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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. “SEE YOU IN MIAMI ON TUESDAY!!!” he told his followers Friday night in a Truth Social post, referring to his Tuesday arraignment. It was a chilling reminder of his December 19, 2020, tweet, “Be there, will be wild!” — which inspired extremist groups to disrupt the January 6 electoral vote certification. Calls are already circulating online for a gathering outside the federal courthouse in downtown Miami. https://www.rawstory.com/trump-civil-war-2661211016/
  2. I think (and hope) it means he will be more outspoken than his father.
  3. So long as they aren't breaking laws, fine by you? Most would wonder what attracts these scum to DeSantis. For others, it just conforms what they already believe. Still others like it and seek to diminish its significance.
  4. No, it's a direct analogy to illustrate how serious these charges are.
  5. How to Force Judge Aileen Cannon Off the Trump Case She must recuse herself from the case or, if she refuses, be reassigned by the appropriate judicial oversight authorities. Her name may be familiar to many. Judge Cannon heard Trump’s challenge to the government’s classified-documents investigation, appointed a special master to review the documents, and temporarily barred the Justice Department from using those records in its investigation. That much-maligned decision was later reversed by a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit consisting of three conservative judges: two Trump appointees and the G. W. Bush appointed Chief Judge William Pryor. They wrote that her decision violated “clear” law https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2023/06/trump-indictment-remove-judge-aileen-cannon.html
  6. They had potentially been rifled and photographed. I think the "securely stored and under special services guard" excuse has sailed.
  7. Indicted former President Donald Trump’s legal team is planning to ask District Judge Aileen Cannon to dismiss key evidence that ties him to obstruction of the FBI’s investigation into classified documents stored at Mar-a-Lago, a report said Sunday. The basis of the dismissal, his lawyers say, is that notes kept by Trump’s attorney Evan Corcoran - bombshell evidence in which Trump discusses lying to investigators about the document's existence and even suggests destroying them – are covered by attorney-client privilege and should not have been turned over. https://www.rawstory.com/aileen-cannon-2661189723/
  8. A generalised statement of the obvious with no intent and unrelated to the topic? There's a clear insinuation in your post that you believe they are lying. I would rather wait and see.
  9. We all want the charges to not be proven but some of us aren't so craven as to accuse 240 plaintiffs of lying even before the case is heard.
  10. The Trumpians are trying to push the line that the president gets to decide what are presidential records and what are not. I can't imagine that national defense briefings provided by the pentagon aren't presidential records, even if Trump doesn't want them to be. Trump doesn't get to break the law for his own benefit, even as president. Nixon found that out.
  11. Did you skip over the most serious charges which had nothing to do with NARA. These charges go well beyond NARA. Taking records in contravention of NARA would be a misdemeanour. Refusing to give them back, not so much. The indictment lays out 37 federal charges against Trump, including obstruction and unlawful retention of defense information for storing dozens of classified documents at his Florida resort and refusing to return them to the FBI and the National Archives. https://www.npr.org/2023/06/09/1181340894/trump-indictment-classified-documents-charges
  12. Because they don't believe him. He has form, this isn't his first rodeo.
  13. The impeachments weren't conducted in a court of law. He was entitled to call the impeachments political as impeachments are by definition a political proceeding. This is a criminal proceeding
  14. Why? It isn't relevant what race or color, anyone can be racist, even against their own race.
  15. It's irrelevant whether or not non blacks are responsible. That said, it's likely.
  16. Nobody ever argued for getting rid of fossil fuels completely. The argument is that we need to stop burning fossil fuels for transport and the production of energy. There are plenty of other uses for oil which will continue.
  17. They are cowards, unwilling to declare their hand either way. When things get sticky for them they turn into ostriches.
  18. It's curious that the right still see this as a political indictment. It's criminal and that will become very obvious the further we go along.
  19. Irrelevant. 240 black workers have complained. Are they all lying?
  20. "there's good people on both sides" is about as clear an endorsement as you can get.
  21. It's never good to cajole nazis but I think they are mistaken if they think they represent the "silent majority". They know that but they have no other base.
  22. The best would undoubtedly be a Tamarind tree. Extremely storm resistant and very shady, tall growing tree. However, it is a very large tree.
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