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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Matt Gaetz admits FBI 'whistleblower' can only produce 'allegation' against Biden https://www.rawstory.com/matt-gaetz-biden-allegation/ And the kicker, consolation prizes for the team Gaetz said that Republican lawmakers could take foreign trips to secure bank records.
  2. Notice the weasel words. "probably planted", what is that? He either did or didn't and Trump has to know if he had those documents or not. He doesn't have what it takes to directly accuse Smith unequivocally. "This is the Thug, overturned consistently and unanimously in big cases, that Biden and his CORRUPT Injustice Department stuck on me," Trump wrote. "He’s a Radical Right Lunatic and Trump Hater, as are all his friends and family, who probably 'planted' information in the 'boxes' given to them. They taint everything that they touch, including our Country, which is rapidly going to HELL!" https://www.rawstory.com/trump-classified/
  3. Funny, isn't it? You'd think blue collar workers would identify more with a working class man than a silver spoon boy who represents a party of the rich which shipped their jobs overseas.
  4. 40 years as a senator and probably comes from a wealthy family as well. He'd have to be a poor money manager not to be worth a few million. One doesn't even get to be a senator without substantial means.
  5. One protester, looks older than Biden, singing a Johnny Cash song with modified lyrics. Sheesh.
  6. Watching the "protest" outside the Miami courthouse live. I have more fingers on one hand than there are protesters. They mostly look over 70 and, strangely, all white and male.
  7. Great bravado. So he brings out his guns to intimidate unarmed dems and it all goes downhill from there. The police have guns.
  8. I guess you could say that. Shouldn't the CIA have investigated that matter? Oh, wait. Now that I think about it, they probably did.
  9. It's not surprising that the MAGA cult are threatening a civil war. Fox News legal analyst Jonathan Turley says former President Trump could die in prison if convicted on just one count after being indicted by the Justice Department last week on dozens of charges related to his handling of classified documents. https://thehill.com/homenews/media/4045592-fox-news-turley-trump-could-face-terminal-sentence-if-doj-proves-even-one-count/
  10. That committee was only to shore up the base for the next election.
  11. "First, it's the nature of the documents that he kept," said Christie, noting that Trump retained things like "battle plans against Iran, nuclear secrets, the presidential daily brief, which has the most important intelligence information that anyone in the country can get. These are not his personal documents. this isn't, like, his doodle notes on his pad ... it's our property, and the government is supposed to have that stuff, not laying around." Second, Christie said, "to suggest to your lawyers that they should lie in response to a grand jury subpoena — I've had a number of people ask me, why did his lawyer make those voice memos about each meeting? ... because he knew Donald Trump, as he's done before, would throw his lawyer under the bus and say his lawyer was lying." https://www.rawstory.com/christie-cnn-town-hall/
  12. The statement "institutionalised problems of race relations do not need to be exported to or assimilated by others whose societies have no such history." is about as uninformed a statement as I have read in a long time.
  13. I think the public deserve to have this trial finalized before the election season. Riots and civil unrest are the main risks of not doing so.
  14. He means he had intended not to answer questions and probably told his minders that he wouldn't be doing so but decided to answer them anyway. There's not actually much to see here.
  15. This. Many of the Jan 6 perps and other violent criminals who committed race crimes believed their actions would instigate a civil war.
  16. Ah, the ol' "your not American canard". Yawn. btw, you need more education from that comment.
  17. Incoming GOP chair says House investigation into Trump’s Mar-a-Lago documents ‘will not be a priority’ https://edition.cnn.com/2022/11/19/politics/comer-trump-documents-house-oversight/index.html Comer: House won't investigate Trump classified docs despite Biden probe https://www.axios.com/2023/01/15/comer-trump-classified-docs-investigation Comer Presses Remus on White House’s Unraveling Narrative About Biden’s Stashed Classified Documents https://oversight.house.gov/release/comer-presses-remus-on-white-houses-unraveling-narrative-about-bidens-stashed-classified-documents/ GOP House Oversight Chair Can’t Explain Why He’s Investigating Biden Classified Docs But Not Trump’s "Do you only care about classified documents being mishandled when Democrats do the mishandling?" Jake Tapper asked the congressman https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/gop-oversight-chair-james-comer-biden-trump-classified-documents-hypocrisy-1234661634/
  18. You commented on a case in which Comer has been the chief antagonist of late and yet you didn't know who he is. People have a right to be skeptical about how well informed you are on the matter.
  19. I'm slightly to the left of Karl Marx and I agree wholeheartedly. Who believes in waiting for some evidence before getting the pitchfork out of the barn?
  20. Oh, another false flag conspiracy theory. They keep on coming. I suppose you all still think it was antifa who staged Jan 6?
  21. These allegations were floating around for the entire time that Trump was president.
  22. That's right and now please ask yourself why he hasn't been arrested.
  23. Get yourself an education. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Same-race_discrimination
  24. Apparently, Trump is having trouble finding a lawyer. Why would a billionaire have trouble finding a lawyer? LOL.
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