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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Only 38% voted to leave. Imagine that. No wonder they're peeved off. https://www.statista.com/statistics/568701/brexit-results-by-nation/
  2. I'm hoping that Trump does decide to run in the vain hope that it will deter the DoJ from prosecuting him. That will gin up his MAGA crowd and incite a fight between the freedom party and team normal for the house speakership and control of the agenda. If the far right win that fight it will doom the GOP for generations and they will have no choice but to form a third party. Either that or kneecap democracy. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/11/10/republican-losses-2022-midterms/ According to retired federal prosecutor Thomas Baer, "He thinks that if he is running for president this will cause prosecutors to drop their cases or think twice because it could be interpreted as political, a reaction to his running. The answer is: No, they will not hold back.”
  3. Most of the denizens of Scotland voted to remain.
  4. That second sentence is really torturing the English language. Most people would not read the result that way. By your definition, everybody voted to leave.
  5. I think that topic is going to come up again soon.
  6. A statistical perspective of how bad the election was for the GOP historically. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/11/10/republican-losses-2022-midterms/
  7. That's why the Russians continued their misinformation campaigns in election after election, because they had no effect?
  8. Correct me if I'm wrong, didn't the majority of Scottish vote to remain?
  9. If we're still looking for reasons that the GOP blew it, McCarthy's recent characterisation of Ukraine military assistance as a "blank check" didn't help much.
  10. Would it not have been reasonable for the US to prioritise a trade agreement with the EU before the UK after the UK unilaterally decided to leave the EU trade bloc? Should the US have given the much smaller market priority? I think Obama was simply laying out the reality on the ground.
  11. More buyer remorse. Remember the "It's time to start taking down names and kicking ass" guy? All self interest and no ethics. “It would be a bad mistake for the Republicans to have Donald Trump as their nominee in 2024,” Brooks told AL.com. “Donald Trump has proven himself to be dishonest, disloyal, incompetent, crude and a lot of other things that alienate so many independents and Republicans. Even a candidate who campaigns from his basement can beat him.” https://www.rawstory.com/mo-brooks-donald-trump-2658638824/?traffic_source=Connatix
  12. Political analysis in America would be enhanced by thinking of Donald Trump more like Hungarian strongman Viktor Orbán than an extreme Republican, a political scientist explained on Saturday. "The most maddening thing in US politics since 2015 has been people misreading Trump as a more extreme Republican, rather than as Palm Beach Orbán," wrote Brian Klass of University College London. "He’s an authoritarian, which means analysis that puts him into the normal US framework is consistently wrong. https://www.rawstory.com/trump-authoritarian/
  13. There was a strong (very strong) correlation between political affiliation and the brexit vote. I posted the chart. 2/3 of one party voting one way and 2/3 of the other party voting the other way is highly political.
  14. Just supports my view that the vote was fuelled by xenophobia, not economics.
  15. Trump is now trying to blame McConnell for the GOP senate loss. In the house, the fringe is demanding power to support McCarthy as speaker.
  16. Problem there is that nobody on the right calls out the fringe so they get tarred with the same brush.
  17. Theft and transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich. The poor paid the taxes which funded that wealth transfer. In no way was it refunding taxes paid by the wealthy.
  18. They were entitled to proceed with brexit after the vote. I believe it remains the case that there was a huge amount of foreign influence and misinformation involved in achieving that narrow majority. Now it's buyer remorse.
  19. I'm saying that winning by a gnat's hair isn't a mandate. Meantime, public opinion is solidly behind leavign as a mistake. https://www.statista.com/statistics/987347/brexit-opinion-poll/
  20. Here's yet another issue which cost the Republicans votes. They have a habit of picking the wrong side in foreign policy. Why the Saudis Aren't Crazy About Democrats | Opinion It comes on top of financially suspect contributions of billions of dollars of Saudi public money to investment funds run by Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner and former Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin. Saudi Arabia's sovereign wealth fund has funneled millions more into Trump-owned golf clubs hosting the breakaway LIV golf tour. ----- While insisting that his visit was intended to promote a peaceful solution to the Ukraine conflict, the UAE president's meeting with Putin in Saint Petersburg less than a week after OPEC's gift to Russia undermines international efforts to isolate a war criminal. https://www.newsweek.com/why-saudis-arent-crazy-about-democrats-opinion-1758669
  21. Sure, a third of the left voted leave and a third of the right voted remain. Most people would think that was a significant partisan split.
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