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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Pomegranate juice is full of antioxidants and Vitamin C, which is beneficial when suffering from UTI. The antioxidant properties prevent bacteria from latching onto the walls of the bladder, while Vitamin C helps to boost the immune system and fight off infections. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/health-fitness/home-remedies/have-a-glass-of-pomegranate-juice-every-day-to-can-keep-uti-at-bay/articleshow/70074130.cms
  2. They're good, I'll give them that. There's a white rabbit theory for everything Biden does. It must have been a good dose to keep him going for over an hour. Are they called "lucid pills"? Maybe Hunter Biden can help me find some.
  3. I dunno but I think the previous guy may have caused an increase in big mac prices.
  4. Laws on the book sis all good but where will he get the money? Oh, right, I know, the border funding package! You know, the one that the spruiker Johnson wouldn't put to a floor vote because it contained funding for Ukraine and that would upset the dear leader/s.
  5. I see she made not one whisper of empathy towards Palestinian women. How gracious of her.
  6. You have no idea what he said to Putin. He guarded that secret as if his life depended on it.
  7. You forgot half the story. The celebration of International Women’s Day coincides this year with the continuation of Israeli aggression against Palestinian people, including women, especially in the Gaza Strip. The world counts again the increasing death toll in Gaza from Israeli strikes targeting civilians, thus breaching international humanitarian law. Over 31,000 people have been killed, including 10,000 women, and thousands wounded since October 7th, 2023. https://www.globalministries.org/the-ywca-of-palestine-international-womens-day-statement-2024/ https://www.palestine-australia.com/highlights/news/2024/factsheet-international-womens-day/
  8. What happened to sleepy Joe? That talking point has been replaced by allegations of excessive partisanship. When he said he'd stop bills that restricted abortion was that partisan as well?
  9. Notice how it's only democrats who tour the world giving speaking engagements?
  10. You were simply called upon to rationalise your views and you made no attempt to do so. Your "rapid fire of toxic Israeli demonization" is my idea of forcing your feet to the fire and demonstrate that you're not just motivated by racial animus and bias. And, above all else, we are discussing zionism, not Israelis or Jews.
  11. Which zionists are and what makes them like that? Do you believe that not all zionists think the illegal settlements are illegal? My view is that would invalidate their claim to be an adherent to the philosophy. Zionism requires repossession of the "promised lands". No?
  12. All zionists are like that. Zionism's raison d'etre ceased in 1948. So, are the "river to the sea" type of incisive comments made by prominent zionists and for which the ICJ wants punished racist or not? Which zionists are racist and which not?
  13. You're the one who doesn't want to discuss history. Zionists had a good point, right up until they got their own country. Mission accomplished. But no, they babble on about all the "holy lands" or the "promised lands" being theirs by religious inheritance. You seem reluctant to admit that prominent zionists call for all of the land to be settled and the Palestinians removed. Do you deny that is fair comment? Can they claim that and not be racist? Specifically, does a religious belief excuse racist acts? Like mass expulsions and actively working against self determination for Palestinians?
  14. Yes, I do. I think all nationalists are fundamentally racist. Those Palestinians who believe Israel should not exist are racist. Obviously. What's your point? Palestinians who want it all are racist but Israelis who want it all are not?
  15. State of the Union fuels Biden's biggest fundraising day of campaign https://www.axios.com/2024/03/08/biden-election-campaign-donation-sotu
  16. Is Harris the one they call The Piranha? Or is that a different female House rep? It's curious that the females get singled out for this kind of name calling trash talk.
  17. I think the basis of his appeal will be that he lied about his wherewithal and so the calculation was wrong. Kind of like the effect of a 450 million dollar judgement against me.
  18. In case I'd missed something I read the article itself to see something I'd missed but to no avail. My money is on occam's razor. Propeller and collision injuries from boats are not uncommon. These types of injuries are more frequent in areas with a high level of recreational boating https://seaworld.org/animals/all-about/sea-turtles/longevity/
  19. The dweeb was being puerile. No respect for his elders or the presidecny as an institution. This was SOTU in congress, not a campaign speech in Times Square. "Last night, what he said was for the Democratic base," Longwell explained. "But how he said it was for swing voters who needed to see that this guy was all there, that he could do the job. And I told you yesterday when I was on the show, the Republicans have made a mistake because they set the bar at dementia." https://www.rawstory.com/biden-sotu-gop-response/
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