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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. There has to be a beneficiary of a provision i n the bill for their to be pork. In this case the beneficiary will be one of those in the list. The extra amount is nothing more than a contingency item.
  2. No, it's because economists want it that way. Transitory inflation is a single category might skew the overall index. Analyzing the different sectors which make up the economy give wall street investors and economists a clue as to where the economy is going. One lump sum would not be particularly helpful. Core inflation exists as a metric fort a reason. I hope I have answered your question why it's not simply a failure of economists and statisticians to not understand math.
  3. Damn Biden for having a booming economy with plenty of jobs which attract illegal migrants.
  4. It's not pork until you can prove it's pork. The fact is that the 7 billion is going to one of the items on the list. That they ask for more money than the sum of the specific allocations is immaterial and not proof of pork. If there was pork the provision that made it pork would be in the bill. Pork is ALWAYS specified in the bill.
  5. Nope, the numbers are provided, both as comprehensive numbers and with the breakdown. If you want to know the cost of food or rent it's there. The CPI release is never just a single number.
  6. Where is the 7 going? Who will be the beneficiary? Pork is like when you pass a defense bill and require the M1 tank to be built in a certain state to appease a holdout congressman and get his vote. This is not pork.
  7. I mean the precise categories. Of course the numbers are an estimate. They are not left out of the numbers for inflation. You can read them every time.
  8. That is not "pork" That is a breakdown of the expenditures. Pork is when there's a domestic beneficiary unrelated to the bill. Bills containing items for multiple purposes are not "pork". You're just carrying water for the traitors who want Russia to win.
  9. Has it ever occurred to you that those precise figures are given every time inflation figures are released?
  10. Link to this BS please. Stop spreading disinformation or back it up.
  11. Explain what was unacceptable about a comprehensive bill that covered, the border, Ukraine and Israel? Oh, that's right, Ukraine. Traitor Trump says so the sheeple follow. Disgusting.
  12. Any person who would have their own homeland but deny the same for another does not deserve to walk the earth. That is the sentiment driving the anti-Israeli sentiment both in the UK and world wide. Israelis should stand up to the zionist eztremism. Many do.
  13. Their message is simpler than that. If you don't also support a Palestinian state you are persona non grata. It a basic racist precept.
  14. Same thing, the fed prosecutor answers to the AG. Put Bill Barr back in there and it's all over.
  15. No accountability for Israel as well at the same time?
  16. You're going to get an answer similar to "Hamas should surrender unconditionally and give up all the hostages and everything else is up to the Israelis". Like, ultra simples and no nuance or sense of reality at all.
  17. I'm not an expert but I play one on the internet. Trump would not have direct power but he could appoint an AG who would stop the prosecution. That might set off a constitutional crisis but Trump could be reasonably assured the SC would step in to save him.
  18. Was that the Zionism Today website? W admits that Israel is opposed to a 2 state solution and therefore not serious about ending the conflict. This is why he used the word "enforced". Israel may win the battle but the war will rage on without a 2 state solution. The big issue for Israelis is settlements and a religious belief that Israel rightfully owns the entire region. Military force begat Israel and military force will begat Palestine. There is no alternative dues to the zealotry of zion.
  19. From the article. Suddenly you don't like the right to protest peacefully anymore? The second march was taking place mostly in the imaginations of right-wing commentators and politicians who increasingly choose to see these displays of solidarity with the Palestinian cause only as a provocation and a threat. Following the prime minister’s Downing Street address on 1 March which represented these gatherings as representative of “forces trying to tear apart” our democracy, the latest figure to loud-hailer that version of reality was the government-appointed commissioner for countering extremism, Robin Simcox, who argued on Friday the marches were “a permissive environment for radicalisation”, leading to a hysterical Daily Telegraph front-page headline that read: “London is now a no-go zone for Jews”.
  20. There is now no difference between the two parties on border control. Both would control the border. Republicans and Trump need their fear and loathing talking point. It's clear that if this issue is resolved soon then the republicans can't scream "what about the border" during the SOTU. You get the picture. Actually, I think there's also another ulterior motive underlying this. The border controls as proposed by Biden would stem the flow of illegal immigrants needed on farms etc and big money have reacted with alarm. The bill exposes the quiet part. This election has become a choice of wanting Putin to win or lose. It's not about the border. That's just the shadow play mask.
  21. Right, because Donald needs the money more than she does? All victims who sue rich people are opportunists, right?
  22. Was my post factually incorrect? In any way? You probably need to stop referring to MY honesty and start telling us why was dishonest IN MY POST? Innuendo doesn't cut the mustard.
  23. Same reason as they wouldn't submit a clean bill on Ukraine funding I guess. Republicans like clean bills until they don't. There was comprehensive funding for border control, Ukraine and Israel. The traitors objected to the Ukraine funding at Trump's behest.
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