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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. There's no justification for exploiting a minor for nudity to generate a profit.
  2. What we know so far about Prince Harry's claims in Spare and a physical fight with his brother https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-01-05/prince-harry-spare-prince-william-fight/101830426
  3. You have not posted a shred of evidence to indicate that the palace was doing anything other than responding to Hussey's questioning of Ngozi. They weren't rambling off topic. Again, the palace's statement was about nothing other than Hussey's statement.
  4. What part of Russia's involvement in the Ukraine war is defending freedom? Or the Vietnam war for that matter?
  5. The OP is not about whether or not Pattaya is the best beach. It is undoubtedly one of the most popular beaches in the world. It was crowded with many thousands of people on several occasions in the past couple of months.
  6. Serendipity beach was truly a nice beach before they started building.
  7. I don't blame ordinary Russians for the actions of their government. I recall having to register for the draft during the Vietnam war when I was 19. My mates and I were very much against the war by that time (1973) and we discussed taking out rifles and going bush and living off the land. Fortunately, the draft was cancelled a month later. These Russian are doing what we talked about doing.
  8. In the North, manufacturing and industry was well established, and agriculture was mostly limited to small-scale farms, while the South’s economy was based on a system of large-scale farming that depended on the labor of Black enslaved people to grow certain crops, especially cotton and tobacco. Growing abolitionist sentiment in the North after the 1830s and northern opposition to slavery’s extension into the new western territories led many southerners to fear that the existence of slavery in America—and thus the backbone of their economy—was in danger. https://www.history.com/topics/american-civil-war/american-civil-war-history
  9. For the last time, the American Civil War was not about states’ rights American social studies curricula have long been hobbled by one of the most pervasive myths in US history: that the Civil War was fought to preserve (or undermine) the spectral concept of “states’ rights.” It’s a self-delusion some use to justify neo-Confederate pride: stars-and-bars bumper stickers, or remnants of Confederate iconography woven into some of today’s state flags. “It’s about Southern pride,” they insist. “It’s about heritage”—forgetting, intentionally perhaps, that slavery and its decade-spanning echoes are very much a part of the collective American heritage. https://qz.com/378533/for-the-last-time-the-american-civil-war-was-not-about-states-rights
  10. The new [Confederate] constitution has put at rest, forever, all the agitating questions relating to our peculiar institution — African slavery as it exists amongst us — the proper status of the negro in our form of civilization. This was the immediate cause of the late rupture and present revolution . . . The prevailing ideas entertained by . . . most of the leading statesmen at the time of the formation of the old constitution, were that the enslavement of the African was violation of the laws of nature; that it was wrong in principle, socially, morally, and politically. . . Those ideas, however, were fundamentally wrong. They rested upon the assumption of . . . the equality of races. This was an error https://www.nps.gov/liho/learn/historyculture/slavery-cause-civil-war.htm
  11. Next time someone says the Civil War wasn’t about slavery, show them this A lot of people like to pretend that the Civil War wasn't about slavery. That theory is a way of excusing the South, of saying that the Confederate cause wasn't fundamentally about preserving an evil institution. Seidule's argument is especially compelling because he's mostly just quoting Confederates' own words. He points out, for instance, that the secession document in every Confederate state stated that protecting the South's "peculiar institution" (that is, slavery) was its reason for leaving the Union. https://www.vox.com/2015/8/12/9132561/civil-war-slavery-video
  12. Another reading comprehension challenged person. I never suggested they were true, just that the allegations were cited. And before you have a cow about me criticising your comprehension skills I have made it abundantly clear in many posts on this thread that I was not making any claims about the veracity of their allegations, only that they made them. Members continue to want to put words in my mouth.
  13. You are the one splitting hairs. You're torturing the English language pretending that an official palace statement about nothing other than Hussey's comments and condemning racism isn't about her. What a joke. Nobody will buy that.
  14. What you believe and international law aren't necessarily the same thing. A person has to prove oppression from the government to claim refugee status. Try quoting me next time instead of yourself.
  15. Given that tourism (an export) is the economic mainstay these days, it makes good economic sense to keep the baht high. If they are buying baht then that's a smart move. Not one I like but understandable. Thailand does not need to stimulate tourism. The post covid appetite for tourism is doing the job.
  16. If it wasn't for conspiracy theories they'd have no argument.
  17. More of those refugees come from Guatemala than Honduras and there are definitely issues there which would qualify them for refugee status. Link posted previously in another thread.
  18. You mean the Thai property market hasn't been battered these last couple of years?
  19. While I support these Russians for not wanting to take part in their dictator's aggression, draft dodging doesn't meet the standard for refugee status. There' no political oppression.
  20. Yes it was. The south depended on cotton and it wasn't going to pick itself. https://www.nps.gov/cuga/learn/historyculture/upload/SLAVERY-BROCHURE.pdf
  21. That's going to happen anyway. The Republicans are the party of no.
  22. What is there to defend? She was in a movie topless at age 15. They were unable to sue when he was alive. The act covers children, not adults. Presumably, by the time they were old enough and had the wherewithal to sue the statute of limitations prevented them. They still need to prove their case which will be difficult because of the time elapsed. I suspect there will be the usual suspects along to blame the victims.
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