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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. nah, some things are just common sense. You obviously believe Biden is so senile that he actually wants to build a railway at the bottom of the ocean.
  2. Wow. Senile or what! For 70 years he has lived with "God save the Queen" and made a slip of the tongue. Totally beyond the pale. Impeach now. Definitely nothing to do with his speech impediment. This is a real covfefe moment for Biden.
  3. It wasn't crowded when I went. Maybe a dozen people and that was early in the exhibition.
  4. The BANGKOK PATTAYA HOSPITAL ???? Today was the last day.
  5. In other words, you can't explain how clipping the speech changed the context. It didn't.
  6. Please explain exactly the context which makes those comments misleading.
  7. It was a fantastic idea. Much of that money went on supporting Ukraine against Trump's buddy.
  8. A trend that may take years to play out and the unemployment number may still remain historically low. That said, I believe a hard landing recession is coming. The government simply forked out too much in covid relief, much of which wound up in the stock market and billions more were fraudulently claimed.
  9. A day before the deadline Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis gave to the College Board to comply with his law restricting classroom discussions of sexual orientation and gender identity by amending its Advanced Placement class curricula, the company told the Republican governor's administration that it will not be making the demanded changes. https://www.rawstory.com/desantis-ap-college-board/
  10. It's becoming increasingly apparent that one side of politics is badder than the other and on the wrong side of history. Busted: Analysis shows billionaire Clarence Thomas sugar daddy gave millions to dark money groups Harlan Crow, the billionaire GOP megadonor under scrutiny for lavishing U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and his relatives with high-dollar gifts, is also "deeply intertwined with the shadowy world of Republican dark money" and has given millions of dollars to secretive right-wing groups, a leading ethics watchdog reported Thursday. In a new analysis, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) details how Crow "personally took park in the creation" of the dark money system that flourishes in the wake of the Supreme Court's 2010 Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (FEC) ruling. That landmark decision—in which Thomas sided with the 5-4 majority—affirmed that the First Amendment's free speech clause prohibits limits on independent expenditures on political campaigns by corporations, labor unions, nonprofit groups, and others. https://www.rawstory.com/harlan-crow-dark-money/
  11. It has to be the start of a trend. I've never seen figures under 4% in my life before. Not saying they don't exist but pretty rare. They are at a floor.
  12. If that happens Cannon will likely be impeached. https://www.newsweek.com/impeach-aileen-cannon-calls-grow-trump-judge-eviscerated-court-1764116
  13. So, the entire right wing hopes of exposing Biden bribery just went down the toilet. The Burisma tapes thing is a MAGA hoax. Rudy Giuliani says key Biden whistleblower no one has ever heard of has died Rep. James Comer (R-KY) and Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) have claimed that they saw an FBI document that reports a bribery and money laundering scheme by President Joe Biden and his son Hunter. The document is called an FD-1023 form and it's what agents use when they get a tip from the public about a possible crime. There is reason to believe that Rudy Giuliani is the one who made that report, given comments in Bill Barr's autobiography. https://www.rawstory.com/biden-burisma-whistleblower-giuliani/
  14. You rate that figure as not good because it's marginally up from very good? There's not an economist on the planet who doesn't think 3.7% unemployment is good.
  15. Thanks to the OP. I hauled myself out of bed early this morning and went to BPH to get the shot. I was over half an hour early and was number 17. Out by 9:30. I've had 4 shots but none for a year and this is my first bivalent shot. Hopefully the last unless recommended by medical authorities.
  16. What are they going to do for money? The red states are the biggest recipients of federal funding. The cities generate the cash and they are where the educated population congregates in the main. Odd that you despise people because of their politics.
  17. Inflation is coming down and much lower than Europe. Jobs are good, wages re up.
  18. I'm stunned by the projection going on here. Trump's secretary for education was Betsy DeVos, totally unqualified for the job and got it because she was a Trump donor. Her education is just a BA at some minor college. She was the enemy of education. When you cull education you cull critical thinking. Key to the ability to think critically is an education. The right wing don't get this fundamental connection. To Christian conservatives, she was a hero who once proclaimed, "I fight against anyone who would have government be the parent to everyone." DeVos used her bully pulpit to champion religious education, push for school choice and help private schools in financial turmoil. To her critics, including the nation's teachers unions, she was a stone-cold villain who famously suggested guns belong in some schools (to fend off bears), who needed the vice president's vote to survive confirmation and who spent four years disparaging American public education. https://www.npr.org/2020/11/19/936225974/the-legacy-of-education-secretary-betsy-devos
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