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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Please stop insulting our intelligence with false unsourced alternative facts. The new analysis for Carbon Brief, based on official figures and commercial data, shows China’s emissions have now fallen year-on-year for four consecutive quarters, extending what was already the longest sustained decline in recent history. The latest quarterly decline was driven by China’s ongoing real-estate slump, strict Covid control measures, weak growth in electricity demand and strong growth in renewable output. https://www.carbonbrief.org/analysis-chinas-co2-emissions-fall-by-record-8-in-second-quarter-of-2022/
  2. Good news anyway you cut it. Better in the hands of the RTP than the Chinese triads.
  3. As Donald Trump announced Tuesday night that he is running for president for a third time, one unlikely group was cheering him on: Democrats. “As an American, the idea of another Trump campaign and all of his lies and divisiveness and his efforts to undermine American democracy is an absolute horror show,” Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, an independent who caucuses with the Democrats, told The New York Times ahead of Trump’s announcement. “On the other hand, I got to say that as a politician who wants to see that no Republican is elected to the White House in 2024, from that perspective, his candidacy is probably a good thing.” https://edition.cnn.com/2022/11/15/politics/democrats-trump-2024-presidential-bid/index.html
  4. The more things change the more they stay the same in conservative land. "But as I've said before, the gravest threats to our civilization are not from abroad but from within," Trump argued. "None is greater than the weaponization from the justice system, the FBI, and the DOJ. We must conduct a top-to-bottom overhaul to clean out the festering rot and corruption of Washington, D.C." https://www.rawstory.com/trump-announces-and-im-a-victim-i-will-tell-you/
  5. The fact that he looks like he stepped out of a halloween movie?
  6. Aren't there already laws about preying on school children? Do anti woke laws stop this or any form of predation? How?
  7. For those train wreck afficionados, the action starts today in the house and senate leadership battles. Will Scott defeat McConnell? Good luck with that. Will McCarthy be challenged for the house speakership? Fun times.
  8. He might play well in god's waiting room but outside of there and a couple of deep red states like Texas who never wanted to be part of America anyway.
  9. To do what? Unite the country with his "God sent me" shtick and plans to replace democracy with theocracy? The right seem to be living under a delusion that they are in fact the silent majority but folks don't like to say so because of fear of the left.
  10. It's wrong to think that Trump's name keeps liberals going unless you're alluding to the Trump revulsion which also afflicts independents. The dems are ecstatic that Trump announced. That's different to 2015. A lot of Republicans aren't too thrilled either.
  11. Given that they've waited this long, the Feds will likely wait until after the runoff. I hope not but we'll see.
  12. Trump claimed he filled the national oil reserve but Biden emptied it. The fact is that the national reserve was less when Trump left office than when he assumed it. https://www.factcheck.org/2022/04/strategic-petroleum-reserve-oil-stocks-declined-under-trump-contrary-to-his-claim/
  13. "Nobody ever discusses nuclear weapons, can you imagine?" sheesh.
  14. Former Trump Organization chief financial officer Allen Weisselberg testified Tuesday that Donald Trump personally green-lighted untaxed benefits that are the center of a Manhattan criminal trial against several of the ex-president’s eponymous companies — including a gratis residence in New York City. “The rent was authorized by Donald Trump,” Weisselberg said less than two hours into his time on the stand in State Supreme Court in Manhattan. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/donald-trump-organization-tax-fraud-scheme-allen-weisselberg-testifies-1234631445/
  15. "If, as expected, Donald Trump announces tonight that he is running for president for a third time, one unlikely group will be cheering him on: Democrats," CNN editor-at-large Chris Cillizza wrote. "And there’s political logic here. The simple fact is that Trump has never won a majority of the national vote. https://www.rawstory.com/announcement-2024-trump/
  16. "Millions" of people crossing the "non existent southern border". "Blood in the streets" (mainly from domestic terrorists but he missed that). No war in his time, he got on great with the various countries. The lies keep flowing. The only countries he got on well with are our enemies.
  17. Trump said the missile landed 50 miles inside Ukraine, demonstrating his grip on facts. Not senile at all.
  18. When pro-Trump extremists stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, they probably weren’t thinking about the next election. But maybe they should have. ----------------- And that specter of the potential for authoritarianism in America may have been a greater motivator for voters in 2022 than inflation (single-digits equal to that of the average European country), the economy, immigration or even abortion. https://missouriindependent.com/2022/11/15/how-the-gops-expected-red-wave-crashed-on-the-rocks-of-the-insurrection/
  19. They're not publicly traded shares unless I'm mistaken
  20. Just to clarify, none of Trump's companies are public and none have shareholders.
  21. When she wonders how she lost the race, look at it -- this is the third election cycle in which Arizonans rejected Trumpism. In the final week of her campaign, who did she campaign alongside? She campaigned alongside Steve Bannon, she campaigned alongside one of the chief promoters of 'Pizzagate,' she campaigned alongside an individual who promoted the notion of a war on white people, she campaigned alongside state Sen. Wendy Rogers, who just earlier this year was here in Florida speaking at a white nationalist conference, somebody who frequently spews antisemitism." https://www.rawstory.com/kari-lake-arizona-2658649454/
  22. House committee finds Trump Hotel scoring huge profits from 6 countries 'at sensitive times' for their US relations At the time, the Saudis and U.A.E. were meeting with Jared Kushner about a blockade of Qatar, which is a U.S. ally and that has U.S. bases in its borders with 11,000 U.S. servicemembers. Despite the efforts of Trump and Kushner, the blockade imploded. It was ultimately revealed that Qatar paid Kushner's company $1.2 billion for the 666 Fifth Avenue property. https://www.rawstory.com/trump-hotel-profits-foreign-officials/?traffic_source=Connatix
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