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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. The deadly reason Republicans are suckers for fake news Multiple recent studies show that Republicans are as much as 8.5 times more likely to both believe and share fake or false “news” with others than are Democrats. And it’s not limited to things like elections that are overtly political: Republicans were more likely than Democrats to reject basic science about Covid, and thus die of the disease at much higher rates than Democrats. First, conservatives are more vulnerable to listening to and believing people who present themselves as authority figures. https://www.rawstory.com/republicans-and-fake-news/
  2. Befuddlement is why you don't comprehend the narrative., Oh, and rejection of science.
  3. DOJ: Suicide of police officer after Jan. 6 was line of duty death https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/4159657-doj-rules-suicide-of-police-officer-after-jan-6-a-line-of-duty-death/
  4. Just because you refuse to provide links to those whack jobs, here we go. In 2008 Bellamy signed the Manhattan Declaration, calling for the immediate halt to any tax-funded attempts to counteract climate change. He maintained a view that man-made climate change is "poppycock", insisting that climate change is part of a natural cycle. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Bellamy Corbyn ran a weather monitoring company called WeatherAction in the 1990s and gained some prominence in the media for his predictions and, later more so, for his rejection of the scientific consensus on climate change. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, he was a prominent proponent of conspiracy theories. He described SARS-CoV-2 as a "hoax", frequently campaigned against lockdowns and against COVID-19 vaccines, and described COVID-19 vaccines as dangerous. Corbyn was arrested on several occasions for taking part in protests against public health laws, and for calling on supporters to commit violent acts against members of Parliament https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piers_Corbyn
  5. agree. Nothing like a few hard questions. Who wants to watch 2 gas lighters playing softball?
  6. That's nothing. Most of these guys believe a book published hundreds of years ago.
  7. How about separating children from their parents and failing to keep records?
  8. This continued regurgitating of debunked trash misinterpreting science for political gain is getting tiresome. Put up links or put a sock in it. https://abcnews.go.com/Technology/story?id=4335191&page=1
  9. some varieties will grow well in the tropics even at sea level.
  10. They have to. How could anyone reconcile believing Trump but not believing Powell? Trump has not demurred form her claims. Is that kraken still on the loose?
  11. That's because their beach houses are still well above sea level, several generations above.
  12. The US is training Ukrainian pilots and is about to give Ukraine F16's. That'd have to come pretty close to the definition that Putin is the enemy so his comments are tantamount to traitorous.
  13. No, but Ramaswamy isn't talking about a negotiated settlement. He never mentioned it. He just said he'd stop US support for Ukraine. That's a traitor.
  14. I told you. He wants to hand Ukraine to Russia. Do think that's patriotic or something
  15. I was in Starbucks at central this morning and there were 3 women at the next table speaking Tagalog. One was younger and quite pretty, the other 2 nothing to write home about. When they got up to leave I said "magandang umaga po" to one of them. She immediately pointed at the pretty one and said "she's Thai" as they walked off. ????
  16. I don't find Thais to be any more or less friendly than Filipinos. Mind you, the trike drivers who held me up at knife point in AC weren't that friendly. I was also pretty shocked to see the gun shop selling home made guns just near Rosies Diner on my first trip there. I used to get the Swagman bus from the airport to the Swagman Hotel in Manila and then the Swagman bus down to AC the next day. Now you can get a bus direct from the airport to AC which stops at SM Mall. I have personally met 5 people who have been shot and 2 more kidnapped never to be seen again in Philippines.
  17. 'Buckle up': Watergate lawyer says Roger Stone’s 'day is coming' https://www.rawstory.com/roger-stone-jail/ I see that the US government is discussing a plea deal with Assange. That would be interesting be cause it would surely include testimony about Roger Stone's involvement with Russia, Manafort and Giuliani leading up to the 2016 election. https://theintercept.com/2023/08/14/julian-assange-plea-deal/
  18. I watched the traitor presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy on CNN last night. He was saying that he would pull the US out of Ukraine and commit to giving them the Donbas region. He didn't mention Crimea but you can bet that he means that as well. His excuse? Fighting Russia drives it into the hands of the Chinese. He can smell Russian money and wants to grab the fascist vote when Trump and DeSantis go down. This is the kind of scum which infests that party at the fringes. The likes of Ilhan Omar and AOC are nothing in terms of extremism compared to this swill and a couple of other Neville Chamberlains.
  19. The longer he delays the longer he can't talk about the trial or the evidence. Rock. Hard place.
  20. Just like his perfect genes. Well, apart from the tiny hands and Stormy's testimony.
  21. The sideways thing isn't working out too well. I'll take a look at 16,000. We're in an asset collapse, USD is the only asset to hold right now.
  22. There would have been superseding indictments coming. Just more Trump bluster. He's a cornered rat now, willing to throw anyone under the bus and not willing to pay anyone's legal bills. That was just another lie. He's a coward.
  23. "For Trump, there's literally no downside to encouraging violence if he loses, and his followers are getting the message, just like the guy in Utah." For Trump, it's a no-win situation where the only option is to flee to Russia, or an outright war against the United States. https://www.rawstory.com/trump-maga-violence-fascism-expert/
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