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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. I believe that's true. Last night Tree Town on soi moo cow was packed and most bars along that soi had drinkers. The back bars were quiet as were the LK Metro bars. It did still seem noisy to me just walking along the street.
  2. Link to this claim please? I'm not referring to the difference between sugar and fructose.
  3. If Trump willfully removed documents from a place where they were legally required to be kept them he stole them. It's long been proved that it wasn't inadvertent in Trump's case as it was inadvertent in Biden's case. Mens Rea is a fundamental legal precept that goes to intention.
  4. no. It depends on the context. The advice was given in the context of reducing weight and insulin resistance. I don't doubt that many people have eaten potatoes and rice for centuries. Mainly, however, the potatoes and rice weren't traditionally white. Young people can eat anything if they are active but old people should largely avoid those foods.
  5. If Trump were to drop out or fail to be nominated, both highly unlikely in my opinion, there would be tremendous pressure on Biden to withdraw his nomination. That would eliminate the Kamala Harris problem as well. My pick would be Sheldon Whitehouse who has made it a mission to expose the dark money behind the Federalist Society and the supreme court picks. He's also been highly critical of Clarence Thomas. Whitehouse has a very sharp mind indeed.
  6. The message has been received. Lima Charlie. Retired Major League Baseball pitcher-turned-right-wing commentator Curt Schilling told Fox News host Jesse Watters on Friday that "somebody is going to have to pull a trigger" in retaliation to the criminal charges that were filed against former President Donald Trump by United States Justice Department special counsel Jack Smith. https://www.rawstory.com/donald-trump-curt-schilling/
  7. In a legal filing made late Friday, attorneys working for special counsel Jack Smith notified the court that information they will be handing over to Donald Trump's attorneys as part of the discovery process will contain some information on "ongoing investigations" that could lead to new charges. According to a report from Alan Feuer of the New York Times, those documents also contain information about "uncharged individuals.” Now that the former president has been arraigned in a Florida courtroom on 37 federal counts that include alleged violations of the Espionage Act, prosecutors are pressing forward with normal court procedures and the notice given on Friday puts Trump's lawyers on notice that there is likely more to come. https://www.rawstory.com/jack-smith-trump-2661459240/
  8. He will. The worst offenses havn't been charged yet. Somehow the right wing think a dozen or so seditious conspiracy charges or useful idiots who all claimed Trump told them to do it won't land home at the top.
  9. Who are these mysterious "handlers"? Just more maga talking points., Never a shred of evidence, names or anything tangible. Just fodder for feeble minds.
  10. Biden has been nowhere near this. Cut the conspiracy theories unless you can link to evidence other than mere accusations..
  11. No they don't but you wouldn't know. On your own admission you read nothing.
  12. Any excuse to ignore science. That he's boring isn't a consideration for me. Link to evidence. All your dietary advice is the exact antithesis of expert dietary advice.
  13. Give it a rest. I eat a Mediterranean diet in Thailand. It's myth that eating fat makes you you fat. Sugar does, incl sugar from carbs. Nothing else.
  14. As I suspected, you are uninformed if you disdain links (and therefore evidence). Where do you get the science from that tells you sugar and high carbs are good for you?
  15. Please stop. I provided a bunch of links previously which showed that modern medical advice is to eat more protein as you get older to prevent sarcopenia. And to reduce carbs. You have ignored and not addressed any of those links. At this point your advice is misinformation. The recommendation is 1g per kg of body weight. Protein can cause kidney damage if eaten in excess which is highly unlikely.
  16. I eat all fruit in moderation. I've read that the recommended levels are 2 or 3 pieces a day minimum. One of the above websites states that only watermelon and over ripe bananas are high glycemic load. Another unlinked site adds grapes to that list. A good way to eat fruit is after a protein shake or high protein meal as the protein inhibits insulin spikes. Also, go for a walk immediately after consuming the fruit. And resistance training a couple of times a week. A dietician told me that "if it's white, don't eat it".
  17. Consuming fruits that are low on the glycemic index is beneficial in managing Type 2 diabetes and may lower your risk for heart disease and high blood pressure, according to a study published in "Diabetologia" in February 2011. Most fruits won't spike your blood glucose and insulin levels if you eat them in the recommended serving size, which provides 15 grams of carbohydrates. https://www.weekand.com/healthy-living/article/healthy-fruit-options-wont-spike-insulin-18012959.php https://www.webmd.com/diabetes/fruit-diabetes
  18. The science is that everyone will. I don't drink fruit juices incl smoothies, they are basically on the sugar sh*t list. All dieticians will advise cutting sugar out of the diet these days.
  19. Only 39% found Biden favorable, and even fewer, 34%, found Trump favorable. Biden had an unfavorable rating from 52% of the respondents while Trump had 57%. small poll sample with 4% margin of error.
  20. Well, this will further dumb down the right. They will be religiously opposed to education now more than ever before.
  21. Sugar spikes insulin. Insulin spikes make you hungry. Hunger and cravings are a frustrating side-effect of high blood sugar levels. It can also be confusing: if there’s so much excess sugar in your bloodstream, why are your body and your brain craving more food? Here, we’ll look at why high blood sugars often come with cravings and what you can do about it. https://www.diabetesfoodhub.org/articles/high-blood-sugar-and-hunger.html
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