluded to your unsupported and unexplained claim of irregularities. Why don't you abide by forum rules for once?
  10. Had you cared to explain I might not have had to guess.
  11. We know what you think. We also know that you're unable to elucidate what those irregulariies might be. If only the authorities would open their eyes and look, right? I wonder how a deep blue county manged to elect a democratic candidate.
  12. It'll be a long time before any other president claims that mantle. Not too often that a sitting president organizes an insurrection to remain in power.
  13. Doing his job? Didn't the SoS know his own job? How does asking for a precise number of votes fit into this? Not to mention Trump mentioning that there might be legal consequences in the offing. Turns out there were.
  14. Co-defendant in Georgia says false electors met at Trump’s ‘direction’ Shawn Still is a Georgia Republican charged alongside the former president in a racketeering conspiracy to subvert the 2020 election. "Mr. Still, as a presidential elector, was also acting at the direction of the incumbent president of the United States,” his attorney Thomas Bever said Thursday. “The president’s attorneys instructed Mr. Still and the other contingent electors that they had to meet and cast their ballots on Dec. 14, 2020.” https://www.politico.com/news/2023/08/24/co-defendant-georgia-trump-indictment-00112932
  15. Put some money on it. Should be an even surer bet than buying bitcoin.
  16. Again, is that a reason not to focus on a racist president for being racist?
  17. That's why MAGA targeted that county for election interference. And now they cry about being tried in a deep blue state. You can't make this stuff up.
  18. The state legislature and governorship are controlled by Republicans. That makes it red.
  19. Oh, that's OK then. He should be allowed to rekindle the good old days for those who have a nostalgic fondness for them?
  20. Obviously he needs more harassment. He's still morbidly obese.
  21. The sad is the rise of personality cult politics. Trump has a single message, racism and nationalism and plays to the lowest common denominator. Hillary had inside and detailed knowledge of who he was.
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