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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Zionism—the nationalist movement calling for the establishment and support of an independent Jewish state in its ancient homeland—is one of the world’s most controversial ideologies. Its supporters see it as the national liberation movement of the Jewish people that came to fruition in the creation of the State of Israel in 1948. Its opponents regard it as one of the last forms of colonial oppression in the world, defined by Israel’s occupation of the West Bank in the name of a racist ideology increasingly turning Israel into an apartheid state. https://academic.oup.com/book/628/chapter-abstract/135333910?redirectedFrom=fulltext
  2. Stop being a *** by accusing everybody opposed to your POV as needing therapy.You complain about other consumed by hate. Disgusting.
  3. Yeah, l I despise zionists. I am not conflating anything with anybody. Zionism is not religious sect of Judaism, it is a far right nationalist political movement.
  4. I know, you don't understand the concept of an even sided point of view.
  5. Be on firmer footing before calling me a iiar. Israel does not accept that the court has jurisdiction over its control of the West Bank However, the ICJ, the UN's top legal organ, will only be able to issue an advisory opinion since the case was brought as a referral from the UN General Assembly. Israel does not accept that the court has jurisdiction over its control of the West Bank I was also referring to the ICC.
  6. "Oh these nasty people are getting angry about my provocations in a country my people are known to disdain because of their initial opposition to the establishment of my own country". That paraphrase about sums up my feeling about what happened there. He pulls an openly activist and pro zionist public act while polluting the environment no less and then goes all butt hurt when people abuse him. It's nuts.
  7. Antisemitism is hatred of Jews. Not more, not less. Zionist can not be conflated with Jewish. Period. I can't put it any simpler.
  8. I wouldn't interrogate anybody. You can't grasp that a person was putting up hostage posters in a country which is very angry about the fact that his own country is carrying out acts of genocide while refusing to recognize or be held accountable by a world court. I find it completely unsurprising that such a person gets abuse and then his apologists all trot out the antisemite card to duck any discussion about whether such actions are either appropriate or smart.
  9. Nope,. Right now, if you're Jewish in a foreign country people naturally want you to declare where you stand. If you carry out overtly activist zioniist activities you are going to expect push back and can't pull the wilting violet act.
  10. I'v made it crystal clear. I'm anti zionist. I am not antisemitic and I believe it's cowardly to make that accusation in an attempt to avoid criticism and having to justify what Israel is doing.
  11. I asked for facts about what happened on the train and got crickets. I was openly skeptical that this was a random attack based on some trivial aspect of dress which identified him as Jewish. I don't believe it ever happened, if for no other reason that that no substantiation was ever offered. On a broader horizon I find anecdotes offered as evidence to be offensive in general.
  12. I never cared. I don't hero worship them. I'm not even Muslim. I only support Palestinian rights while condemning bot Likud and Hamas war criminals. Just so you're clear ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  13. always the same. Never an attempt to justify your point of view or rebut any argument before you launch your next personal jibe.
  14. Both are committed to wiping out the other and both oppose a nation state for the other. Both have committed war crimes. What are we missing here?
  15. I'll label a racist as such on every occasion I see a racist comment. Thanks for noticing.
  16. I never said they didn't have a right. I'm saying this is activism on steroids.
  17. I did'nt suggest it had.It was a hypothetical in response to an anecdote about an incident on a train where a person somehow figured out the person next to him was a Jew and let loose a torrent of racist abuse. My question to that poster about how the person knew his victim was a Jew remained unanswered. I'm really talking about the practicalities of safety abroad while a citizen of a currently very unpopular country, nor about any moral high ground.
  18. I make no apologies for being anti zionist as I am fundamentally opposed to nationalism in any form. Hamas created more war criminals on October 7th and Israel has done likewise since. They should all face the Hague. While I have no idea who the Hamas leaders are I will name Natanyahu and Galant and accuse them of being this centuries worst war criminals. On sheer numbers alone, they have killed more civilians in Gaza than Putin has in Ukraine. And from a practical standpoint, I don't see a lot of Russian flags being waved in Pattaya if you get the analogy to my point. I would not stick my neck out in a hostile country if my own country had not just become the subject of an ICJ genocide trial.
  19. Good, lets go back to the 1950's when your ignorance of social issues was normal. You are hallucinating if you think those things are systemic in our educational system beyond sometimes campaigns like rainbow flags specifically designed to blow maga minds.
  20. Right, so here we have an activist who gets approached by someone who has been triggered by recent events and gets verbal abuse. I'm shocked. Shocked, I tell you. Your failure thus far to address any of my questions shows that you are nowhere near a fence. I infer from that it's pointless to have any constructive conversation that goes anywhere near the word compromise. You're on ignore.
  21. It's not nice to say the least but it how did the guy next to him know he was Jewish while on a train? Let's end this with this question? Do you think Israel has any case to answer for excessive violence against Palestinians or not and do you think a level of civilian casualties similar to what we have seen is acceptable in order to destroy Hamas whether or not the hostages are released? Israel has vowed to destroy Hamas unconditionally, presumably new Hamas fighters since October 8th included. Do you think they will stop if Hamas releases the hostages tomorrow? And if they do continue, is the killing of yet more civilians acceptable and are you going to be telling us that it's all Hamas' fault for using them as human shields? Finally, should the Palestinians have their own sovereign nation? Feel free to answer all of those questions but I don't believe you will.
  22. Telling me to read more isn't a personal attack now? Weak tea. The ICJ already determined that there's a credible case for Israel to answer a charge of genocide. By extension that means Netanyahu is potentially a war criminal. Somehow, in your dictionary that constitutes victim blaming. You wear your zionist badge with pride, denying any case to answer for Israel.
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